Chapter 21.
The wind blows my hair and I can lean forward and hold onto Ethan a little bit tighter and I get a whiff of his aftershave and I smile resting my face on his back. I feel Ethan's muscles tense "hold on.” I lift my head up and laugh "I am.” He shakes his head and turns his head slightly "hold on tighter.” He nods his head towards the side of the road towards the woods "we have company.” I look towards the woods and see the black wolf running through the trees along the motorbike. I feel my body shake and my hands sweat and I start to lose my grip of Ethan "Misty you ok?” I wipe my hands-on Ethan's jacket and nod "yeah.” My body still shaking I lean my head onto Ethan and I feel him go faster. After a few seconds I lift my head up and look towards the woods and see the wolf has gone "you lost it.” Ethan looks over and smirks "I can still smell it.” I lift my head up and look around me "smell it?” I look behind me and see the wolf right behind us and see it showing Its teeth before pouching at us "Ethan!” Ethan loses control of the motorbike and with the black wolf hanging on the back of the bike I let go of Ethan and fall of the back knocking the wolf of the motorbike with me. I fall onto the side of the road and roll down it before knocking myself out cold.
When I finally open my eyes again I hear a beeping noise and look around and see machines around me and a tube in my arm "Ethan?” I see a shadow at the side of my bed and I rub my eyes and see my grandpa sitting on the chair next to me smiling "It's me sweetheart.” He reaches over and touches my hand "you’re in hospital.” I shake my head and sit up "what?” The door opens and my dad comes in with a nurse who stops the machine next to me beeping and checks the tube in my arm "how you feeling Misty?” I smile and look at the tube with liquid in it "I am ok.” I nod towards the tube and take a deep breath "what's that for?” She looks at my dad and smiles "I will leave yous too it.” I look at my dad and take a deep breath "what's going on? what are they putting in me?” My dad sits on the side of my bed and take a deep breath "It's only water.” He holds my hand smiles "you was really dehydrated when you came in so they have given you water through the tube because you were unconscious.” I lean back and take a deep breath "what happened?” I sit up and shake my head “where’s Ethan? is he ok?” My dad stands up and laughs sarcastically "YOUR worried about Ethan? It's his fault you’re in here.” I shake my head and laugh softly "what are you talking about? Ethan saved me.” My grandpa leans forward and raises his eyebrows "what?” I nod slowly and smile "he saved me from the black wolf and was taking my home when it followed us.” I look at my dad and take a deep breath "I fell of his motorbike because the wolf attacked us.” My dad looks at my grandpa shocked and grabs his phone from his jacket "I just got too make a phone call.” He walks towards the door closing it behind him.
My grandpa stands up and hands me a bottle of lemonade "here you go sweetheart.” I smile and take the bottle and open it taking a large sip "thank you.” I sit up and pull the covers of me and fling my legs around the side of the bed "wow wow wow.” My grandpa leans forward and sticks his hand out "where you going?” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath "I am fine and I want to go home now.” My grandpa looks at the door and take a deep breath "wait here and I will check with the doctor.” I take a deep breath and sit on the bed "ok.” He walks towards the door and I look around and spot my bag at the side of the bed and pick it up and grab my phone and see a text from Ethan but the door opens and my dad walks in before I open the message "good news.” I stick my phone in my bag and stick it on the floor "I can go home?” He looks at the chair and shakes his head "what?” He shakes his head and shrugs "I don't know but I called Edmund and he said Ethan is ok.” I smile and nod "oh thank god.” The door opens again and my grandpa walks in with a young cute doctor who checks the machine and smiles "your free to go.” He take the tubes out my arm and I smile and blush "really?” He replaces a plaster where the tube was and nods "yeah but take it easy ok?” I nod and he smiles and walks out the door. I look at my dad and shrug "ready?” He nods and smiles "yeah.” He walks towards my and grabs my bag "I will take this.” I shake my head and take it of him "that's ok I got it.” He raises his eyebrows and nod "ok.” I stand up and my grandpa holds the door open "let’s go then.”
My dad take a deep breath "I will just go fill in any paperwork and meet yous at the car.” My dad nods and my grandpa smiles and looks at me "ok let’s go Misty.” I look around the room before grabbing my bag and heading towards the door and out the exit towards the car park with my grandpa. I get into the back of the car and get my phone from my bag and open Ethan's text message 'I'm so sorry about earlier and I hope you’re ok' I stick my phone back into my bag and take a deep breath leaning back. My dad gets into the car and smirks "here.” He hands me a piece of paper and smiles "what's this?” I open it and see a number "the doctor wanted to make sure you were ok.” I raise my eyebrow and hand my dad the paper back "I can’t text him I have a boyfriend.” My dad shrugs "I am sure he was only being friendly.” I shrug and stick my seat belt on "maybe but still I wouldn't like the fact of Joe getting some nurses phone number.” My dad take a deep breath and shake his head "fine but I will keep it just in case things don't work out.” I lean forward and laugh sarcastically "and why won’t they work out.” My dad sticks his seatbelt on and shrugs "just in case.” I shake my head and lean back "hmm.” The drive back to the house was silent the full way and I could tell my dad wanted more answers as he kept looking at me through the rear-view mirror. When we finally pulled into the driveway I spot my grandma and Aunt Stacey waiting for us and my grandma runs over and hugs me tight as soon as I get out the car. “Hey. My little warrior how you feeling? You had us all worried.” She let’s go and I take a deep breath and nod "I am fine.” She raises her eyebrow and smiles "really.” She nods slowly and take a deep breath "if you’re sure?” I smile and nod "I am sure.” She smiles at me and locks her arm around mine "good let’s get you inside then.” She smirks and squeezes my hand “I’ve made you some chicken and garlic soup.”
She opens the door and nods towards the kitchen "it will be ready and waiting for you at the table in about ten minutes so that gives you time to get changed into something clean and comfortable.” She let’s go of my arm and looks at my dad "Alex you can set the table and Stacey is going to help me with dinner tonight.” My grandma looks at me and runs her fingers through my hair "go have a wash sweetheart and I will call you when It's ready.” I nod slowly and smile "ok.” I run upstairs and head towards my room closing the door behind me and sticking my jacket and bag onto the back of it before diving into bed. I sit up after a few seconds when I hear someone open the door and Hulk walks in "hey boy!” He runs over towards me wagging his tail "you miss me boy?” He jumps up on the bed and licks my face "take that as a yes.” I wipe my face and stand-up "I probably stink.” I stroke his head and smile "I am going for a shower but feel free to stay here.” He lays down on my bed and rests his face on it "thought you would have wanted too.” I walk towards my drawers and grab a jumper and a pair of leggings and head into the bathroom and close the door behind me. As my grandma stirs the chicken and garlic soup my dad paces the kitchen on the phone "no Zac I will take care of it this time.” He stops and nods "ok see you then.” He hangs up the phone and my grandma stops stirring the soup and turns around "what's he got too say?” My dad take a deep breath and shakes his head "he wants to have a meeting about this because he thinks It's the Denver boys’ fault.” My grandma shakes her head and turns around "if it wasn't for the Denver boy.” She laughs softly and looks at my dad "if it wasn’t for Ethan then Misty would be dead.” My dad grabs his jacket and nods "I know.” He shakes his head and smiles "I will sort it.” He walks towards the door closing it behind him.
I come out the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my head and walk towards my bag and grab it sticking it on my bed before towel drying my hair and tying it back in a messy bun. I sit on the top of my bed and open my bag pulling the book I was reading earlier out and open the page I left of. After ten minutes I get so into the book I didn't even hear my grandma come in and I jump when I look up and see her standing by my bed "hey sweetheart.” I smile and stick my book down "hey grandma.” She nods towards my book and smiles "you coming down for dinner?” I look at my book and laugh softly "sorry I got so into the book.” I take a deep breath and shrug "I am not that hungry anyway.” She nods and smiles “okay sweetheart.” She walks towards the door and stops at it "I will leave you a little something in the fridge for you to heat up if you change your mind ok?” I nod and smile softly "thanks grandma.” She nods and smiles before closing the door. I shake my head and lean back picking up my book and reading where I left of. I finish the book and take a deep breath "done!” I look at the bottom of my bed and see Hulk sleeping "sorry.” I stick the book back in my bag and stick it on the back of my door and grab my phone "11PM!” I raise my eyebrows and take a deep breath. I head towards bed and go under the covers and stick my phone on charge and place it on the top of my drawers and lay my bed on my pillow.
I jump when I hear my phone ring and sit up looking at my phone and see Kyle's name appear “Kyle? what does he want at this time?” I answer the phone and shake my head "hey Kyle? everything ok?".” He laughs softly “hello babyyy.” I take a deep breath and roll my eyes "yeah everything is fine.” I shake my head and sit up turning my lamp on "your drunk.” He laughs sarcastically "yes.” He smirks and shrugs his shoulders "but drinking has got too be better than sleeping with another girl right?” I sit up straight and shake my head “what are you talking about?” He laughs softly and leans back “that perfect brother of mine has been naughty.” I shake my head and laugh nervously "your lying.” He take a deep breath and smiles "I wish I was baby but he’s been spending a lot of time with some girl called Annie or something since you left. I always knew he was too good for you baby and this proves you need a proper man like myself.” I hang up before he could say anything else and block my caller ID and click on Joe's number. After a few seconds someone answers and I hear another girl’s voice “hello Joe's phone?” I take a deep breath and shake my head "where is he?” I hear Joe in the back laughing “give me that you.” The girl smirks and hands Joe the phone "happily.” Joe take the phone and laughs softly "who is it?” I hear Annie laughing in the background "Misty!” The line goes dead and I shake my head "cheating piece of shit!” I fling my phone on the bed and stick my head in my hands and breath heavily. I stick my caller ID back on and text him "don't speak to me ever again. I hope she was worth it and yous two deserve each other.” I sent the text and block his number and take a deep breath lying back. Hulk comes over and lies next to me so I sit up and wipe my tears away and he licks my face “thanks boy.” I stroke his head and smile "he’s not worth these tears!”
Hulk lifts his head up and looks towards the door and it opens "It's only me.” My grandpa walks in holding a bottle of whiskey and two glasses “thought this might cheer you up.” I look at him and smile shaking my head “how did you know I was upset?” He raises his eyebrows and shrugs “after the day you've had anyone would be upset.” He sits down at the side of my bed and hands me a glass "unless something else has happened?” I feel tears coming from my eyes so I quickly cuddle into his shoulder and take a deep breath with tears running down my face “I hate boys!” He laughs awkwardly and hugs me “I will get your grandma.” He stands up and sticks the whiskey and glasses on the bed next to me and walks towards the door "she will know what to say.” I nod and smile "thank you.” He walks out the door and I pick up the whisky and a glasses and place them on my table and sit back onto my bed and cross my legs.
My grandma comes in carrying pizza and shuts the door behind her “what's happened honey?” She sits down and sticks the pizza in the middle of us and opens it grabbing a slice "tell me everything.” I take a slice of pizza and eat into it "boys grandma.” I take a deep breath and shake my head "they are the worse!” She grabs the whiskey and pours a glass and hands me it "have this and tell me everything.” I take the whisky and raise my eyebrows "really?” She nods and pours herself a glass "cheers.” we cheer’s and she pours me another "well my so-called boyfriend has been sleeping with another girl.” She looks at the glass and smirks "you are going to need more.” She pours more whiskey into my glass and I laugh softly "thank.” She pours herself one and drinks it in one "what a jackass!” I look at her and laugh “grandmaaa!” She laughs and pours herself another glass “sorry but that’s a bad move from both of them actually.” She wipes away my tears and smiles "he’s an arsehole and she’s a nasty bitch and they are not worth your tears my little warrior.” She pours me another whiskey and nods “how about I take you shopping tomorrow to cheer you up since we didn’t get too do it today?” I drink the whiskey in one and nod slowly “that sounds perfect thanks grandma.” She kisses my cheek and squeezes my hand before getting up and walking towards the door “oh and Misty?” I look up towards her and smile "yeah.” She smirks and shrugs "the best way to get over someone is to take risks and live your life to the extreme.” She opens the door and winks "a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be crying over some Hollywood jackass.” I smile and blow her a kiss “goodnight Grandma.” She nods and blows a kiss back "goodnight sweetheart.”
She closes the door behind her and I get up and walk towards the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror and clean under my eyes and take a deep breath before heading back into the room grabbing the whiskey and pouring myself another large glass and drinking it in one pouring myself another before realising the bottle was empty "dammit!” I walk towards the door and head downstairs and into the kitchen and look in the cupboard and see my grandpa’s whiskey and smile "bingo!” I grab a bottle and grab a larger glass and sit at the table and open the whiskey pouring it into the glass. Hulk comes into the kitchen and lies down next to me and I smile pouring myself another large glass "screw it.” I down the glass and drink from the bottle. When I finish the bottle. I burp and take a deep breath shaking my head and look back towards Hulk and see him sleeping. I smile softly and sneak out the kitchen and head upstairs when my belly starts too rumble. I grab my jacket and check my pockets and pull out my car keys sticking them back into my pocket before sticking my jacket on and grabbing my phone heading out the bedroom door and down the stairs out the front door towards my car.462Please respect copyright.PENANAPR8elFsEhS