擁有如此面相的女人,不但不會對媳婦好,就連身邊的人都會受到不同程度的迫害,所以家中有這種面相的人需要注意,一定要與鄰里之間處好關係,來彌補 此人所犯的罪惡。
這種嘴巴,大多都是話嘮者,喜論人長短說是非,而且喜歡暗地裡隱忍較勁,表面上看似很不在意某些事情,其實在心裡卻很是關注,經常出沒在村頭或者村尾 ,對別人家裡的人評頭論足,發表各種自認為很正確實則完全錯誤的不當言論。
鼻樑上有很明顯的肉,而且起節,多半會出現性情不足的情況,性情多執拗古怪,脾氣不太好,長期相處起來會感到有壓力,即使是常年低頭不見抬頭見的家人,也會 忌憚幾分,不敢輕易招惹,更別提對媳婦的態度了。
鼻頭尖垂的人,多有心計,比較苛刻,喜歡計較,總覺得別人家的媳婦才好,並不會看到自家媳婦的優點長處,這個時候,就需要丈夫挺身而出,及時改正一些看法 ,才能避免婆媳之間產生不必要的爭論。
眼神看起來兇惡的人,不論男女,其性情都會比較冷酷,個性都比較強勢,刻薄,特別是涉及到利益方面上的問題,他能與你動刀子,這樣的人不要輕易招惹,如果身邊有 這樣的人,個人建議脫離關係,或順他心意,不可輕易忤逆,這一條很重要!
這種面相的婆婆,性情個性會比較奇特,更多向著自家人的,很難會向著媳婦,有時候明明心中跟明鏡一般,知道是非對錯,卻能做出很明顯的偏袒行為,來針對 媳婦,這種行為也就是世人常說的,揣著明白裝糊塗,能將這點做到精髓的人,往往都是大佬等級的人物。
這種面相的人,內心敏感,多心思心計,防範之心也強,時間久了自然也是不太好相處,跟這樣的人打交道會很累,你說真話的實話,他認為你對他 有所隱瞞或選擇不信任,說假話的時候,他會認為那你心思不善,整日謊話連篇,會認為自己做的都是對的。
這種面相,大多能言善辯,較為精明刻薄,吃不得虧,相處起來也是容易有矛盾,不要試圖說服這樣的人,因為根本就不可能,即使表面上服氣,其內心深處,也會 認為你的行為是錯誤的,即使因此造成了很嚴重的後果,也不會認為自己有錯,還會將所有的過錯推到其他人的身上,來掩飾自己。
這種面相,性格很主觀,原則性強,聰明有頭腦,拼智慧是拼不過她的,總希望媳婦能按照自己的生活習性來辦事,如果出現了不順心的事情,就會想盡一切 辦法,來扳回一城。
那老太婆沒等我開口,就開始對我出言不遜起來,這讓我很是難堪,原以為她兒子會從中調解,避免尷尬的事情發生,卻發覺完全想錯了,他竟然站在那裡低著腦袋 ,一個字都不敢說。
這一老一少很是可笑,自己都快要被厲鬼折騰死了,竟然還搞不清楚事情的輕重,我這一個外人,冒著生命危險來幫他們度過難關,竟然被如此對待,實屬 是給他們臉了!
並非我思想極端,短短的相處,就讓我生了一肚子的氣,更不要提經常在這個家裡生活的產婦了,肯定也是沒有度過一天的好日子,現在它心中有滔天的怒火, 完全能夠理解。
「既然不歡迎我,那我就離開了,還有,我勸你最好多做善事,少做禽獸之事,這樣對你的心臟有很大的好處,如果你非是不聽的話也行 ,最多只剩下不到一個月的壽命了~~”
人的心臟不好,是可以從面相上看出來的,心臟病患者一般都會出現嘴唇發紫的情況,這種情況在醫學上稱為“紫紺”,容易發生在嘴唇、耳朵、指甲等部位, 身體的血液循環不好,供血不足的時候,這些部位可能就會出現紫色,但是並不是所有心臟有疾病的人都會發紫。 想確定是不是有心臟方面的疾病,還可以結合這三種特徵來判斷。
心臟有問題的人大部分脖子都比較粗,脖子較粗的人「三高」指數都偏高,這些都和心臟病有密切的關係,所以如果男人頸圍大於39厘米女人頸圍大於35厘米, 就要引起重視了。
正常人臉部浮腫,可能是睡覺之前飲用了大量的水所導致的,但是可以慢慢恢復原來的狀態,但是臉部出現浮腫並且不能回彈,就很有可能是心臟出現了問題,這個時候 需要多加重視才行。
This woman has a pursed mouth, a knotty nose bridge, a pointed nose tip, fierce eyes, drooping eye tails, prominent brow bones, sparse eyebrows, small pointed ears, thin lips and pointed face, a prominent forehead and a straight nose bridge.
A woman with this face probably looks like this
A woman with such a face will not only not be good to her daughter-in-law, but even the people around her will be persecuted to varying degrees. Therefore, people with this face at home need to pay attention and must have a good relationship with their neighbors to make up for the sins committed by this person.
A pursed mouth:
Most people with this kind of mouth are chatterboxes who like to talk about other people's shortcomings and like to endure and compete secretly. On the surface, they seem to care very little about certain things, but in fact they are very concerned in their hearts. They often appear at the head or end of the village, commenting on other people's families, and making all kinds of inappropriate remarks that they think are very correct but are actually completely wrong.
Nose bridge with knots:
If there is obvious flesh on the bridge of the nose, and the knots are formed, it is likely that the temperament is insufficient, the temperament is often stubborn and weird, and the temper is not very good. It will feel stressful to get along with the person for a long time. Even family members who have been seeing each other for a long time will be a little wary and dare not easily provoke, not to mention the attitude towards the daughter-in-law.
Pointy nose:
People with pointed noses are often calculating, harsh, and like to care about things. They always think that other people's daughters-in-law are better, and they will not see the advantages and strengths of their own daughters-in-law. At this time, the husband needs to stand up and correct some views in time to avoid unnecessary arguments between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law.
Fierce eyes:
People with fierce eyes, regardless of gender, will have a cold temperament, strong personality, and mean personality, especially when it comes to issues related to interests. He can use a knife with you. Don't provoke such people easily. If there are such people around you, I personally suggest that you break off the relationship, or follow his wishes, and don't disobey easily. This is very important!
Drooping eyelids and prominent brow bones:
Mother-in-laws with this face have peculiar temperaments and personalities. They are more inclined to their own family members and rarely to their daughter-in-law. Sometimes, they know right from wrong, but they can show obvious partiality to their daughter-in-law. This behavior is what people often say, pretending to be ignorant. People who can do this to the core are often bigwigs.
Sparse eyebrows and small pointed ears:
People with this face are sensitive, scheming, and defensive. It is naturally difficult to get along with them over time. It is tiring to deal with such people. If you tell the truth, he will think that you are hiding something from him or choose not to trust him. If you tell a lie, he will think that you have a bad mind and lie all day long, and think that everything you do is right.
Thin lips and pointed face:
This kind of face is mostly eloquent, shrewd and mean, and can't bear to be wronged. It is easy to have conflicts when getting along with such people. Don't try to persuade such people, because it is impossible. Even if they are convinced on the surface, they will think your behavior is wrong deep in their hearts. Even if it causes serious consequences, they will not think they are wrong, and will push all the faults to others to cover themselves up.
Prominent forehead and straight nose:
This kind of face has a very subjective personality, strong principles, smart and smart. You can't compete with her in wisdom. She always hopes that her daughter-in-law can do things according to her own living habits. If something goes wrong, she will try every means to turn the situation around.
Of course, the face cannot be judged alone, and the overall face should be taken as the standard.
The more characteristics mentioned above, the more attention should be paid to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Try not to live together. It is best for the mother-in-law not to interfere in the lives of the children, so as not to cause conflicts between them and even marriage crisis.
After all, it is really difficult for young people nowadays. They should always maintain a harmonious atmosphere when they return home, so that they can have a good family life. As long as the family is harmonious and smooth, no matter how many ups and downs they have, they can get through them together!
"Where did this charlatan come from? He hasn't even grown his hair yet? He dares to call himself a master? It's ridiculous!"
The old woman started to speak rudely to me before I could speak, which made me very embarrassed. I thought her son would mediate and avoid embarrassing things, but I found that I was completely wrong. He actually stood there with his head down and didn't dare to say a word.
This kind of man who can't even fart is really difficult to get along with, and people hate him very much!
This old and young are ridiculous. They are about to be tortured to death by the evil spirit, but they still don't know the severity of the matter. I, an outsider, risked my life to help them through the difficulties, but I was treated like this. It's really giving them face!
It's good to let this kind of ungrateful thing die on its own. If necessary, I am even willing to help the evil spirits get rid of their lives in advance!
It's not that I am extreme in my thinking. A short time together has made me angry, not to mention the pregnant women who often live in this house. They must not have had a good day. Now it has a raging anger in its heart, which is completely understandable.
When he was alive, he was not treated well, and he did not experience the happiness brought by love.
After death, he was not valued by anyone, as if he had never come to this world. Moreover, the two people who caused his death did not have a little remorse. This is unacceptable to everyone!
"Since you don't welcome me, then I will leave. Also, I advise you to do more good deeds and less beastly things. This will be very good for your heart. If you don't listen, it's okay. At most, you only have less than a month left~~"
I can see from the old woman's face that this person has a bad heart and a very serious heart disease. If there is no external intervention, at most, there is less than a month left to live.
Besides, there are evil spirits coming to claim his life now. It is estimated that he will have a heart attack tonight and die.
If a person has a bad heart, it can be seen from his face. Patients with heart disease usually have purple lips. This situation is called "cyanosis" in medicine. It is easy to occur in the lips, ears, nails and other parts. When the blood circulation of the body is not good and the blood supply is insufficient, these parts may appear purple, but not all people with heart disease will turn purple. If you want to determine whether there is a heart disease, you can also combine these three characteristics to judge.
First, the neck becomes very thick:
Most people with heart problems have thicker necks. People with thicker necks have higher "three highs" indexes, which are closely related to heart disease. Therefore, if a man's neck circumference is greater than 39 cm and a woman's neck circumference is greater than 35 cm, it should be taken seriously.
Second, yellow lumps appear around the eyes, that is, eyelid xanthomas:
Subcutaneous fat accumulation caused by high lipoprotein is common in people around 45 years old. This indicates that there may be obstacles to lipid metabolism in the human body, which is also a factor inducing heart disease.
Third, the face is often swollen and does not rebound:
Normal people's facial swelling may be caused by drinking a lot of water before going to bed, but it can slowly return to its original state. However, if the face is swollen and cannot rebound, it is very likely that there is a problem with the heart, and more attention should be paid at this time.
All these characteristics can be seen in the old woman, so I concluded that her condition is very serious!
I bet that as long as I turn around and leave, the old woman will call me and flatter me in various ways.
People know themselves very well, and what kind of person they are, they know better than anyone else.
Especially for people like the old woman, what she is most worried about is the life span. Good people do not live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years. This is well-founded. I said that her life span is less than a month, which must have a great impact on her!
People of this age understand a truth, it is better to believe it than not to believe it~