第八:【司空不宜留蔭】,因為在面相學上,司空乃發光之處,若額前留「蔭」遮及司空位,等於弄熄這盞明燈,黴氣、衰氣便會纏住你 不放,靈體鬼怪也容易接近你,故司空位的頭髮最好剪碎或撥開(針對這一點,如果看不懂的話可以給我留言,我可以嘗試在新書中加入這種環節, 帶大家了解一下。
第九:【夜晚逛街忌穿紅色衣服! 】夜晚外出之時,有兩大忌,一忌穿黑衣,皆因黑黑沉沉的顏色,鬼怪靈體最喜歡依附在此。 二忌穿紅衣,紅色對惡鬼來說,屬標奇立異的顏色,容易惹起注意,愛出夜街的男女要謹記。
第十:【切莫常將(鬼)字掛在嘴邊】! 日常生活中,很多朋友都是有口頭禪的,例如{你真的是個小機靈鬼}、{你怎麼這樣? 鬼都懶得搭理你! }、{小鬼你怎麼這麼可愛啊? }等等,都盡可能的做出改正,該禁忌並不分白天與黑夜的時間差異。
第十一:【爬山戴玉器! 】很多人喜歡趁著休息的時候爬山休閒娛樂,但由於高地濕氣重,加上許多動物死後,屍體腐化於此,無形中強化了無限的負面磁場。 不想見到“髒東西”,不妨戴上一些玉器飾物,藉此增強個人的正面磁場。
第十二:【不要對一些怪異的事情特別感興趣! 】類似【筆仙】之類的通靈遊戲千萬不要嘗試去做,因為無任何人能夠保證你的人身安全,網上雖然是可以找到很多請筆仙的方式,但是送走筆仙的方式卻 少之又少! 若不小心誤打誤撞觸犯了靈體,只能黴運纏身或重疾相隨了!
First: It is best not to have a mirror in the bedroom. If there is one, it must not face the bed.
Second: If you don’t draw the curtains and wake up in the middle of the night, don’t look towards the window.
Third: After getting into bed, put your slippers and shoes and socks outwards, and don’t put the toes of your shoes facing the bed.
Fourth: If a bed has not been used for a long time, change its position when you use it again to drive away evil spirits.
Fifth: Don’t open the curtains and look out at night. At least, cough before opening them, otherwise you may see something you shouldn’t see.
Sixth: If someone calls your name at night, don’t answer casually, especially in desolate and remote places (many friends have encountered this situation, and I won’t say much about what it feels like).
Seventh: When you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I personally recommend that you don’t look in the mirror.
Eighth: [It is not advisable to leave a shadow on Sikong], because in physiognomy, Sikong is the place where light shines. If you leave a "shadow" on your forehead to cover Sikong, it is equivalent to extinguishing this bright light, and bad luck and bad luck will haunt you, and ghosts and spirits will also be easy to approach you, so it is best to cut or push aside the hair on Sikong (for this point, if you don't understand, you can leave me a message, I can try to add this link in the new book to show you.)
Ninth: [Don't wear red clothes when shopping at night! ] When going out at night, there are two major taboos. One is to avoid wearing black clothes, because dark and heavy colors are the most popular for ghosts and spirits to attach to. The second is to avoid wearing red clothes. Red is a strange color for evil ghosts, which is easy to attract attention. Men and women who love to go out at night should keep this in mind.
Tenth: [Don't often mention the word (ghost)]! In daily life, many friends have catchphrases, such as {You are really a little clever ghost}, {Why are you like this? Ghosts don't bother to pay attention to you! }, {Little ghost, how can you be so cute? }, etc., try to make corrections as much as possible. This taboo does not distinguish between day and night.
Eleventh: [Wear jade when climbing mountains! ] Many people like to climb mountains for leisure and entertainment during their rest time, but due to the heavy humidity in the highlands, and the fact that many animals die and their bodies decay here, the infinite negative magnetic field is invisibly strengthened. If you don't want to see "dirty things", you might as well wear some jade ornaments to enhance your personal positive magnetic field.
Twelfth: [Don't be particularly interested in some weird things! ] Never try to do psychic games like [Pen Fairy], because no one can guarantee your personal safety. Although you can find many ways to invite Pen Fairy on the Internet, there are very few ways to send Pen Fairy away! If you accidentally offend the spirit, you can only be plagued by bad luck or serious illness!