Chapter 10.
I finally come back around again I open my eyes and rub my head and see that I am in bed again "hello?” I sit up when I hear a banging noise coming from the bathroom. I jump out of bed and walk towards the bathroom and Hulk runs out the bathroom door making me jump and sending me flying back "Jesus Hulk.” I take a deep breath and breath out "what you doing in there?” I open the bathroom door and see a dead crow on the floor "ewww.” I close the bathroom door shaking my head "I will get dad too clean that.” I take a deep breath before grabbing clothes and getting changed. I grab my phone from the side of my bedroom drawers and spot something shiny shine from under my pillow. I sit on the edge of the bed and pick the pillow up and see a red wolf necklace "where did this come from?” Hulk tilts his head and walks towards me and sits down sniffing it before shaking his head and backing away from it. I shake my head and stick it in my top drawer before standing up and heading towards the door "come on boy.” Hulk runs after me and I run downstairs and into the kitchen where my grandma is at the table reading a newspaper “where is everyone?” I grab a bowl and the cereal and place them on the table "morning sweetheart your dad is outside on the phone and your grandpa is out.” I nod slowly and smile "work?” I look towards the back door towards my dad "yip.” I grab the milk from the fridge and walk back towards the table and pour the cereal and milk into the bowl before walking back towards the fridge and stick the milk back. I see my dad walk towards the door coming of the phone "dad’s coming back in.” I walk back towards the table and sit down. "Morning dad.” I look towards my dad and he widens his eyes in shock and shakes his head "oh hey honey.” He walks towards us and leans over a chair and take a deep breath "what's wrong?” My grandma sticks her newspaper down and looks at him "work stuff.” My grandma looks at me and smiles "why don't yous two go fishing or something? something to relax.” My dad looks at me and smiles "that's not a bad idea.” I widen my eyes and nearly choke on my cereal "I don't know how to fish.” My dad nods and smirks "I can teach you.” He brings something from his phone and smirks "I can get a boat for the day and I have fishing stuff.” He looks around and laughs "somewhere.” My grandma points towards the shed outside and smiles “It's outside.” My dad nods and smiles "see.” After I few seconds he walks towards the back door on the phone "quick favour.” He walks outside closing the door behind him.
I stand up grabbing my bowl and stick it in the sink "what just happened?” I look at my grandma and laugh nervously "you’re going fishing.” I take a deep breath and nod slowly "it will be fun.” I smile at my grandma and nod "I guess I should get ready then.” She looks me up and down and raises her eyebrow "what's wrong with that?” I look down and shake my head “I need a swimsuit for a start and maybe a spare set of clothes.” She nods towards the cupboard and smiles "there’s a picnic bag in there if you want to take a picnic?” I smile and nod "this could be fun laterally.” I take a deep breath and smile "be back down in a few.” I run towards the stairs and run up them into my bedroom grabbing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and a bikini set and running into the bathroom too change. I come out the bathroom and see Hulk sitting at the bottom of my bed with his lead in his mouth "what is it boy?” I stroke his head and smile "you want to come fishing?” He tilts his head and licks my face "take that as a yes.” I grab my bag and run downstairs and into the kitchen with Hulk closely behind me with the lead still in his mouth. I get into the kitchen and see my dad with a large picnic bag and a freeze bag "ready?” I laugh nervously and nod "yeah.” I grab Hulk’s lead and stick it on him and smile "oh Hulk is coming now.” I smile and walk towards the front door and out towards my dad’s. My dad nods his head and smirks "take it the dog is coming with us.” My grandma laughs softly and walks out towards the car with him "have fun and be safe.” My dad stick the bags into the boot and hugs my grandma "I always am.” I open the back door and Hulk jumps in and I turn around and my grandma hugs me and smiles "be safe.” I smile softly and hug her tight "I will try not get eaten by any sharks.” My grandma take a deep breath and rolls her eyes before opening the passenger door "bye.” I get in and smile "bye grandma.” She closes the door and walks over to the front door and stands waving us of as we drive down the driveway and down the street.
We drive towards the other side of town and I unroll the window and stick my hand out to the cold air and smile "so?” I look at my dad and nod "where are we going?” My dad nods towards a large lighthouse in front of us "there’s a small harbor at the side of the lighthouse.” I look towards it and raise my eyebrow "behind the woods?” He nods slowly and smiles "yeah there’s an of road just up ahead why?” I look at the lighthouse and shake my head looking down "nothing.” My dad sits up and smiles "this is us here.” He slows down and pulls into a wide-open space in between two trees and drive down an of road and it leads into an open area where there’s a few boats. My dad parks up and stops the car "there’s Phillip.” I look around and smile "Phillip? is that the name of the boat?” My dad laughs nervously and shakes his head "no.” He nods towards a man standing on a large white boat "that's Phillip.” He gets out the car and I nod "oh.” I get out the car and grab Hulk and follow my dad towards the man walking towards us "Alex!” The man hugs my dad and smiles towards me "and you must be Hulk?” Laughs and holds out his hand "I am joking.” I shake his hand laugh softly "Misty right?” I nod and smile "yeah that's me.” He nods slowly and smiles "heard a lot of stories.” I look at my dad and he shrugs his shoulders. "This must be Hulk?” He looks towards Hulk and reach down too stroke him but Hulk growls making him step back pulling his hand away "Hulk!” I stroke his head and smile nervously "sorry he’s never usually like that.” Phillip shakes his head locking his eyes onto Hulk "no that's fine.” He looks at me and smirks "I am more of a cat person myself.”
He looks at my dad and smiles "so are yous ready for a fun day of fishing and lake swimming?” I look at the boat and smile "yes.” He nods towards it and take a deep breath "well there is a fridge full of beers and sodas and there's fishing equipment onboard too.” My dad smiles and nods "great well thanks again Phil.” He holds his hand out and Phillip shakes it "I owe you one.” Phillip smiles and nods "I will remember that.” Phillip laughs softly and nods "well I am going to leave yous too it.” He walks towards the car park and turns around and smiles "have fun.” My dad turns to me and smiles "I will grab the stuff from the boot and yous head onboard.” I nod and smile looking at Hulk "ok.” I walk towards the boat with Hulk but he sits down when we reach the boat steps and doesn't want to budge "what's wrong boy?” He growls towards the boat still refusing to move "come on boy nothing bad is on there.” I pull the leash but he doesn't budge "fine.” I take the lead of him and point towards the ground he’s sitting "stay here then.” I walk up the boat stairs and sit at the back of the boat waiting for my dad. "Want a drink?” I jump when I hear my dad’s voice and smile "yeah.” I smirk and shrug "a beer?” My dad laughs softly "fine but only one.” I smirk and sit back again "thanks.” He grabs two beers from the fridge and hands me one sitting down "Hulk not joining us then?” He nods towards Hulk and I look towards him still sitting down "no he doesn’t want to come on board for some reason so I told him to stay.” My dad sticks the keys in and nods "alright then.” He starts the boat and unties the boat "let’s go.” 487Please respect copyright.PENANAQ1TwQ73fWx