It's been a few months now and the Seth case has been closed. School is still as boring as ever and I am still trying to get the swing of things. I was invited to Chili's sleepover but I decided against it. Well, Jafaris, my boyfriend teehee now that I'm calling him that actually had a date set up for us everything is going smoothly. But I couldn't tell Tilly I was ditching her to be with my boyfriend. But I'm sure if she had a boyfriend she would do the same.
But as I was saying things have been a lot better at home as well just with my parents. Zadia has been acting funny a lot since me and Jafaris got together and she still won't tell me why. I'm still chalking it up to jealousy. Zakia has been acting weirdly as well. So today when I got home from school I found out why.
Let me back it up to a few hours ago, I had Jafaris drop me off at home. It's nice that he has a car that way I don't always have to ride the bus. Upon Him dropping me off at home, there was just strange black Ferrari park in the driveway of my house. I automatically assume that my parents bought a new car; considering my dad did get that promotion but I wasn't quite sure. I said goodbye to Jafaris and kissed the side of his mouth. I grabbed my bag and quickly jumped out of his car. I ran to the front door of my house. I anxiously unlocked the door and you would not believe who I locked eyes with.
Seth Mills!! That's right the guy I shot is sitting in our living room talking to my father. My father says, "Don't be rude, sweetie. Say hello to our guest."
I am so stunned but I managed to say, "Hello."
My mind is going a thousand miles per second as I try to figure out what the hell he's doing here. My dad answers the question that's on my mind.
"He is here to take Zakia out on a date. She insisted that I meet him before they go while she gets ready. He is an amazing young man and has a lot going for himself. I and your mother do approve of this fine young man." His eyes sparkle with approval as Seth smiles.
I feel like I could just fall out on the floor and die. What the hell does he mean when he said a date. Like seriously.
"I see," I nod my head trying to gather the reality of what is really going on. "I'm going to go see if my sister needs help getting ready." My chance to escape and see what the fuck my sister is doing and what the hell is she thinking.
I didn't bother knocking all I did was bust up in Zakia's room.
"Why in the hell is Seth Mills in our living room talking about a date? Talking about taking you on a date?"
She giggles as she applies her eyeliner to eyes and says, "Well," She says the word long and drawn out. "We met at the mall the other day and we started talking. He was really nice, sweet, and smart. I also spoke to him about me being the one who had a crush on. When I told him that, he also seem to have been really apologetic about how he made me feel that day. He said he thought I was really cute and that he would like to take me out on a date as an apology for the way he treated me. And I proudly accepted." The way she said it like it was no big deal made my blood boil but made me think twice.
I can seriously pull all my hair out but then I started thinking. Before I say something provocative I go into my own room and close myself off from the world. Meaning, I locked my door and drew my black out curtains. After putting on some soothing meditation music, I try to center myself by sitting on the floor and meditating.
But, my mind is really spinning and I open my eyes to see the room is also spinning as well. I slowly stand up and begin pacing the floor trying to regain control of what I am just now hearing. If this guy supposedly humiliated her and tried to rape her then why is she giving him a chance? If he did all that stuff that was so bad and she told me about it...could she have lied? couldn't have all been true? But, why would she lie about that? Did I shoot an innocent person and not know it did you manipulate me into doing this. I sit on my bed and begin to rock a little starting to feel a little queasy. I don't know what to do or who to trust.