Armed with the news of what my sister had told me, I stare at the red shirt on the clothes rack in JC Penny's, contemplating what I am going to do about the matter. Zakia wants me to leave it alone, while Zadia is looking to get even with this Seth Mills boy. Rather Zakia wants us to do something about it or not, something has to be done.
"Nubia?" Zakia calls my name and shakes me out of my reflection.
"Huh?" I blink at her trying to focus my eyesight and keep the irritation out of my voice.
"We are going to another store. Come on." She takes my hand and we follow our parents into another store called H&M. A lot of update fashion clothes around this store. I view the half stripped shirt that hangs on the rack and turn my nose up.
Who would wear this mess? Zadia runs up to the shirt and beam at it. Oh, yeah. I move away from the shirt so Zadia can look at it and roam around the place. I pace over to Zakia who is looking at a pair of black leggings.
"Have you spoken to mom and dad yet?" I make small talk with her and pretend to be interested in the assortment of colorful leggings on the wall.
"No, I figure I will be okay." Zakia nods picking up the black leggings.
"Are you sure?"
"No, but I don't want them to worry about me."
I groan, "Zakia, at least tell them you don't want to be there. I am sure they will put you in a different school."
"You don't want to go to Grandview anymore, Zakia?"
The voice of our mother startles Zakia and I. Zakia slinks back to the wall of leggings. "N-no, ma'am."
"Why not?" She puts her hands on her hips and cocks her hips to the side. I can't help but smile at that. "It is an excellent school, Zakia. You excel there."
"I just don't feel as though I fit in there, mom. I honestly would rather go back to a public school." Zakia decides to tell her. I stand there and listen still pretending to look at the ugly leggings.
"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to be back at a public school, sweetie?"
"Because I thought you would be mad because you spent all that money for me to get in. I didn't want you to be disappointed in me." Zakia hangs her head and shrugs her shoulders.
"Aww, sweetie. You can never disappoint us. We just want you to be happy and if you aren't happy, then we will try to make it so." She places a hand on Zakia's shoulder. "I will talk to your father and we will make the calls and get you in a public school."
Zakia hugs mom. "Thank you so much, mom."
Mom hugs her back. "You are welcome. Now, go back to shopping, you still need school clothes." She walks away towards dad.
I nudge Zakia in her side, she turns to me. "See, I told you it wouldn't be so bad."
"You are right. I just glad that I did not have to tell her the other reason why I don't want to go back to that school."
"Right."804Please respect copyright.PENANA2cmb9ZmmNY