Chapter 9.
I open the car door and Hulk sits down "up boy.” He looks at me and wags his tail before jumping up and into the passenger side "let’s go then.” I start the car and drive out the driveway and down the street and past the trees and I spot a cut of path down the street "this will do.” I slow down and drive into the of road and through woods for about half a mile before parking onto a grass looking car park "this place looks like It's not been used in years.” Hulk looks at me and tilts his head before looking outside as we park up. I open the driver door and Hulk growls at the door "what's wrong boy?” I close the door and lock it and watch the direction Hulk is growling and see a bunny pop out a bush "It's only a bunny.” I open the door again and laugh nervously "come on.” I jump out and Hulk follows behind me but runs of barking "Hulk wait!” He stops at a big bush and growls at it "stop boy It's probably just another rabbit.” I walk back towards the way we came but Hulk doesn't move "let’s go boy.” He starts barking and I take a deep breath "Hulk?” I walk back over to him and he doesn't take his eyes of the bush and it starts moving and I hear a growling noise and realise this time it wasn't coming from Hulk. I back away and Hulk continues to bark at the bush. Still back away I lock my eyes onto the bush and it continues to move and the growling noise gets louder and eventually I see a black paw come out of it "Hulk?!” I stop and look at Hulk who looks like he’s just about too attack and look back at the bush and see another black paw come out of the bush and eventually 2 big black eyes appear and a black wolf appears from the bush growing at Hulk showing Its teeth. I run towards Hulk and grab his collar back "Hulk run!”
Hulk walks backwards but keeps Its eyes locked onto the wolf "let’s go boy!” I run back towards the car and open the door and quickly get into the car "Hulk come.” I look towards Hulk and see him running towards the car with the wolf closely behind him "hurry boy.” He jumps into the car and I quickly close the car doors and lock them "god.” I take a deep breath in relief and look at Hulk "good boy.” I stroke his head and he growls at the wolf who is standing in front of the car and jumps up at it "let’s get out of here.” I drive of and hear the wolf jump on top of the car roof "get off!” I swirl to the side and the wolf goes flying of the side of the car and lands on the ground making a howling noise. I smile and take a deep breath in relief before driving home. When we pull up into the street I hear a loud howl and shiver in fear "god I hope that wolf hasn't followed us.” I look at Hulk and see him licking his paw "what you done boy?” I park the car into the driveway and take Hulk’s paw "let me have a look.” I see one of his nails are missing “what you done boy?” I stroke his head and grab my phone from my pocket "let’s get you looked at eh.” I ring Cameron's number and realise it was just past midnight "pick up pick up.” After 4 rings Cameron answers the phone sounding half asleep "hello?” I smile and take a deep breath "Cameron It's Misty.” I look at Hulk’s paw and take a deep breath "sorry to be calling so late but I need a favour.” Cameron sits up and turns her lamp on "what can I do for you?” I smile at Hulk and stick my thumb up "Hulk has hurt his paw.” I look at his paw and smile softly "I was wondering if we could come by and see if your dad would have a look at it?” Cameron take a deep breath and nods "ok meet us at the vets.” I smile and nod "thanks Cameron I owe you one.” I hang up the phone and smile towards Hulk “let’s get this looked at before it gets infected.”
As I drive out the driveway I see my dad’s car pull into the street "shit.” I drive down the street and see him rolling down his window and slowing down "leave this too me boy.” I slow down and roll down the window "hey dad.” My dad raises his eyebrows and looks at Hulk "where you going at this time?” I look at Hulk and smile "Hulk hurt his paw so I am taking his vets.” I slowly put the window up and drive down the street "sorry dad can’t talk got to go.” I drive of and turn the street without looking back. When we pull up to the vets there’s already a car outside and the vets lights are on "they must be already there.” I park up next to the parked car and open the door "let’s go boy.” Hulk jumps out the car dripping blood over the ground "come here boy.” I lift him up and walk towards the door and see Cameron standing by the door waiting "come on let’s get him looked at.” She take him of me and he growls "It's okay boy she’s a friend.” Hulk licks his paw and howls in pain "you’re going to be ok boy.” Cameron strokes his head and nods down the hallway "he’s in Room 4” I walk down the hallway and spot Room 4 and open the door holding it open and Cameron walks in and lies Hulk on the table "my dad is just getting his stuff ready but you can wait outside if you want?” I look at Hulk and smile "I will be right outside okay boy?” I kiss his head and smile "I will see you soon.” I walk towards the door and Cameron closes it behind me "this way.” She leads me towards the waiting area and sits down next to me. She take a deep breath and smiles "so?” I look at her and smile nervously "what?” She raises her eyebrow and nods towards the hallway "what happened?” I shrug my shoulders and sit up straight "wolf attack.” She laughs awkwardly and shakes her head "your being serious?” I smile and nod slowly "yeah.” She stands up and runs down the hallway "stay here.”
She disappears into the room where Hulk is and I sit back straight and take a deep breath "god I hope wolfs here don't have diseases or something.” I sit back and fling my head back and close my eyes. After a few minutes Cameron comes back and smiles "Hulk is okay.” I look up and see Hulk standing next to her with a bandage on his paw "he cut the nail of a bit of wood so he’s going to be ok.” I hug Hulk and smile "thank you.” I hear footsteps approach and look up and see an older looking Grayson walking down the hallway "thank me more like.” I stand up and smile "you must be Cameron's dad.” He smiles and holds his hand out "please call me Edmund.” I smile and nod "well thank you Edmund.” I shake his hand she smiles towards Hulk "he’s a brave boy.” I smile and stroke his head "yes he is.” Edmund looks at me and smiles "I believe you thought it was a wolf attack that cause this? what makes you think that?” I take a deep breath and laugh nervously before looking at the ground "I kind of.” I look at Cameron and smile "had a run in with some wolf in the woods and I thought that it hurt Hulk.” Edmund looks at Cameron and smiles softly "what kind of wolf?” I shrug my shoulders and laugh nervously "I don't know.” I look at Hulk and smile "a black one?” Edmund nods and take a deep breath "ok thank you.” He walks down the hallway and Cameron smiles at me softly "what was that about?” Cameron shrugs awkwardly and smiles "beats me.” She strokes Hulk’s head and nods towards the door "let’s get you home.” I smile and look down the hallway where Edmund went before following Cameron out the door towards the car park. I open the back-seat door and Hulk jumps in the back seats "you lie down and relax boy.” I close the door and jump into the driver seat and roll down the window "thanks again.” Cameron leans over the car and smiles "your welcome.” She looks at Hulk and laughs softly "no more woods for a while.” I shrug my shoulders and laugh softly "I can’t see something like that happening again.” Cameron raises her eyebrows and take a deep breath "never know in this town.” I smile and nod "I will be more careful next time.” I look at the clock "It's 1AM so I should get home before my dad sends out a search party.” Cameron nods and smiles "see you later.” I smile and wave as I drive out the car park "bye!"
When I pull back into the driveway I see the living room light on and take a deep breath "great dad must be still up.” I park the car and let Hulk out and quietly open the front door "and where have you been.” I see my dad standing at the living room door with his arms crossed "I was at the vets.” My dad looks at Hulk and leans down having a look at his foot "what happened?” I roll my eyes and yawn "It's been a long night.” I head upstairs and smile "I will fill you in tomorrow.” I look back to my dad and nod "night dad.” My dad rolls his eyes and take a deep breath "this isn't over.” He turns the living room light out and follows me upstairs "night.” He walks towards his bedroom closing the door behind him. I walk into my bedroom closing the door behind me but Hulk swings it open and jumps onto my bed "take it you’re in here again tonight?” He tilts his head and close the door laughing before turning the light of and walking towards the bed turning the lamp on. I lie in bed and grab my phone before sticking it onto the bedside drawers and rolling onto my back yawning. Hulk lays down at the bottom of my feet "comfortable?” I look down smiling shaking my head before sticking my head back onto the pillow closing my eyes and eventually drift off to sleep. I wake up by the feeling of water hitting of me and I open my eyes to see that I am in the woods with the rain hitting of me. I quickly stand up and look around and see the black wolf standing in front of me. I turn around and start running away from the wolf but I trip over a large branch and fall onto the ground. I look up and see the wolf leaning over me showing Its large teeth and goes in for a bite but I wake up before it gets a chance too. I wake up panicking and sweating and sit up looking around too realise I was in my bedroom again. I turn my lamp on and Hulk sits up and looks at me. I shake my head and take a deep breath "it was just a dream.” I get out of bed but fall back down again when I feel a sharp burning pain in my wrist like I spilled hot coffee over it. I look down at my wrist and take the bandage of and see a red scar in the shape of a half moon "what?” I shake my head and try rub it but it doesn't budge. I hold it in pain and run towards the bathroom and stick it under running cold water. I try to scrub it but it still doesn't change or come off. I run out the bathroom towards the bedroom panicking and grab my phone. I sit on the bed and jump when I see a black hooded figure standing at the entrance of my bedroom door. My wrists burns even more and I feel myself go weak and eventually pass out before I could scream for help or move.441Please respect copyright.PENANA2tnjP8Rgfg