Chapter 18.
I look at the road and see a deer's lying in the middle of the road bleeding out half dead "wow!” I quickly try swirl it but I lose control of the wheel and the car goes around in circles "Misty stop the car!” Cameron holds onto my arm and I shake my head "I can’t.” I let go of the steering wheel and hold Cameron's hand as the car continues to go around in circles "hold on Misty.” I hold onto her arm and after a few seconds the car stops and I take a deep breath in relief "never doing that again.” I look at Cameron and laugh softly "maybe.” She looks at me and raises her eyebrow "here we go.” I look in the side mirror and see Grayson and Ethan's motorbikes lying on the side of the road and see the driver and passenger side doors open and Ethan standing at my door looking worried "hey.” He shakes his head and looks at Cameron "yous ok?” I look at Cameron and she nods "yeah we are good.” Grayson looks at the deer's in front of us and coughs "Ethan?” Ethan looks at him and Grayson nods towards it "excuse me ladies.” Ethan and Grayson walk towards the deer's and I shake my head "weird.” They start whispering something when they get too the deer's and I lean out the door and try listen "what they whispering about?” I lean back into the car and Cameron shrugs her shoulders “no idea.” I close my car door and roll down my window starting the engine “well this has been fun guys.” I drive towards them and smirk "let’s do it again boys soon but for now we are going to go.” Cameron looks at me and raises her eyebrow before looking at Ethan "see yous at home?” Ethan nods and looks back towards the deer's and I shake my head before driving of past them and down the road towards town.
I look back and see them still in the distance "so?” I look at Cameron and raise my eyebrows "what was that about?” Cameron looks at me and shrugs "no idea.” She looks out the side mirror and take a deep breath "they have been spending a lot of time at my dad’s’ vet because they want to be vets so maybe they spotted something weird about the dear? they are a little weird though right?” I look behind me one more time and see Grayson taking pictures of the deer running back too his bike joining Ethan "yeah maybe. I shake my head and look down the road and follow it until I hear Ethan and Grayson's motorbikes approach us "how fast are they.” I look out the rear-view mirror and see them right behind us "it took them literally two seconds to catch up with us.” Cameron shrugs and take a deep breath "like I said.” She looks out the side mirror "they like going fast.” They go on each side of my car and stay close to us "what are they doing?” I look out the window and raise my eyebrow "giving us an escort back to town by looks of it.” I look at Cameron and shake my head "they are a little weird aren’t they?” She sticks her head down and sniggers "little.” I shake my head and face the front continuing to drive down the road until we reach the town border and they speed of in front of us “about time.” I look at Cameron and take a deep breath. I look at them as they disappear down the road "the more I see your brothers the more I can tell the difference between them.” She raises her eyebrow and smirks “really? No one ever can so that’s surprising.” I nod slowly and smile “yeah I know Grayson has dark brown hair but Ethan has black plus Ethan has a scar on his left cheek.” I look at her and shrug "what happened?” She smiles and shakes her head “I don’t actually know.” I laugh sarcastically and nod “you don’t know much about your brothers do you?” She shakes her head and laughs softly “well they are very private people so It's hard when they are closed books.” She leans forward and turns the radio onto the news "I just remember him coming home one day and he had it.” I look at her and smirk "boys will be boys I guess right?” She laughs softly and nods "true.”
She looks out the window and laughs softly "I remember my dad said that he got scratched when he was out one night but I remember how bad the cut was the night he came home and it looked so bad so I asked by what a bear but he didn’t say anything more after that. My family are all pretty private except me.” She looks at me and smirks "maybe I’m adopted or something.” I look at her and laugh “you look like your brothers so unless you are their cousins or something then I don’t think so?” She goes into her jacket pocket and pulls out her purse showing me a picture inside it “this is my mum.” I look at the picture of an older woman who looks exactly like Cameron and smile softly “yous look so like.” She smiles and sticks her purse back “thank you.” She take a deep breath and nods "she was a very kind and beautiful woman so that means a lot.” I smile and rub her shoulder “I can tell she was amazing by the way you are.” She smiles and take a deep breath "you really are not what I thought you was going to be.” I shake my head and laugh nervously "in a good way?” She smirks and nods "yes.” I spot Dee's woods and Cameron nods towards the sign "just drop me of here.” I shake my head and smile "I don't mind dropping you of at your door? I remember how long the path is.” She raises eyebrow and smirks "you've been too my house before?” I nod slowly and laugh "Ethan never told you?” She raises her eyebrow and shakes her head "no?” I laugh softly and nod "that story is for another day.”
I pull into Dee's woods and drive up the pathway and Cameron smiles "I can’t wait to hear it.” She shakes her head in shock "my dad never lets anyone visit the house.” I laugh nervously as I pull out the pathway "it wasn't really my choice.” She raises her eyebrow and smiles "now I got too know.” I park up and smirk "well let’s go for milkshakes again during the week and I will fill you in?” She nods slowly smiles "It's a plan.” She undoes her seatbelt and smiles "thanks for today.” I nod firmly and smile "anytime.” She opens the car door and gets out "I will text you a day I am free and you can tell me the story of how you came here?” I smirk and nod "I look forward to it.” She nods slowly and smiles "cool.” She turns around and walks towards the front door and opens it letting a large wolf looking dog out and it runs towards my car parking "ah.” I scream and do the window up as it jumps up the side of my car growling "Hercules down!” I look behind the large hairy beast dog and see Ethan running down the stairs topless and feel my face burn up "shit!” He smirks and grabs the dog and pulls him down "in boy!” The dog runs inside and Cameron waves before closing the front door and I take a deep breath in relief and relax rolling down the window "thanks for that.” Ethan nods and smiles "your welcome.” He turns around and I cough and start the engine again "Misty?” I look up and see him standing at the top of the stairs smiling "yeah?” He licks his lips and smirks "I am glad you’re ok.” I raise my eyebrows and smile "thank you, you too.” He nods slowly and turns around and I roll the window up and take a deep breath "what a day.”
I shake my head and stick my car in reverse without looking in the mirror and press my foot hard on the break when I see a car behind me "shit!” The car stops without hitting the car behind and I laugh nervously rolling down the window "did I hit you?” Ethan runs down the stairs and shakes his head "no you didn't he’s all good.” He looks towards the car and smiles "you should go.” I look back to the car behind me and shake "are you sure I didn't hit it?” He nods smiles "no you didn't hit him.” I raise my eyebrows and smile "ok then.” I go forward and do a U turn and look into the other car as I pass it and see an older looking man who looks like Ethan looking at me with evil eyes that it makes me shiver. I take my eyes away and face the road and look down at my wrist as it starts to burn and look up and quickly swirl out the way of the tree in front of me and shake my head and look down at my wrist again as it starts to burn and eventually stop my car and rub my wrist before feeling myself pass out. I wake up and see Ethan placing me down on the kitchen table "Ethan?” I groan in pain before passing out in Ethan's arms holding my wrist. I wake up to the sound of birds and open my eyes and look around the bedroom I am in and spot a bird cage with two crows at the bottom of the room and shake my head rubbing it "who keeps pet crows?” The door opens and I quickly look around and take a deep breath when Cameron walks in "Cameron?” She looks at me and smiles "good your awake.” She sits on the side of the bed and hands me a cup "what's this?” I look inside it and she shrug’s "tea.” I take a deep breath and drink the drink and shake my head "what kind of tea is that?” She laughs softly and nods "It's an herbal tea.” I hand her the cup and she stick it on the bedside table and I look at the birds and laugh nervously "what's with them?” Cameron stands up and opens the cage letting the birds out and sit on her shoulder "this is Raven and Wormwood.” They both fly of her and fly towards the bed and sit on the pillow next to me "their yours?” I look at her and she nods slowly "yeah.” I look at them and nod "unusual pets.” She whistles and they fly back into the cage and she closes it "they are loyal and good company.” She walks towards the door and smiles "let’s go.”
She opens the door and shrugs "Ethan will be ecstatic your awake.” I take a deep breath and get up "what even happened?” She closes the bedroom door and locks it "you don't remember?” She raises her eyebrow and walks down the hallway towards the stairs "no I just remember nearly crashing then passing out.” Cameron shakes her head and walks down the stairs "you nearly crashed and then passed out behind the wheel.” I take a deep breath and laugh softly "who was that man in the car anyway?" We get too the kitchen and I see the man sitting by the table drinking a beer "that will be me.” I smile and look down "and you are?” He stands up and holds his hand out “Nicolas.” I look at Ethan and he shakes his head and looks down "this is where you shake my hand introduce yourself.” I shake my head and smile "Misty.” He looks at Ethan and smirks "they Misty?” I look at Ethan and he looks down and take a deep breath before walking towards me and handing me a bottle of water "you want me to take you home?” I look at Nicolas as he smirks and looks me up and down "yes please.” I look at Ethan and smile "ok let me just tell my dad.” He walks out the hallway and runs upstairs. "Please sit.” I turn around and Nicolas sits back down and points towards the chair next to him "I am ok thanks.” He shrugs his head leaning back sipping his beer "so?” He leans forward and smirks "what happened?” I raise my eyebrows and look at Cameron "what?” He smirks and stands up "what happened?” I shake my head and scoff "what happened too what?” He walks towards me and holds my hand "too your wrist.” He places his finger on my wrist and looks at me "I don't know.” I pull my hand away and he shakes his head and sits on the edge of the table "somehow I don't believe that.” He looks towards Cameron and nods "leave us.” Cameron looks at me and I nod "I will be right outside.” She walks out the door and stands at the bottom of the stairs.
I look at Nicolas and he smirks "so?” He stands up and holds his hand out "will we try that again?” I take a deep breath and shake my head "no.” He raises his eyebrow and smirks "fine.” He sits back on the table and looks down "won’t be long until your dead anyway.” I laugh nervously and shake my head "what?” He smirks and walks towards the door and closes it "so?” He looks at me and nods "shall we try that again?” I look down at my wrist and take a deep breath "fine.” He sits down at the side of the table and holds his hand out "come.” I walk towards him and he smiles as he touches my hand "soft.” I roll my eyes "just look at it.” He smirks at me and nods "fine.” He looks at my wrist and runs his finger over the scar multiple times "it looks like.” He looks up towards the door and take a deep breath "here we go.” I look at the door and shake my head "what?” I look at him and take a deep breath "it looks like what?” He smirks and winks before the kitchen door swings open and Ethan walks in. He looks at my hand as I pull it away from Nicolas and shakes his head "your unbelievable.” Nicolas stands up and walks towards Ethan and places his hand on his face "don't worry baby nephew.” He wraps his arm around me and smirks "I was taking good care of her.” Ethan's eyes lock onto Nicolas and they turn black "calm down Ethan.” Nicolas moves his arm away and Ethan punches Nicolas in the face making his nose bleed but he still standing. He looks at Ethan and smirks "bad move.” He walks towards Ethan and I step in front of him "stop!” They both locked eyes onto each other and I take a deep breath "enough.” I look at Ethan and stroke his arm "Ethan?” Still locking his eyes onto Nicolas I place my hands onto his warm face "Ethan?!” I pull his face down and he looks at me and pushes me "get of me!” He walks out the kitchen door and rans out the front door towards his motorbike before driving off.