十天后,從省城之中來了一個富商,指名讓沈師傅成為自己的供貨商,那富商出手很是闊綽,直接甩出來一張價值千萬的訂單,這讓沈師傅興奮的好幾 天都沒有睡著覺!
送走富商之後,沈師傅就提著名煙名酒來到了我家,將五萬塊錢還給了我,還對我各種阿諛奉承,簡直把我誇到了天上,說實話這種感覺,真的 很棒~~~
那一天,沈師傅開心的像個四十多歲的孩子,在村里大擺流水席,這一擺就是三天三夜,方圓百里的村莊,都知道沈師傅家裡添了個男丁,這讓 那些整天在他背後嚼舌根子的老太太們,徹底閉上了嘴巴~
眼嗆著一個悲催的人家變成了富甲一方的大戶,這引起了不小的轟動,家裡擠滿了人,都是希望讓我幫忙看下自家風水,幫他們擺脫貧困的,這讓我 很是頭痛。
前面我曾經說過,有些人的面相決定自己的命運、財運、感情以及事業,有的人之所以在人世間,就是來還債的,針對這樣的人,就算是神仙也沒有辦法改變他們的命運 。
還有些人,心思不正,整天想著如何坑害別人,這樣的人,即使有能力幫他改變運勢,我也斷然不會這麼做,沒錢沒勢的時候都想著如何害人,那有 錢有勢以後,還能得了?
臉型呈倒三角,無腮骨,如刀削般直下,其個性自私,生性冷漠,性情善變,易喜易怒,凡事以己為先,甚少考慮身邊之人,多為不孝父母之輩 !
怪不得這老人身上有這麼強的氣場,因為他從小到大一直活在自己的世界中,全然不顧及別人的感受,這樣的人通常都很是自信,聽不進去他人的勸阻,長期與此 ,就有了一股的犟勁,喜歡用鼻孔看人,給人一種雄趙贛氣昂昂的感覺。
As long as Master Shen does what I say, I guarantee that he can change his fate and make a career out of nothing!
As for the 50,000 yuan, I don't worry at all that Master Shen can't pay it back. As long as he takes the 50,000 yuan and renovates the house, it won't take too long for him to return the money to me.
Master Shen held the bank card, not knowing what to say.
This person really can't be too honest. Sometimes it's really hard to communicate with someone who is too honest.
"Master Shen, hold it, what are you hesitating about?"
Under my urging, Master Shen slowly responded and took the bank card in his hand.
"Wang Nan, do you think I still have a chance?"
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Master Shen looked at me sincerely, wanting me to give him a definite answer. The reason why he was so sincere had a lot to do with the 50,000 yuan!
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As an outsider, I was willing to help him regardless of the consequences. As the person involved, what reason did I have to refuse?
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"Master Shen, don't worry. Just do as I say and you will definitely be able to turn things around!"
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I went home without waiting for his reply.
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I felt that I had done a great thing. Although I lent out my monthly allowance, I didn't feel the slightest bit of heartache~~
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In my heart, good people should be rewarded. Master Shen is a very sincere person and shouldn't have suffered so many inhuman experiences.
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The next day, a large group of craftsmen came from the village and began to discuss the plan at Master Shen's house. Sure enough, this time, Master Shen chose to believe me, which made me very happy.
About half a month later, Master Shen's house had obvious changes. The original one-story house became a two-story building, and there was a very domineering skylight on the roof!
After the house was built, Master Shen's wife returned home safely that night. She was indeed innocent.
After Master Shen saw his wife coming back, he finally had a bottom in his heart. He regretted why he didn't listen to me earlier. If he chose to believe in Feng Shui from the beginning, their family would have been prosperous long ago!
Ten days later, a wealthy businessman came from the provincial capital and specifically asked Master Shen to be his supplier. The businessman was very generous and directly threw out an order worth tens of millions of yuan, which made Master Shen so excited that he couldn't sleep for several days!
After sending the businessman away, Master Shen came to my house with famous cigarettes and famous wines, returned 50,000 yuan to me, and flattered me in various ways. He praised me to the sky. To be honest, this feeling is really great~~~
Two months later, Master Shen's wife was found to be pregnant. When she was more than nine months pregnant, she gave birth to a child with a penis.
That day, Master Shen was as happy as a child in his forties. He held a buffet in the village for three days and three nights. All the villages within a hundred miles knew that Master Shen's family had a new boy. This made the old ladies who always gossiped about him shut up completely~
Watching a miserable family become a wealthy family caused quite a stir. The house was crowded with people who wanted me to help them look at their feng shui and help them get rid of poverty. This gave me a headache.
I have said before that some people's faces determine their fate, wealth, love and career. Some people are in the world to pay off their debts. For such people, even gods cannot change their fate.
There are also some people who have bad intentions and think about how to harm others all day long. Even if I have the ability to help such people change their fortunes, I will definitely not do this. When they have no money and power, they think about how to harm others. What will happen when they have money and power?
I don’t know how many innocent people will be persecuted.
Although there are so many customers around my house, there is no one who can help. My father and I have sent them away.
When the store was about to close in the evening, an old man came to my house. This old man was from the next village. He had heard of my father and my great name for a long time and came to visit me. He wanted me to follow him to look at his own Feng Shui.
This old man seems very kind and speaks slowly and softly. Although he is already gray-haired, he has a strong temperament.
Everyone has an invisible and intangible aura. The greater the aura, the more successful it is.
This aura cannot be faked. Some people can give people a different feeling even if they are ragged and dirty.
Although this old man has a strong aura, his face is not very good.
His brow ridge is protruding, his sun and moon corners are sharp, and his face is in the shape of an inverted triangle. Only people with unfilial children will have such a face shape.
So, I concluded that he came here this time to solve the problem between him and his children.
As we all know:
People with protruding brow ridges and no flesh will have a more violent temper and are impatient.
Lack of reason in dealing with things, impulsive and reckless.
Too stubborn, dislike being bound, rebellious, and disobeying parents' discipline (when young).
Few academic achievements in childhood, many unfilial children in old age, empty-handed at the end of the day, and even no one to bury them.
People with sharp corners of the Sun and Moon are cold-hearted by nature, alienated from their parents since childhood, with shallow feelings, poor communication, easy to accumulate resentment, arrogant attitude, and disobedience.
They often give up halfway, and it is difficult to see things come to fruition. They live in poverty and find it difficult to take care of their parents (cause and effect have reincarnation. If you are not good to your parents, don't expect your descendants to respect you).
Their face is an inverted triangle, without cheekbones, and straight down like a knife. They are selfish, indifferent, fickle, easily happy and angry, put themselves first in everything, and rarely consider the people around them. Most of them are unfilial to their parents!
No wonder this old man has such a strong aura, because he has been living in his own world since he was a child, completely disregarding the feelings of others. Such people are usually very confident and can't listen to the dissuasion of others. After a long time, they have a stubbornness and like to look at people with their noses, giving people a feeling of being heroic and high-spirited.
It is completely reasonable for such elders to encounter unfilial descendants. If there is no deliberate intervention by the masters, the descendants of the old people will also be unfilial, and so on, one generation will be stronger than the next!
When he just entered the door, the kind-hearted feeling I saw should be deliberately pretended by the old man.
"Old man, are you here for your children's affairs?"
I like to speak first, so that I can show my ability. I don't need too many opening remarks to stabilize the other party's mind and dispel all the other party's doubts!
Many fortune-telling charlatans on the market can't reach my level at all. They are good at using guidance to get words from you and find breakthroughs in you from the information you say.
This will give you a feeling that this person is very powerful, but the things he points out to you will not work at all~~
The old man smiled and motioned for me to continue.
"Your children are unfilial, and you want to find a way to resolve it, so you appear here, right?" The old man smiled again and finally spoke: "Young master, you have such a skill at such a young age, I admire you. Please help me see the fortunes of my children?" The old man was very thoughtful, and he spoke in a roundabout way. This seemingly ordinary sentence actually contained a mystery!
He said I was very capable, but in fact he just thought I was too young and didn't have any real ability.
He also asked me to look at the fortunes of his children, but he didn't give me the children's faces and birth dates. In fact, he just wanted me to calculate how many children he had!
To be honest, I don't like this kind of client who doesn't speak directly and thinks he is very smart by beating around the bush in front of you.
But I have always been strong and I have to use my ability to convince you. Then, I take the initiative and start to fight back, so that you can't pretend in front of me!