袁勇的爺爺雖然說著胡話,但歸根結底全是重複的,眼睛裡寫滿了驚恐之色,渾身還不斷地顫動著,他應該是看見了什麼令人害怕的東西,而這種東西很有 可能不屬於這個世界!
「楠兄,你看我爺爺這種情況是不是中邪了?他一直對著一個地方說話,這樣子挺嚇人的!我帶他去過醫院檢查了,哪哪都是正常的,始終找不 到病因。
好兄弟聲稱前段時間自己在村口碰見了一位手拿鎖鏈的怪人,兩人雖然擦肩而過卻愣是沒看見對方的長相,就連性別都無法判斷出來,但是有一點可以肯定,此人 絕不可能是村子裡的人。
因為此人個頭瘦高,其高度遠遠超越常人! 從頭到腳都是一身藍色的服飾,一頂連衣帽遮蓋住了半張臉,在漆黑的夜色下,完全看不清楚容貌。
那手拿鎖鏈的人前進之時,雙腳竟然處於懸空狀態! 也就是說它是飄著走的!
陰間勾魂的鬼差就是如此,會提前三天或一週的時間趕往被勾魂人的家中,給老人最後的期限交代後事,等到時間一到就會將魂魄拘走,從此一條鮮活的生命 就此畫上句號。
一些糊塗一輩子的人,在臨死的前一天突然神智清醒,思維邏輯遠超常人,跟子女說了一大堆的話,並不是病情有所好轉,而是所謂的【迴光返照】,等到所有遺言交代 清楚之後就會離開人世了。
袁勇的爺爺就是名副其實的善人,一輩子行善積德在村子裡的名聲更是好到了極致,像這樣的人應該提前半年或者一年的時間就會有所感應,提前準備好身後之事才對, 絕不可能在毫無徵兆的情況下,出現陰差勾魂的情況。
一句話直接讓袁勇身上起了一層雞皮疙瘩! 都說凡人看見鬼怪,勢必會對自己的運勢造成影響,這也就意味著他這段時間的運勢必然不高,做事需要處處小心謹慎才好。
我掏出手機查看了一下時間,剛好為十九點整,而通常情況下,若是勾魂的陰差在夜間行動,會在晚上十點左右現身才對,這也就意味著晚上過了十 點以後,盡量不要出門。
尤其是在人煙稀少的鄉村之中! 若是碰見了糊塗陰差,恰巧遇見你的姓名或八字與被勾魂人相似的話,很有可能會出現勾錯魂魄的情況!
老爺子興許是有所感應,又或者是看見了陰差靠近自己,連續高聲呼喊了兩句之後,唰的一下從椅子上跳了起來! 手中的拐杖惡狠狠地朝著一片空地劈了下去!
而袁勇的爺爺出現了呼吸困難,雙腿發軟最後倒地不起的狀況! 他的雙手死死地放在脖子上,就好像有什麼東西緊緊地勒住他脖子一般!
半分鐘後,王楠看見袁勇的爺爺已經沒有了動靜,一團霧狀的東西從他的身體中飄了出來,這代表老爺子的魂魄已經被陰差的鐵鍊給勾出來了,如果這個時候 出手斬斷兩者互相牽連的鎖鏈,這件事情就能夠解決。
當然,這些東西對於常人來說,家庭不一定能夠找得到,但是我就是吃這頓飯的,會隨身攜帶,現在就算是從我身後的黃色布袋中找出來一根吊死過人的麻繩 ,都不在話下。
這種面相的人一般缺乏自信和主見,判斷力比較差,而且性格方面也比較的膽小懦弱,在感情和事業方面缺乏主動性,在選擇另一半的時候也比較的盲目和衝動,非常的 情緒化,也或因為受到父母方面的影響,導致感情不順利,很難找到合適的另一半。
The call was from a good brother in Taiyuan, Shanxi. His name is Yuan Yong. He used to make a fortune by making short videos on the Internet.
As a result, because of getting married, he returned to the pre-liberation era overnight and started a new struggle.
"Brother, something strange happened in my family. My grandfather's mental state has been very bad recently. He often talks nonsense alone! And it seems that he doesn't recognize our family members very much? Is he possessed by evil spirits?"
After the call was connected, Yuan Yong's very anxious voice came from the other side, which shocked me.
I have seen Yuan Yong's grandfather. Although he is old, his body is very strong. Judging from his facial features, he should be a long-lived person with a clear mind.
Even when he is exhausted, he should not be unconscious.
But the reality is the opposite. Such a strong person does not know what happened and becomes a demented person.
"I'm in Yuci, Shanxi now, and I'm going to your place right now. I should be able to reach your home before dark. Before that, I suggest you take the elderly to the hospital for a checkup."
"Oh, if the disease can be cured in the hospital, will I contact you again? It's really urgent, please come quickly!"
Faced with my brother's request for help, I naturally couldn't refuse. Some things seemed to have been discussed in advance. I just arrived in Yuci, Shanxi in the morning and helped a family change their Feng Shui. In the afternoon, I received a call from my good brother.
If this call had come ten minutes later, I would have been on the high-speed train to Fujian, and it would not have been so convenient to get off at that time.
According to the agreement, I arrived at Yuan Yong's village before dark. As soon as I opened the door, I saw an old man with silver hair sitting on a chair, talking nonsense to an empty space: "Don't come over, I'm not the person you're looking for! Don't come over, I will never go with you!" Although Yuan Yong's grandfather was talking nonsense, it was all repetitive. His eyes were full of fear and his whole body was shaking. He must have seen something scary, and this thing might not belong to this world! "Brother Nan, do you think my grandfather is possessed by evil spirits? He keeps talking to one place, which is scary! I took him to the hospital for a check-up, and everything is normal. I can't find the cause of the disease." The good brother was embarrassed and grabbed my arm, fearing that I would leave home and ignore the old man's affairs. "It's really strange. If I remember correctly, you should be an atheist, right? Why do you change your mind now?"
After some observation, I roughly saw the doorway. The problem is not big. It's just that there is a dirty thing that can seduce people's souls in the house, so the old man is so nervous and excited.
The worst result of this matter is that only one person dies.
Of course, with me, Wang Nan, present, this situation should not happen. Unless it is abnormal, there will be uncontrollable situations.
The old man also knows that his body is very strong. It should not be a big problem to live for another ten or twenty years. In this state, if there are dirty things coming to seduce souls, anyone will have the same reaction.
"Brother Nan, I really didn't believe in ghosts in this world before. It was not until I really saw it later that I realized how mysterious this world is!"
The good brother claimed that he met a strange man with a chain in his hand at the entrance of the village some time ago. Although the two passed by each other, they didn't see each other's appearance, and even couldn't judge their gender, but one thing is certain, this person can never be a villager.
Because this person is tall and thin, his height is far beyond that of ordinary people! He is dressed in blue from head to toe, and a hood covers half of his face. In the dark night, his appearance is completely unclear. Yuan Yong was very curious about this person's identity, so he stopped and looked back, and almost scared himself to death! When the man with the chain walked forward, his feet were actually suspended in the air! In other words, he was floating!
This frightened Yuan Yong, who had never seen the world, so much that he crawled back home. He didn't sleep well for several days. As a result, within two days, his grandfather became unconscious.
"Maybe the weirdo you saw is in your home, ready to take someone's life at any time."
The ghost messenger in the underworld is like this. He will rush to the home of the soul-stealing person three days or a week in advance, give the old man the last deadline to explain the funeral affairs, and when the time comes, the soul will be taken away, and a fresh life will come to an end.
Some people who have been confused all their lives suddenly become clear-headed the day before they die, and their thinking logic is far superior to that of ordinary people. They say a lot of things to their children. It's not that their condition has improved, but the so-called "last light return". After all the last words are explained clearly, they will leave the world.
And this opportunity for last light return is given by the ghost messenger in charge of soul-stealing. Of course, this situation only applies to good people who have never done bad things in their lives. The evil people who have done all kinds of bad things when they are alive will generally not give him this opportunity.
Yuan Yong's grandfather is a good man who has done good deeds all his life and has a very good reputation in the village. People like him should have some sense six months or a year in advance and prepare for the afterlife in advance. It is impossible for him to be haunted without any signs.
In other words, what he said was not nonsense, but his inner thoughts.
"Brother, is the thing I encountered really not a creature in this world? Don't scare me!"
Until now, Yuan Yong is unwilling to believe that the thing he encountered at the entrance of the village that night was not a human. He is more willing to believe that he did not rest well and had a temporary dizziness.
"Can you guarantee that all you see in your life are people? Maybe you have experienced this situation countless times, but this time it is more obvious."
This sentence directly gave Yuan Yong goose bumps! It is said that when mortals see ghosts, it will inevitably affect their fortunes, which means that his fortunes during this period must be low, and he needs to be careful and cautious in everything he does.
"Wait another two or three hours, and the truth will come out about what happened in your home!"
I took out my phone and checked the time. It was exactly 19 o'clock. Normally, if the ghost of the soul is acting at night, it will appear around 10 o'clock in the evening. This means that after 10 o'clock in the evening, try not to go out.
Especially in sparsely populated villages! If you encounter a confused ghost, and it happens that your name or horoscope is similar to that of the soul being seduced, it is very likely that the wrong soul will be seduced!
Throughout the ages, such situations have emerged one after another. Many people have lost their lives because they ran into the ghost of the soul when they went out at night!
Shanxi people are also very hospitable. They treated me to a good meal.
Fried pork, sweet and sour fish, astragalus stewed lamb, and a portion of kuoluoluo, paired with two taels of white wine, it felt so moist.
Time passed quickly. While we were talking, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. I asked my good brother Yuan Yong to turn off the lights and close the door of the main room, leaving only a gap to see the situation in the yard.
"It's so late, leaving my grandfather alone in the yard, isn't it bad? And there are so many mosquitoes now, I'm afraid my grandfather's body can't stand it."
Mr. Yuan is very filial. He couldn't bear to see my grandfather sitting alone in the yard talking nonsense. When he wanted to go out to help him back, I pulled him back.
"If you really go, your grandpa might not survive!"
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I am not exaggerating. I have a strong feeling that the situation that the old man encountered this time is most likely that he encountered a confused ghost and did something to hook the wrong soul.
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The fate of this village or a neighbor around him may be similar to that of the old man, so he was targeted by the ghost.
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Judging from the date inferred by Yuan Yong, his grandfather has been talking nonsense for three days, which means that the ghost who hooks the soul may appear tonight and hook the old man's soul away!
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If a living person rushes out to help the old man back now, it is very likely that the ghost will think that the person whose soul is hooked can escape death, and thus increase the intensity to make the old man die more miserably.
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"Hoo, ho, ho~~"
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A strong wind suddenly blew in the quiet yard. The wind was a little evil, exuding a cold breath that went straight into people's bones.
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"Don't talk, that thing is coming!"
I made a hush gesture to Yuan Yong, asking him to hold his breath as much as possible and not disturb the ghost messenger. If he angered it, things would be difficult to deal with.
"Hua La~"
"Hua La La~"
Two minutes later, the sound of iron chains rubbing against the ground came from the yard into the house, and a ghost messenger in blue clothes flashed in the center of the yard!
"Don't come over, I'm not the one you're looking for! Don't come over, I will never go with you!"
The old man may have sensed something, or he saw the ghost messenger approaching him. After shouting loudly twice in a row, he jumped up from the chair! The cane in his hand chopped down fiercely towards an open space!
"I told you that you've found the wrong person! The person you're looking for is not me! Die!"
This old man had fought in the battlefield when he was young. I heard that he had won the second-class merit. He had some skills. If this happened to someone else, he might think he was unlucky and let the ghost take his soul away.
But Yuan Yong's grandfather didn't believe it. He thought that as long as he resisted, he would have a chance to survive. After all, his family members didn't want to believe what he said, so he could only rely on his own efforts to drive away the annoying and confused ghost.
"Hua La La~"
"Hua La La~"
The old man's cane attack had no effect at all. I clearly saw that the cane fell down along the ghost's head, but it didn't cause any damage.
And Yuan Yong's grandfather had difficulty breathing, his legs became weak, and finally fell to the ground! His hands were tightly on his neck, as if something was tightly strangling his neck!
"Wang Nan, let me go out and save my grandpa!"
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Yuan Yong saw that my grandpa was about to die, but I had no intention of saving him, so he started to get anxious and was about to open the door and rush out to save my grandpa.
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"Don't worry! Believe me! It's not the right time yet!"
60Please respect copyright.PENANAwRzjfiPrQE
There are three steps for the Yincha to capture the soul:
First, confirm the identity of the soul being taken away, second, persuade the soul to follow you voluntarily, and third, use force to make the soul being taken away die.
Therefore, some people will feel particularly uncomfortable before they die, with their bodies twitching and their eyes wide open like copper bells. This is because they are unwilling to follow the ghost, and the ghost kills them!
Half a minute later, Wang Nan saw that Yuan Yong's grandfather had stopped moving, and a cloud of mist floated out of his body, which meant that the old man's soul had been taken out by the iron chain of the ghost. If the chain connecting the two was cut off at this time, the matter could be resolved.
Under normal circumstances, most people would think that dealing with such things would be complicated, and they would need to draw talismans and chant spells, or have the ability to fly with a sword to deal with such problems.
In fact, the situation of flying with a sword only appears in movies, TV series or novels. It is a framework treatment made to create an atmosphere. How can a mortal have the ability to cultivate immortals?
As for drawing talismans and chanting spells, they do exist, but not every time you encounter something, you need to use this method to resolve the crisis.
For example, this time the matter of the ghost picking up the soul is like this. If you want to solve it, you only need a red rope soaked in human blood to solve the current problem.
Of course, for ordinary people, these things may not be found at home, but I eat this kind of food, I will carry it with me. Now even if I find a hemp rope that has been hanged from the yellow cloth bag behind me, it is not a problem.
Pushing open the door, I rushed to the center of the yard in a flash, and the red rope in my hand, as thin as a hair, was thrown out and directly thrown on the soul-catching iron chain!
Although the red rope was as thin as a hair, it was soaked in human blood. The moment it touched the iron chain, it made a sizzling sound and directly cut the iron chain in half!
As the iron chain broke, Grandpa Yuan Yong's soul, which had been hooked out of his body, instantly woke up. After shaking his head twice in the air, he realized that he had been hit, and quickly got into the life gate and returned to his body!
The ghost of the soul-snatching ghost was frightened. It had never seen such a scene before. The man in the Taoist robe in front of it could not only see itself, but also save people with its strong ability?
"You were a fool when you were alive, and you are also a fool as a ghost when you are dead! I think you are really hopeless!"
The confused ghost was a little confused. After seeing that it still didn't wake up, I cursed it directly. Its empty and lifeless dead fish eyes moved a little, and a face appeared under the hat.
Judging from its current face, it must have been a person who lacked confidence when it was alive, and a ghost who often made mistakes after death.
Although it is no longer a human, the facial features of its life are still preserved.
There is a bad mole at the end of the eye, and the philtrum is narrow and short.
People with this kind of face generally lack confidence and opinions, have poor judgment, and are timid and cowardly in character. They lack initiative in love and career, and are blind and impulsive when choosing a partner. They are very emotional, or they may be influenced by their parents, which leads to bad relationships and makes it difficult to find a suitable partner.
Moreover, the philtrum represents a person's health and fertility. If the philtrum is too short, the fertility is low, the relationship with children is shallow, and it is easy to die alone and have a rough life in old age!
Because of this, I can basically conclude that this ghost-catching ghost in front of me had no children when he was alive, and even no one saw him off after his death, and he was just hastily buried.