With my mind spinning about me now being Jafaris girlfriend made it feel all the more real that I am out of the rehab center and in reality. Rolling over on my left side, I grab my phone and look at the picture Jafaris and I took while on the picnic date at the beach. Our first date and he definitely blew my mind. I put the picture as my screen saver and instantly regret it. I am becoming soft to this dating thing. Is this suppose to happen? Am I supposed to be this sappy and happy? I abruptly sit up and look around at my room wondering if I had completely lost my damn mind about this new relationship.
I smile and say, "Naw!" There is no way, one person can make someone feel this....happy. I try to science it up. "It's a chemical imbalance causing me to experience euphoria when it's really just...a... release of Oxytocin, dopamine, and vasopressin as well as estrogen and testosterone " I look up at the ceiling trying to remember what I studied. "So, it could be a temporary thing?"
Do I want it to be temporary? A knock on my door causes me to come out of my making excuses and back to reality. I get up and open the door to find my sister standing there with her arms crossed, looking quite annoyed.
"Hello, dear sister of mine." I greet with a smile hoping it will help.
"I heard you had a good time on your date with Jafaris." She roll her eyes.
I sigh, my euphoria now blown, but figured I could have fun with this. "It was awesome!" I spin around to the middle of my room. "We had a picnic on the beach, then he took me to the movies. We shared nachos and a huge soda. Then we went for a walk at this secluded lake. It was beautiful and warm, we also had ice cream on the way home." I feel myself getting giddy as I tell my sister about the date. "It was magical. Not mention, he paid for it all and he cooks." I flop on my bed and sigh lovingly. "Absolutely magical." I grab the teddy bear Jafaris gave me before he dropped me off home today.
I jump up, "Oh yeah. This is Dabby." I show her the pink camo teddy bear with a black tutu Jafaris got me. I loathe pink, but it's the cutest thing ever. I watch her cringe.
"I don't want you dating him, Nubia. He is bad news. Why would you believe me?" She whines and drops her arms beside her.
"Have you ever spoken to him or anything? Or did you just assume that because of his appearance?" I tilt my head after putting Dabby.
"He just isn't right for you, Nubia. He just isn't."
"Are you going to explain to me how the fuck you would know who's good for me and who isn't?" I knit my eyebrows at her. "You're suppose to support me. Not be jealous."
"I ain't jealous of your jailbait relationship!" She shouts, then exhales to calm herself. "I'm just trying to look after you. You're my sister."
"I appreciate that, but I can look after myself. Besides, I suspected this kind of behavior from father and mother, not my sister. Now, if you are done insulting my relationship, then you are free to leave."
"Nubia, please don't be mad at me."
"Oh," I sit at my desk and turn to her, "I am not mad at you. I understand you are trying to protect me. I really do." I begin to sympathize with her. "I just need to figure this out on my own. Now, if you have any additional information about Jafaris. Just tell me instead of saying 'he isn't right for me'. Do you have anything to tell me about him?" I knew how this was going to work. She was either going to tell me something I already knew or not tell me anything at all.
She shakes her head, "No, I don't have anything right now."
Just as I thought. "Okay. Just let me know."
She leaves my room. I am sure that all she wanted to tell me is something Jafaris and I have already discussed a few times before we made it official. But, if she does have something new to tell me. I want to know.