After realizing that my sister probably lied to me, I actually confided in my friends and Jafaris. Something I don't do, I usually keep my personal business to myself but at this point. I had no idea what to do or what kind of siblings I'd come back to. That night I stayed in my room tettering between curling up and crying because of the lie my sister told me or be angry that she did lie. Nonetheless, I did start to feel guilty for shooting Seth, who was probably innocent of the situation.
At 3 am, I called Tilly, Taz, Jafaris, and Morissa to meet me at the nearest beach and for someone to bright a lighter and Girl Scout Cookies. About 4 am-ish, we are here lounging on the towels in the sand at the beach.
Taz passes the blunt to Tilly, she takes it. Before putting it to her lips, she says, "That'd be totally fucked up if she did lie," She then takes a hit of the blunt.
"There is no mutha fucking 'if' she did lie," Morissa exclaims. She turns to me, "Sorry, NuNu. But, that bitch did lie." She takes the blunt from Tilly.
That new nickname they gave me. Sounds like something very ghetto and uncoming. But, it's okay.
I know they are right, it just feels great to be surrounded by like-minded people.
"I feel like she did," I tell them.
"Babe," Jafaris calls and I turn to him. "she did lie to you."
Morissa passes the blunt to Jafaris. Jafaris doesn't take a hit but passes it to me. I take a huge and most needed hit. I cough a little.
"Nubia, here's how I see it," Taz begins. He sits his head up from Tilly's lap. "Seth may have rejected her advances and in turn she wanted to make him pay. SO, she knew you were still a little unstable after just coming out of rehab."
Yeah, I told them. I felt as though I had no choice. They didn't act any differently, but they did as a lot of questions. Basically asking me if it's as bad as the television makes rehab out to be. It's not. I told them it was really hard to adjust to at first. But, I got used to it. They didn't ask what I did, either. But, I was ready to tell them if they did.
"So, feeling hurt and rejected, she went to you and concocted this cockamamie story in order to get you to react." Taz continued. "Now, I am not sure why she changed schools. I guess one offered more than the other or to keep up the facade. But, my guess is for a solid alibi."
"That does make sense, Nubia," Morissa says.
"Yeah, they have changed." Jafaris says, "and I'm not sure if it's for the better."
"I am still stuck on the fact that she'd do something like that." Tilly says. "Zakia always seemed very well put together."
"Psh, boys will make you do some strange shit." Morissa eerily says.
"Yeah. Now, I'm just wondering what I should do."
The blunt continues to be passed around except for Jafaris. He'd recently gotten a job at a warehouse and since his prior drug use, he has to be clean. Because they do random drug test, plus he really loves his job.
"With them being your sisters, you kind of can't not talk to them," Tilly says shrugging her shoulders.
"Right." I nod.
"But, we don't want you to get in serious trouble trying to protect them either." Taz inputs. "Because push comes to shove, you'll kill know." He doesn't get any deeper because he knows I already know.
"Exactly. So, I believe I should just do my own thing. I mean they are my sisters, but with how they've changed...I want no part in that."
They nod agreeing.
"I feel like I've gotten a second chance at being what I want to be and doing the best I can." I felt like I was giving a presidential speech. "I truly don't want anything or anyone to mess that up. I have big plans for myself." Or like I am in the hood trying to get out and make a difference.
"Well, you've got a plan." Jafaris strokes my hair.
"It's to do what I've got to do without my sisters' drama."
"We are here to help you, Nunu." Morissa says and the others agree.
"Thank you. I really do appreciate you guys."
"We appreciate you as well, Nubia." Jafaris smiles.