A horn honks from outside the house, I peek out the window to see Jafaris getting out of the car and walking up the driveway. My heart races as a smile spreads across my face, I wait for the doorbell to ring. It rings and I go to the door before anyone else does.
"Who is it?" I ask already knowing who it is.
"Jafaris Page."
My parents are looking at me with a weird expression on their faces, but my mom nods for me to open the door. I inhale and straighten up my shirt before opening the door, if you can't tell this is the first time I have been on a date.... ever. I open the door and the smile that appears on Jafaris' face is delightful to see.
"Are you ready?" He peeks in the house.
"Well, hello sir." My father waves from the kitchen table.
"Hello Mr. Lockenight."
I open the door a little wider and let him in. I watch the eyes of Zadia widen as he enters the house. Jafaris shakes hands with my father and waves to my mother. "I'm Jafaris Page."
"So, where will you be taking my daughter?"
Jafaris looks over at me as I am getting my bag. He looks back at my father, "Well sir, I would like to keep that a secret."
My father nods. I thought he would blow up and tell Jafaris that he needs to tell him where he is taking me. But, that didn't happen. "Alright, just make sure you bring her back at a decent time."
"I will, sir." He turns to me.
"Great." He follows me to the front door. When we get out of the door, Zadia quickly follows me. She grabs my arm and pulls me away from Jafaris.
"Zadia, what are you doing?" I ask annoyed.
"I don't think you should go. I really don't want you to go."
"We have already had this talk, Zadia."
"I just have a really bad feeling about him. His rep in town and around school isn't one to take lightly."
"Zadia, I have been to rehab and I have come out on top through a lot of hardships. I can take care of myself." I step back getting ready to go towards his car.
"Just be careful, sister. That's all I ask."
"Don't worry, Zadia. I will be okay."
Our parents come out on the front porch.
"See ya, guys later." I wave and they wave back. My sister still looks concerned and I am not completely sure why she is all of a sudden being like this. Overly protective. I get in Jafaris' car and he smiles at me.
"Are you ready?"
I nod, "I am."
We drive off.