鼻樑太低好像塌下去的人,一般沒有什麼主見,行動力和戰鬥力也很弱,遇到些困難,首先想到的就是逃避,臨陣脫逃這樣的事情發生在他們身上是很常見的,跟這樣的人 打交道是很難受的。
這類人很不適合創業,因為創業初期都很艱難,而他們在遇到這樣的危機時,首先想到的就是放棄,那些投進去的人力、物力、財力最後也打水漂,不僅如此,他 還會慫恿別人放棄,讓努力奮鬥的人失去動力。
這樣的人,即使在不說話的時候,嘴巴經常也是微微張開,而且嘴角微微朝上揚的,此類面相的人一般比較淳樸,沒有什麼心機,想事情簡單不會去算計別人,經常會被 別人欺負,甚至被別人佔了小便宜。
但是他們從來不會計較點滴的得失;能夠原諒別人,或者能站在他人的立場去體諒那些冒犯過他的人,所以,他們最終是能夠擁有很不錯的人緣的,俗話說“不打不相識 ”,這樣的人傻人有傻福,在一生當中常會受到貴人相助。
在面相學上認為,鼻孔外露的人容易破財,但是如果鼻子鼻孔只是微微的往外露,再加上鼻子很大(鼻翼寬且肉多)的話,我們則認為這樣這樣的人天生傻人有傻 福的面相。
鼻孔外露的人,雖然更加容易會漏財和失財,但是呢,這種人鼻子很大,而且肉多,肚量心胸大,他們一般都會懂得有捨有得的辯證道理,這樣的人,往往 最後都可以得到很多財,或是事業上能有非凡的成就。
同時,擺放文具也可影響風水,家中有筆筒的話,可以在筆筒內放四支筆,最好是羊毫,然後放置在正西方或西南方,這是由於古時羊毫就是代表文昌,有催 旺作用,也有助考試順利。
The ears of a man's brother are lower than his eyes, his nose is flat, and the distance between his eyes is wide. Usually, people with this kind of face are not smart.
If a person's ears are not higher than his eyes, then this person is probably not smart enough. Others can solve the same thing in a few steps, but they may still not figure it out after a long time.
When he was in school, his academic performance was not good. He would often doze off and not hand in his homework on time. When he was working, he was an opinionless follower. He followed what others did, but he couldn't do it well, so he was always laughed at.
Flat nose:
People with a nose that is too low and seems to have collapsed, generally have no opinion, and their action and fighting power are also weak. When they encounter some difficulties, the first thing they think of is to escape. It is very common for them to desert the battlefield. It is very uncomfortable to deal with such people.
Such people are not suitable for starting a business, because the early stage of starting a business is very difficult, and when they encounter such a crisis, the first thing they think of is to give up. The manpower, material resources, and financial resources invested in the end will also go down the drain. Not only that, he will also encourage others to give up, making those who work hard lose motivation.
Wide distance between eyes:
People with wide distance between eyes have simple minds. They always think things in a one-track mind. They always think that everything is simple and don’t need to think too complicated.
And they are also very generous. They will not hold grudges against unfair things that happen to them. They live freely and carefree.
Although they are very free and easy, they are a little stupid in the eyes of outsiders, because people who always suffer losses should not have very flexible brains.
There is a reason why I say that this person still has a way to change his fate. His mouth is open, and the corners of his mouth are raised, his nostrils are slightly exposed, and his nose is very big. This is a typical face of a fool with good fortune.
Although he is not smart enough, he does not have to suffer or starve to death, and he often has noble people to help him.
Physiognomy is still very accurate. You can see that this person does not need to intrigue, but he has a lot of property. This is a kind of blessing of a fool with good fortune.
First, let's analyze in detail the face of a person with an open mouth and raised corners of the mouth:
Such a person, even when not speaking, often has a slightly open mouth and slightly raised corners of the mouth. People with this kind of face are generally simple, without any scheming, and think simply and don't calculate others. They are often bullied by others, or even taken advantage of by others.
But they never care about the gains and losses; they can forgive others, or stand in the position of others to understand those who have offended them, so they can eventually have a very good popularity. As the saying goes, "No fight, no acquaintance", such a person is a fool with a fool's luck, and he will often be helped by noble people in his life.
And many noble people are often the so-called bullies at the beginning.
If you can participate in work, you can also get the appreciation of your superiors and colleagues, and the support of your subordinates at work.
The second type is people with slightly exposed nostrils and big noses:
In physiognomy, people with exposed nostrils are prone to losing money, but if the nostrils are only slightly exposed, and the nose is big (wide nose wings and fleshy), we think such people are born with a face of stupid people with good fortune.
Although people with exposed nostrils are more likely to lose money, such people have big noses and a lot of flesh, and they are generous and broad-minded. They generally understand the dialectical principle of giving and gaining. Such people often get a lot of money in the end, or achieve extraordinary achievements in their careers.
Combining the above physiognomy, as long as my method is correct, the man's younger brother can not only restore his intelligence, but also choose to work, and his future is bright!
If you want to change a person's intelligence, you must first enrich your personal cognition.
To enrich personal cognition, you must start with culture.
As long as he has the ability to think independently and has a serious research mentality, he will make great progress within two years!
I first placed a nine-story Wenchang Tower (made of talisman paper, not easy to fall) on the table in his room.
Because Wenchang is the Four Green Stars, and forms a Feng Shui auspicious number with nine, the nine-story Wenchang Tower is directly helpful in enhancing the power of Wenchang. Wenchang Towers can also be found in some Feng Shui crafts stores.
I also placed a pot of asparagus fern in the southwest of the closet, because asparagus fern represents books, which helps to promote the prosperity of Wenchang Star. It can not only enhance academic luck, but also green the room.
I also changed the head of the bed and changed the direction, which helps memory.
If you have children at home or are preparing for pregnancy, you can also try it, which has obvious effects.
If you have a boy at home, you can turn the head of the bed to the southwest, and a girl can turn the head of the bed to the west, or place the bed in the southwest or west, which can promote Wenchang and help improve memory.
At the same time, the placement of stationery can also affect Feng Shui. If there is a pen holder at home, you can put four pens in the pen holder, preferably sheep hair, and then place it in the west or southwest. This is because sheep hair represented Wenchang in ancient times, which has a promoting effect and also helps the exam go smoothly.
I took out the lancelet from the bag and handed it to the man's younger brother, asking him to wear it and not throw it away.
If a person wears a lancelet pendant, it can also effectively improve knowledge and cognition.
After arranging all this, the man's younger brother had obvious changes.
He got off the bed, looked at the dirty and messy room, and seemed to collapse a little, and muttered:
"My room is not even as good as a pig sty~"
The elder brother was very excited to see that his younger brother had regained consciousness, and the two brothers hugged each other tightly.
After the two of them cleaned up the room together, they kept saying thank you to me.
Especially the younger brother was more obvious. He remembered that before his father died, he gave most of the inheritance to himself, and he felt very guilty, so the two brothers recalculated the amount of the inheritance and divided it equally.
The knot in the elder brother's heart was released, and the younger brother became a normal person. As long as the feng shui of his family does not change, I can guarantee that he will have no worries about food and clothing!
I decided to move the old man's grave to a suitable location. The two brothers agreed with my idea and expressed their willingness to pay for the relocation.
I smiled. I probably won't make any money on this trip. As long as the two brothers can reimburse me for all the expenses, I will be satisfied~~
Back in the grave circle, I looked at all the graves and fell into deep thought. It seems that there is no place in this area that is a good place for Feng Shui. In other words, if I want the old man to calm down completely, I need to find a place in other areas!