隔天,我和父親一起去了村裡的札紙店。 父親剛走進店裡,就大聲喊道:“老李,扎兩個女娃娃出來,我急著用!”
The next day, my father and I went to the paper-crafting shop in the village. As soon as my father walked into the shop, he shouted loudly, "Old Li, make two girl dolls for me, I need them urgently!"
「爸,王老頭說了,要年輕漂亮的,一般的他可看不上。」這話可是王老頭說的。 既然答應了他的要求,就必須完成。
"Dad, Mr. Wang said he wants young and pretty ones; he won't settle for just any. That's what Mr. Wang said. Since I promised to fulfill his request, I must do it."
「你這孩子還小,不懂事。上了歲數的娃娃比較把火,太年輕的他受不了。到時候女娃娃到了地下,肯定會給王老頭戴綠帽子的。」我就納了,我爸 怎麼會對王老頭的身體狀況如此清楚? 再說了,上了歲數的娃娃還能叫娃娃嗎?
"You're still young and naive. Older dolls tend to calm one's fire, but Mr. Wang can't handle them. When those girls go underground, Mr. Wang will surely be cuckolded." I was puzzled, how did my dad know so much about Mr. Wang's health? And can older dolls still be called dolls?
他怎麼會知道王老頭身體不太好? 難不成還一起扛過槍嗎? 那不行,我答應了人家的事情就必須做到,要不然丟的可是我們老王家的面子!
How does he know Mr. Wang's health isn't great? Did they fight together in wars or something? No, that's not it. If I promised something, I must deliver; otherwise, it would bring shame to our Wang family!
我把這頂高帽子甩給了父親。 王老頭如果身體不好,完全可以給他燒一些補品過去嘛,幹嘛非要在女人身上打主意呢?
I tossed the responsibility to my father. If Mr. Wang isn't feeling well, he can just send him some tonics. Why bother plotting with women?
父親只好聽從,讓老李做了兩個年輕貌美的女娃娃。 在我堅持下,又買了兩輛車的六味地黃丸和一卡車的腎寶片,這下王老頭肯定要高興壞了吧!
My father had to comply and had Old Li make two young and beautiful girl dolls. Upon my insistence, we also bought two trainloads of six-flavor Rehmannia Pills and a truckload of kidney tonics. Now Mr. Wang must be thrilled!
我和父親來到王老頭的墳前,把兩個女娃娃燒給了他。 看出來,老頭很開心,墳頭的草開始不斷地搖擺,這讓我很欣慰。
My father and I went to Mr. Wang's grave and burned the two girl dolls for him. It was evident that Mr. Wang was very happy; the grass on his grave started swaying continuously, which brought me great relief.
While the burning of the girl dolls went smoothly, Mr. Wang resisted the two trainloads of six-flavor Rehmannia Pills and kidney tonics. The grass on his grave stopped swaying, and his dejected appearance was somewhat heartbreaking.
Suddenly, a gale force wind blew, nearly lifting my father and me into the sky!
「老王,你這麼激動幹嘛?我可都是為了你好啊,你還不領情了?」父親開始苦口婆心地勸說王老頭,務必接受這些補品;畢竟這可都是花了真金白銀買 來的,總不至於退還給札紙店吧?
"Mr. Wang, why are you so agitated? I'm doing this all for your own good. Can't you appreciate it?" My father began earnestly persuading Mr. Wang to accept the supplements; after all, we couldn't just return them to the paper-crafting shop, could we?
After a round of persuasion from my father, it indeed had an effect, and Mr. Wang finally accepted all the supplements, which were all successfully burned to ashes.
回家後的我,連續好幾天都夢到了王老頭,他一直保持著紅光滿面,鼻孔還不斷地噴著血,樣子很讓人心疼。 我想他應該是發燒感冒了吧,要不然怎麼會這樣?
After returning home, I dreamt of Mr. Wang for several consecutive days. He always appeared flushed, with blood continuously spraying from his nostrils. He must have caught a fever or a cold, otherwise why would he be like that?
"How about I burn you another two trainloads of fever-reducing medicine?"
"Get lost!"
"Hey, take a look, they still don't appreciate it, it's like sincerity to the bright moon, but the moon shines on the ditch~~~"
"Old Wang is now famous in their village, all the ghosts envy him endlessly."
"The last time it appeared in my dream, it whispered in my ear: Fake goods can kill people, even my wife's tires are leaking!"
"What the heck?"
Old Li from the paper shop sure knows how to play, to think he had such a plan? My original intention was to set up a girl for him, but Old Wang flatly refused.
He was very grateful that I burned six-flavor Rehmannia pills and kidney treasure pills for him. Now he has opened a medicine shop there, specializing in treating various difficult diseases, and the business is booming. He has become the richest man in the village. He has already built a small western-style building and even married a new wife.
Later, I found out that the wife Old Wang married was the one he had his eye on that day, an old lady in her eighties.
果然,還是父親和扎紙店的老李比較了解王老頭的喜好,歲數大的可能真的能把火滅。 時間過得很快,一轉眼我已經20歲了。
Indeed, it's Father and Old Li from the paper shop who understand Old Wang's preferences better. It seems that older women can really extinguish his fire. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I'm already 20 years old.
按照父親所說的那樣,我可以自由外出了,生日那天我很是開心。 但是父親卻全程哭喪著臉,一副很難過的樣子,他時不時地看著我,好像馬上就要失去我了一般。
As Father said, I can go out freely now, and I was very happy on my birthday. But Father had a mournful face the whole time, looking at me from time to time as if he was about to lose me.
"Dad, don't be sad. Even if I can go out, I will never go far away. I promise to let you see me every day."
I thought Father was sad because he was worried I would go far away and couldn't be with him. Later, I realized I was wrong."
父親一開始跟我說的那句 20 歲前不得踏出家門,果然是有講究的!
The phrase my father initially told me, "Not to step out of the house before turning 20," indeed had its significance!
At that time, in order to ensure a better life for my family, I didn't adhere to my father's teachings, which resulted in very serious consequences.
Despite my father's subsequent efforts, the outcome remained unchanged.
One night, a group of police suddenly stormed into our house and arrested me. I didn't say much and was thrown into a police car!
我很納悶,為何對我如此? 難道過個生日還犯法了嗎?
I was puzzled, why treat me like this? Is celebrating a birthday considered a crime?
As my father stood at the doorstep, smoking a pipe and watching me being escorted into the police car, his face showed no surprise, but rather calmness!
看來,白天他之所以會那麼傷感,完全是已經預料到我會有這麼一遭了。78Please respect copyright.PENANAphFKixsj9x
It seems that his sadness during the day was entirely because he foresaw that I would encounter such a situation.
My father's admonition not to step out of the house before turning 20 was indeed meant to protect me from harm, but I ended up ruining it all.
After being taken to the police station, I was falsely accused of being a tomb raider by the authorities, which left me feeling deeply aggrieved. 78Please respect copyright.PENANAcqkcH6NY22
It's true that I had an encounter with those tomb raiders on that day, but I wisely withdrew and never ventured into the tomb, nor did I participate in any of their activities. 78Please respect copyright.PENANAGnEvLauvkC
怎麼就變成盜墓賊了呢? 而且那次盜墓事件中還有兩人死亡,這是很嚴重的事。
How did I end up being labeled a tomb raider? Moreover, two people died during that tomb raid; it was a very serious matter.
真是冤枉透頂了! 再說了,那件事情已經過去這麼多年了,究竟是哪個烏龜王八蛋誣陷我,讓我承受這樣的牢獄之災?
I was completely unjustly accused! And to make matters worse, that incident happened many years ago. Who was the scoundrel who falsely accused me, leading to my imprisonment?
It wasn't until later that I found out that the tomb raiders from back then had split the treasures they looted from the tombs among themselves and were now living in luxury, residing in high-rise buildings and driving fancy cars.
Years later, these shameless tomb raiders continued their activities, arousing the dissatisfaction of many people, especially their relatives, who were envious to the extreme.
Consequently, their relatives took matters into their own hands and informed the authorities based on their speculations, leading to surveillance being placed on all of them.
Just a few days ago, these tomb raiders resumed their old ways, and the police caught them in the act.
When questioned by the authorities, they confessed to their crimes without hesitation. In order to reduce their sentences, they all implicated me, falsely accusing me of not only participating in the tomb raid but also claiming that I had instigated them to do so!
They are a bunch of shameless scoundrels who had planned from the beginning to make me the scapegoat. Otherwise, there is no way their testimonies could have been so perfectly coordinated!
Although they displayed some cunning, the police were still skeptical of the tomb raiders' testimonies.
當時的我只有18歲,怎麼可能懂得盜墓這種歪門邪道呢? 而且一大群年紀大的人會聽從一個小孩的話嗎? 這完全不合理!
Back then, I was just 18 years old, how could I possibly understand the twisted ways of tomb raiding? Moreover, would a large group of older adults really blindly follow the instructions of a teenager? It's simply unreasonable!
In order to verify the authenticity of the tomb raiders' testimonies, the police later interviewed the public.
不幸的是,有位多嘴的村民聲稱,儘管我年紀輕,但從小就跟隨父親四處旅行,對各種不正當活動都很熟悉。 這番話真的把我給害了!
Unfortunately, one gossiping villager claimed that despite my young age, I had been traveling with my father and was familiar with all sorts of shady dealings since childhood. These words really threw me under the bus!
那個「女鬼」也很調皮。 趁我父母熟睡的時候,她暗地裡在我們家門前埋了很多文物。 當警方來到我家,挖出那些文物後,完全證實了我的罪名!
The "female ghost" was also mischievous. While my parents were sound asleep, she secretly buried many artifacts in front of our house. When the police came and unearthed those artifacts, it completely solidified my guilt!
Despite my continuous assertions of innocence, my words seemed feeble in the face of numerous witnesses and physical evidence.