Chapter 23.
When Ethan pulls into my driveway he looks at me still asleep and smiles "I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He take a deep breath and nods "I promise.” He gets out the car and carries me towards the house in his arms but I wake up when I hear Hulk barking “what?” I open my eyes and yawn "where am I?” I see Ethan smiling at me “she’s awake.” I rub my eyes and shake my head "Ethan?” He puts me down still holding onto me “you ok?” I look around and nod “yeah.” I rub my eyes and shake my head "am I in the front yard? What happened?” I look at Hulk as he continues to bark "you got drunk.” I check my pockets for my keys and rub my eyes "have you got my keys?” He nods and opens the door "here.” Hulk runs out and pounce's on Ethan sending him fly back on his bum “Hulk no!” He runs over too my side and growls at Ethan “I see you have your own guard dog.” I laugh softly and stoke Hulk’s head “yeah.” I look at Hulk and smile "Ethan's a friend ok? so no eating him.” Hulk walks towards Ethan sniffing and wags his tail licking Ethan's hand “he’s a good guard dog.” Hulk jumps up on Ethan and licks his head “yes you are.” Ethan laughs and strokes his ears. I take a deep breath and smile "thanks.” Ethan smiles and nods "anytime.”
He laughs nervously and shakes his head "not literally but I will be there anytime you need me.” I smile and take a deep breath "thank you.” He coughs and looks down towards the ground "I am sorry about your boyfriend.” I laugh nervously and take a deep breath "I told you about that then?” He nods and laughs softly "yeah.” He stands up straight and smirks "I believe your words where "I need a decent man like you Ethan.” He shrugs and smiles "or something like that.” I look down and blush "oh god.” I shake my head and laugh nervously "sorry about that.” He shakes his head laughing softly “don’t worry about it. It's been a tough day for you.” I lean into him and hug him and he wraps his arms around me and for the first time ever I feel safe and happy. Like no one else Mattered and everything bad what was going on didn't Matter at this moment. I smile and whisper “take risks and live your life to the extreme.” Ethan shakes his head “what?” I smile and close my eyes and lean into him kissing him. He jumps back and looks at me and grabs my waist and pulls me into him and kisses me back.
After a few seconds he pulls away laughing and I turn around and see my grandma standing at the front door raising her eyebrows and her arms crossed “nice of you too come back.” She looks at Ethan and smiles a little "and where have you been?” I look down and laugh softly “It's not Ethan’s fault!” I look at Ethan and smile "he helped me actually.” I smirk "again.” I look at my grandma and take a deep breath "I drunk grandpa’s whiskey and drove to a bar just outside town that served food and.” She shakes her head and raises her eyebrows “you done what?” She steps aside and points towards the door “in.” I nod and turn around and kiss Ethan one more time "bye.” He waves and smiles. I run inside and upstairs and sit at the top of the stairs listening to my grandma and Ethan “I am so sorry she keeps involving you into her trouble but thank you for getting her. You’re a good kid Ethan.” Ethan looks up the stairs and smirks “that’s alright Mrs Lorenzo.” He looks down and blushes "I just didn’t want her getting into real trouble or hurting herself. Your granddaughter means a lot to me and I care a lot about her.” I smile and blush "well I should get home myself before my dad worries even more. Goodnight Mrs Lorenzo.” My grandma laughs softly “please call me Linda.” She walks into the doorway and waves "goodnight Ethan.”
I hear the front door close and lock so I run too my room and see Hulk sitting on my bed sleeping but wakes up when I close my bedroom door and runs over towards me barking playfully “shh boy.” I grab a pair of pjs and head towards the bathroom and get changed before grabbing my phone and sit on the bed and text Ethan 'Thanks for tonight. Sorry I made you and Cameron come all the way out too get me' I smile and lie back "hello?” I sit up as my grandma comes in holding a glass of water “hey honey you will need this for the morning.” She hands me the water and smiles "not get some sleep.” She smirks and nods "so Ethan huh?” I blush and smirk "I know he’s amazing but he’s apparently a closed book so not sure how he feels about me and don’t think I’m going too fine out.” She stands up and laughs sarcastically “he didn’t let you kiss him and kiss you back if he didn't like you.” I blush and take a deep breath "you think so?” She stands at the door and nods "yeah.” I lie down and take a deep breath "oh can you tell Dad I want to go to school tomorrow?” She raises her eyebrows and laughs nervously "I don't think that's the best idea.” I sit up and shake my head "I want to go in so I am not sitting around thinking about everything.” She take a deep breath and nods "fine.” She smirks and shrugs "plus you want to see Ethan I bet.” I lie down and smirk "goodnight grandma!” She smiles and blows me a kiss "goodnight sweetheart.” She turns the light of and closes the door behind her. I snuggle under the covers and smile before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning. I wake up when my alarm goes off and sit up dehydrated "god.” I grab the glass of water next to me and drink it in one and see a note on the bedside table ‘Morning honey drink this and I’ve made you breakfast and left it in the fridge. See you after school for shopping. Grandma x’ I smile and get out of bed and head into the bathroom and start the shower closing the bathroom door behind me. I get dressed and run downstairs into the kitchen and see my dad already downstairs at the table eating pancakes and reading a paper “Morning sweetheart.” I smile nod "morning.” I walk over to the fridge and see a plate of pancakes already made for me and walk over towards the table and sit down across from him and eat my pancakes “so?” He sticks his newspaper down and raises his eyebrow "where did you disappear too last night?” I laugh awkwardly and pour myself some orange juice “how did you know I went out?” He take a deep breath and lifts his paper up again “please.” He smirks and reads the paper "I’m the sheriff so I know everything that happens in this town and this house.” He looks at me and smirks "plus I noticed your car was missing from the drive when I came back from work at early hours.” I laugh nervously and nod “oh.” I shrug and take a sip of the orange juice "I was with Cameron's and we lost track of time sorry.” He raises his eyebrow and nods his head “alright.”
His phone dings so he sticks his newspaper back down and picks up his phone "I got to go away for a few night but I will be back Friday morning then I’m yours the full weekend so we can do something ok? I know works been super busy with these animal attacks and I’m sorry but I promise I will make up for it this weekend.” I smile and nod “It's okay I understand.” I take a deep breath and shrug "I’m so used to it with mum but at least I have Grandma and grandpa here too keep me company.” He stands up and kisses me forehead “when did you get so grownup?” He walks towards the fridge and grabs a bottle of water "we can maybe go away for the weekend? Your grandpa’s log cabin hasn’t been used in a while so will need a clean-up but I could go over Friday morning when I get back and you could meet me there once I am finished?” I smile and nod “that sounds perfect thanks dad.” He heads upstairs and I grab another pancake and before running out the door.
I get into my car and reverse out the driveway but stop when I hear a motorbike and look down the street and see Ethan and Grayson drive down and stop outside my front yarn on Grayson's bike. I roll down the window as Ethan runs over towards me smiling “morning.” I smile and nod "morning.” He nods towards the passenger side and smirks "can I grab a ride with you? Cameron broke my lock chain last night when she couldn’t find the key and I don’t trust leaving it at school in case it gets stolen.” I nod slowly and smirk “yeah of course.” He waves towards Grayson and runs over towards the passenger side and gets in sticking his seatbelt on. I drive out the driveway and past Grayson who drives slowly behind us "he’s boring.” Ethan looks back and laughs "what do you mean?” I shrug and smile "was expecting a race or something.” I look at the front and see Grayson drive past the side of the car and in front "think he wants a race too.” I smirk and go faster “you won’t win.” I look at Ethan and roll my eyes “watch me.” I pass Grayson as we reach the school and go in front of his bike and turn into the school car park as he follows behind and parks next to me “I can’t believe you actually won.” I smirk and look at Grayson as he gets of the bike and walks towards the car “enjoy it while you can because it will be the last time.” Ethan laughs softly and looks at me and smiles and I can’t help but smile at him and blush.
I jump when I hear someone tap my window and look over and see Cody standing outside smiling holding a plant pot I roll down the window and smile "hey Cody.” Cody hands me the plant pot and Ethan opens the car door "see you later Misty.” I turn around and see Ethan and Grayson halfway up the school pathway. I look back at Cody and nod "what is it?” He rolls his eyes and laughs “It's wolfsbane.” I smile and shake my head "you actually got it for me?” He nods and smiles "of course.” He goes into his pocket and hands me a sheet of paper “so this tells you how to grow it.” He points to the paper and smiles "your best keeping them in a north facing wall so they will grow faster.” I stick the plant pot in the back seat where the sunshine is coming from and smile “will it be ok there for a few hours.” Cody nod and smiles "yeah but I would maybe check on it at lunch time and water it.” I nod and smile “ok.” I get out the car and he nod towards the school "you want me to walk you too class so you don’t get lost this time?” I smile and nod “yeah that would be nice."
We walk towards the school entrance and he shrugs “so what happened yesterday after school? Sydney called me and said you didn’t make cheer practice.” I shake my head and scoff “she told me that practice had been moved to the gym in the back building so I went there but no one was there.” He looks down and coughs “I heard about the wolf.” He looks at me and smiles softly "you ok?” I nod and take a deep breath "yeah I am fine.” He shakes his head and looks towards the woods "my dad said that the town has always had wolfs but they usually stay in the woods and he’s never known them too come into the actual town and contact people.” I shrug my shoulder and smile “first time for everything I guess.” He smiles softly and looks towards the ground "the whole thing with Sydney is a new recruit prank.” He shrugs and smiles "cheerleaders and football players do it all the time so don't take it personal.” I laugh softly and shake my head “It's hard not too when she hates me because she thinks something is going on with us.” He runs his hand through his hair and smirks “but nothing is because you have a boyfriend and she knows that.” I laugh nervously and look down “yeah about that.” He looks at me and smirks “yous broke up?” I look at him and scoff "yeah he cheated on me and I found out of his own brother.” I shrug and take a deep breath "probably because I didn’t sleep with him.” He shakes his head and smiles “don’t blame yourself for it.” He smirks and shrugs "It's his loss.”
Once we reach the school doors he stops and smiles at me “so does this mean I can do this?” He leans in and kisses me but I pull away and shake my head “It's too soon sorry.” I look to the side and see Ethan and Grayson by the bench watching me and I can see Ethan's muscles tense as he clenches’ his fist "well let me know when It's not too soon.” Grayson holds onto Ethan's arm and shakes his head as he steps forward towards us "what?” I look back at Cody and he smirks "I will be waiting so let me know when It's not too soon.” I roll my eyes and open the door "let’s get too class.” Cody walks in and I look at Ethan and Grayson before following him in. The day goes by slow and last period was history so I was happy that I had at least one class different from Cody so I could get a break from him trying to flirt with me all the time. I loved history and was the favourite subject so I was excited to start and see what they learned here and too hopefully learn more about this towns history as I was really into that right now especially after everything that’s happened the last few days. I walk into the class and see Grayson sitting at the back with a chair free next to him so I walk over and smile “is this seat taken?” He looks up and shakes his head “no.”
I sit down and he closes his notebook and looks towards the front “what yous learning right now?” He looks at me and raises his eyebrow "that.” He nods towards a poster on the wall beside me "Harper Ferry magical creatures.” I smile and nod “I’ve been reading books about this towns history with wolfs and stuff.” He looks at me and nods slowly "It's actually really interesting so I’m excited to learn more about it.” He looks and me and laughs softly “really?” I look at him and smile "yeah why?” He shrugs and smirks "you’re the first person to say that.” He nods towards the front and shrugs "everyone else just thinks it’s a load of made up stories so they don’t pay attention to it.” I shake my head and smile “well I love history and learning about new towns and their backgrounds and so far this town has the most interesting history so I’m excited to learn more.” 467Please respect copyright.PENANA9ar01QWFMM