School has been going on for a week now and I have made a few close friends and a few enemies due to me being a smartass. I don't care who likes me and who doesn't, though. I come here to learn, not be popular or see how many boys I can sleep with. My new friends are amazing. An Asian girl named Tilly Young, she is smart as hell with her huge black hues and short brown hair. Second is a goofy Hispanic girl named Morissa Baez with blue eyes and brown hair. And a sweet yet gothic Italian boy named Tazio Sanit 'Taz' for short with green eyes and curly auburn hair. We are all in the same grade and have most classes together. Also, I found out who Seth Mills is. He is this hot shot of a jock who has a lot of scholarships waiting for him when he graduates high school. I sneer at him with the stupid smile on his face as he talks to his buddies in the front of the classroom. Right then, I knew exactly what I am going to do to him.
"Nubia," Tilly nudges my arm causing me to flinch. I stare at her as if she has lost her mind. "Damn, sorry."
"What you want?" The annoyance dripping from my tone, my eyes slide over to Seth, who seems to have not a damn care in the world about what he did to my sister. High-fiving his buddies and shit. Oh, the choler I feel towards him.
"I wanted to know if you were busy this weekend. There is this rave," my attention goes to Tilly now. "at the Linse Hall and I wanted to know if you wanna go."
"I will see what my parents say about it. But, I would love to go." I hadn't been to a rave in a long time. We had small concerts at the rehab center, but nothing too big to where the nurses couldn't watch us.
"Great. I have told Morissa and Taz about it. And they said they can go. It would be a bummer if you can't."
"I know because I am always the life of the party." I joke and we laugh.
"Psh, as if, Nubia." A prissy voice sounds behind me.
I turn around to see popular whore Ave Messina, twirling her short brown hair around her finger. "Ugh, Ave, I am so not stuntin' yo ass right now. Looking like a fat ass Teletubby in that purple jumpsuit."
The students around us titter. Before she can get me with a comeback, the English teacher, Mrs. Siclari struts in with her head up high. The class looks forward and all mouths are now closed. Mrs. Siclari demands that we hand our work up and as she is grading papers, we get started on chapter one's questions in the back of the chapter. "Please write the questions as well." A groan escapes from the class but we do as we are told.
The first week of school surely went by quick. I think to myself as I write the first question and look for the answer throughout the book. It was easy as well, but the first week of school is always easy. But, being the new kid on the block and people always in my face about where I am from and why am I so dark, is the annoying part of it. Some of them even asked if I and Zadia are really sisters also about what happened to Zakia and why isn't she here this year. I didn't answer that question, was not my place to do so. I did come up with a lie. But, I did learn that Zadia is the sporty one of the three of us while Zakia is the shy and smart one of us. I am not sure where I will be placed, I hope it's something acceptable.
School went by quicker than I expected to. Tilly, Morissa, and Tazio caught the bus while Zadia caught a ride with one of her teammate's parents. I decided to wait around school after assuring Zadia that I will be okay walking home. The school isn't that far away. I slink away where people walking out of the school can't see me, that is not hard to do seeing as how I can blend in with the shadows sometimes. I sigh tiredly when Seth finally walks out of the school building with his group of buddies, after a few minutes of chatting with them, they finally go their separate ways, and Seth begins his walk home.
I silently follow behind him, careful not to make a sound. As soon as we pass a dark alley, I make my move by shoving him into the alley. I stare into his dilated pupils and hear his shortness of breath. He crawls backwards, "P-please don't hurt me." He begs.
The darkness covers my face and I try my best to distort my voice, "Why should I not?"
"I haven't done anything to anyone...or you, whoever you are." He stutters out the words.
A strong musky odor hangs in the air. "Right. You don't think you have done anything to anyone? I want you to think back. Far back..."
I pull out a 9-millimeter handgun from the front of my jeans. I bought these jeans baggy for this reason only. I point the gun in his face and he begins crying for his life. "I didn't hurt anyone, I swear. Please, don't kill me."
I stare at him and tilt my head to the side. "You are a pathetic little boy, aren't you?"
"I am. I am." He agrees with his hands in the air. "Just...please."
Without hesitation, I pull the trigger once and a bullet lodges in his right kneecap. He howls with pain clutching his knee. The smell of burnt flesh begins to fill the already musky alley. I then pull the trigger again and coldheartedly put a bullet in his other kneecap, Seth cries out and grabs the other knee.I watch the blood slow ooze out of Seth's knee as he continues to cry and begins to rock back and forth. I place the gun back into the front of my jeans and kneel down next to Seth, "Next time you decide to hurt someone that's innocent, the next one won't be your kneecap."
I stand up and turn to ensure the darkness is still covering my face and walk away. I don't call for help, I just leave him there.