The man listened to me and seemed to gain confidence from what I said; although I hadn't helped him solve the problem yet, he felt like the tumor in his body had disappeared.
I found the man's brother in the village's mahjong room, where he was standing at the table, counting stacks of cash with great excitement.
In such a small village, the mahjong room hid a big gambling scene, far beyond what someone like me could afford.
I stood there watching for a long time; this guy was really lucky, winning nearly three thousand dollars in less than ten minutes!
"Well, damn, this is really fishy! Are you cheating, buddy?"
One gambler, red-eyed from losing, began to suspect foul play.
"Hey, I'm telling you, are you even a man? Acting like a sissy! Do I look like someone who cheats?"
The entire mahjong room quieted down, all eyes on him, unanimously nodding as if they all agreed he was suspicious.
"It looks to me like your luck was terrible before, now suddenly it's so good, you must be cheating!"
Seeing this, I backed out of the mahjong room. By then, I had a pretty good idea that whoever was pulling the strings behind the scenes had something up their sleeve!
Otherwise, simply relying on the furnishings inside the courtyard wouldn't be enough to transfer the luck. There must have been a charm placed in front of my employer's door by the villain!
Back at my employer's house, I had him take an iron hoe and start digging in front.
After digging about two feet deep, a copper coin appeared before us.66Please respect copyright.PENANAhZ76FdsMG0
"停!找到了!" 我蹲下身去,拿出那一枚銅錢,仔細地端詳起來。
"Stop! We found it!"I crouched down, took out the copper coin, and examined it carefully.
"That's it!"
There was a layer of dark substance covering the copper coin in my hand. If I wasn't mistaken, the substance on this coin should be blood!
(被血浸泡過的銅錢,可謂大邪鎮物! 不能使用!)
(The copper coin soaked in blood can be considered a potent cursed object! It must not be used!)
And the bloodstains on the copper coin belong to brother!
父親曾經給我講過一個故事,從前有個地主,家底殷實,整日吃香喝辣,大魚大肉為伴,但是地主的心腸很是歹毒,完全不把長工們當人看待,以牲畜的方式對待他們。 整日讓長工們幹很重的工作,還對其進行打罵,吃地主家的殘羹剩飯。
My father once told me a story. In the past, there was a wealthy landlord who lived a lavish life, indulging in fine food and drink. However, the landlord had a cruel heart and treated his workers like animals, subjecting them to heavy labor, insults, and feeding them with leftovers.
Many of the weaker workers couldn't withstand such harsh conditions and died with resentment in their hearts.66Please respect copyright.PENANAzEK711GxaH
Among them was a clever worker who harbored a wicked idea against the landlord. Since death was inevitable anyway, he thought, why not give himself a chance to turn the tables?66Please respect copyright.PENANAb0RG9NPD7t
He recalling a book he had read before, which detailed methods of altering one's fate, he decided to give it a try. Taking advantage of the landlord's deep sleep,.
He sneaked into his house with a knife and a bowl, covered the landlord's mouth and nose, and made a cut at his artery.66Please respect copyright.PENANANz0Ffhk5xb
As fresh blood flowed down the landlord's neck and into the bowl prepared in advance, the worker silenced any outcry from the landlord.
Soon, the bowl was filled with blood, and the worker fled the village with it, saving the landlord's life by bringing timely help.66Please respect copyright.PENANA6VQVWY1Y8V
Following the steps outlined in the book, the worker found a copper coin and threw it into the bowl filled with the landlord's blood. After soaking for a day and a night, he stealthily returned to the village.
In the middle of the night, he buried the coin soaked for a day and a night in the soil at the doorstep of the landlord's house and left with satisfaction.66Please respect copyright.PENANAhjz8LLQupT
The next day, the landlord began experiencing various health problems, and a group of bandits raided his house, looting all his wealth. In a short time, the landlord met his demise.
而那長工的命運真的 得到了改變,沒用一週的功夫,就有了兩輩子都花不完的錢財!
As for the worker, his fate truly changed. In less than a week, he acquired wealth that could last for generations!
When I was young, I thought my father's story was just for fun and didn't take it seriously. But when I saw this copper coin stained with blood in front of me, I realized that this story must be true.
Father also told me that some people with deep spiritual cultivation can soak copper coins not with the blood of the owner, but with their own blood, and achieve the same effect.
我問了雇主,他說自己沒有出現過流血事件。 所以我斷定,我手中那枚銅錢上的血液,一定是雇主賭徒哥哥的。
I asked the employer, and he said he had never experienced any bleeding incidents. So I concluded that the blood on the copper coin in my hand must be from the employer's gambler brother.
The gate of this courtyard is very particular; it determines the fortune of a family.
The door is a watershed in the home, and the gate is the mouth of the entire residence, which has a significant impact on people. Therefore, the quality of door decoration directly determines the smoothness of the household's career, the harmony of the family, and the health of the family members.
People often say that wealth flows in abundance, and this statement is absolutely true.
The direction of the door should not directly face filth, such as public toilets, garbage collection stations, etc.
The door is where the airflow enters and exits. If it faces filth, impure air can easily enter the room, affecting the indoor environment and bringing bad luck to the household members.
The door of the household should not directly face the door of the neighbors, as this can easily leak each other's privacy and lead to disputes between neighbors, affecting the neighborhood's environment.
Now, a copper coin soaked in someone else's blood is buried at the employer's house gate, which is equivalent to the owner of the courtyard accepting all the luck.
If all the luck is intercepted by others, then the owner of the courtyard will be in a state of luck shortage. Moreover, the employer's house planted three trees representing cold and gloominess. It's hard to avoid misfortune!
I explained the mystery of the copper coin to the employer, and the man was completely devastated. He, who has always been kind-hearted, never imagined that his own brother could do such a thing.
"Master, what should I do?"
"An eye for an eye!"
雇主同意了我的想法,我讓他帶我走進茅房之中,忍著通天的惡臭,將那一枚銅錢扔進了茅坑之中 ,隨後找來趁手的工具,將沾滿屎的銅錢撈了出來,重新埋回原來的位置上。
The employer agreed with my idea. I asked him to take me into the outhouse, endure the terrible stench, and throw the copper coin into the pit. Then, I found a handy tool, fished out the copper coin covered in feces, and buried it back in its original place.
"All right, let's go to the chess room now and see the effect?" The employer looked puzzled by my actions. He had no idea what I was doing. It wasn't until we arrived at the chess room that he understood my intentions~~
"Hey~~ what's going on? How come my luck is so bad all of a sudden? Can't win a single hand!
嘿,我說你們這群兔崽子, 是不是給老子出千?
Hey, I'm talking to you guys, did you cheat me?"
"You've only lost two hands, and you're accusing us of cheating? What's the matter, only you're allowed to win to be considered normal?"
「嘿,你可別說,我的手氣完全不可能輸的 ! 了,不應該啊?
"Hey, don't you dare say that my luck could possibly be this bad! It doesn't make sense!
"What the hell, 'master'? This is bullshit! If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I'll dig up your ancestors' graves!"
這賭徒嘴裡說的那個人一定是為他指點迷津的高人,我與雇主 決定跟在賭徒身後,一探究竟~~~
The person mentioned by this gambler in his mouth must be the high person who guided him. The employer and I decided to follow the gambler and find out what was going on~~~