Chapter 24.
He goes into his bag and pulls out a notebook “here.” He hands me the book and smiles “It's just some facts about the town and It's history that I’ve gathered and wrote down.” I raise my eyebrows and he scoffs "It's not a lot but It's something.” I stick the notebook in my bag and smile "thank you.” I shrug and laugh nervously "I got the feeling you didn't like me.” I lean back and he laughs softly "I didn't.” He leans back and shrugs "but I do now.” He looks at me and smiles "why the change of heart?” He shrugs and scoffs "I’ve seen how happy my brother is.” He take a deep breath and smiles softly "I’ve never seen him this happy in a long time.” I smirk and nod "he’s a nice boy.” He smiles and faces the front and nods as the teacher walks in and turns the lights of “Afternoon class I’m Mr Walter your sub teacher.” He pulls down the projector screen and turns on the projector "now can everyone turn their eyes to the front please and watch this documentary from 1889 of a pack of wolfs just by the Harper Ferry town border."
The documentary starts and two men appear holding a microphone and a torch at the start of the path leading too Den’s Woods. One of the men smile and tap the camera “is this on? Ok good. Hello and welcome too Harper Ferry's Mystical raid. We are outside Dens Woods as you can see and we have been told that there are real life werewolves living in these woods so let’s check it out.” I turn too Grayson and smile “did you know that they done a documentary outside your house?” Grayson looks at the teacher and his eyes go dark and are no longer blue "Grayson?” He locks his black eyes onto the teacher and I touch his arm and he grabs my hand squeezes it tight for a few seconds before letting it go and shaking his head “sorry Misty I got to go.” He stands up and runs out the door and the teacher looks at me and smirks. I look back towards the screen as the man walks up the path which looks the same except in the DVD there isn’t as many trees “what was that? Did yous get that?” There is a howl on the DVD and the camera turns too face three wolfs on the TV lying on the ground over something.
The men get closer and one of them shake their head “oh my god.” He faces the camera and shakes his head "Is that a body? Can you zoom in on that?” The camera zooms in and focuses on a body lying on the ground not moving. The men move closer and the wolfs look at the camera men and run of and the camera gets closer and focus on the body "It's a woman.” One of the men walk over and touch it "she’s dead.” The camera focuses on the woman face and I look closely at it and shake my head "it can’t be.” I grab my phone from my pocket and text Ethan 'can we talk?' I look back towards the screen and see a red wolf necklace around her neck. The same necklace I found on my pillow a few days ago. I reach into my bag and pull it out and hold it and realise it was the exact same necklace. I shake my head and turn back to the screen and see the men standing over the body “this is the killing of an evil wild animal and the people of Harper Ferry deserve to know what kind of animals live in their woods. The woods by their very own town where they and their children sleep.” The other man take a deep breath and looks into the camera "this calls for a man hunt and calls for a mission to get all of the wolfs out of this beloved town once and for all.” The camera men turn to the side and shake their head as a howl echoes through the woods. The camera turns too where the howl came from and a black wolf appears from the woods looking right into the lenses growling at the cameraman. My wrist starts too burns so I take my jacket of and see blood running down the hand "sir?” I raise my hand the teacher looks at me "yeah?” I look at my wrist and take a deep breath "can I go to the bathroom?” He looks at my arm and leans back into his chair holding his hand against his mouth and nods “yes.”
I stand up and run out the classroom holding my wrist and run towards the bathroom. I run my wrist under cold water and the blood drips into the sink and I take a deep breath and shake my head looking back down and see the tattoo has changed back too black. I look in the mirror and shake my head and take a deep breathe before heading towards the bathroom door as the bell rings. I run back too history class and see it empty so I run in and grab my bag and see the teacher walk into the classroom holding the notebook Grayson gave me "oh Misty your still here.” I look at the notebook and smile "yeah I came back for my bag and notebook.” He looks at the notebook and smirks "this is yours?” I nod and smile "yeah.” He smirks and hands it back "here you go.” I see two pages from the notebook on his other hand I nod "is that from the notebook?” He raises his eyebrows and smiles "oh yeah they.” He looks at me and smirks "fell out it.” I nod and hold my hand out and he looks at my wrist and smirks "here.” He places his hand behind his back and pulls out a needle out and smirks "sorry.” He stabs me with the needle and I look at him and shake my head "what?” I feel my whole body give in and I fall into Mr Walters arms and see him smirking before I blank out.
Ethan and Grayson stand by Grayson's motorbike waiting "where is she?” Ethan looks around and shakes his head "I am not sure but she won’t be long I am sure.” Grayson walks towards my car and coughs "what is that?” Ethan looks at him and shakes his head "what?” Ethan walks towards Grayson and shakes his head "is that wolfsbane?” They look in my back seat and see the pot of wolfsbane "she knows something!” Grayson looks at Ethan and he shakes his head "no her and Cody was speaking about wolfsbane in class so maybe she just wanted some?” Ethan shakes his head and take a deep breath "yeah but why would she want it if she didn't know anything?” Ethan looks towards the school and shakes his head "I don't know but I am going to check on her.” Grayson follows him and take a deep breath "I am coming too.” They get into the school and Ethan closes his eyes "I can smell her.” He runs down the hallway and stops at history class "she was here.” Grayson catches up and take a deep breath "yeah because we had history last.” Ethan shakes his head and opens the door "no she was here a couple of seconds ago.” He walks into the classroom and looks around "Ethan?” Grayson bends down and spots my bag "is this?” Grayson nods "It's Misty's.” Ethan punches the wall and runs out the class "we have too found her.” Grayson runs after him and they exit the school "we will!"
They run towards the woods and turn into wolf form when they are out of take a deep breath. I open my eyes and realise I am in a dark cupboard "hello?” I punch and kick around and "hello?!” I jump when I hear a loud noise outside "help!" Someone opens the door and I realise I was in the boot of a car "who is there?” I sit up and look around and realise I was in the middle of the woods alone. I stand up and look around but it was dark and there were no lights apart from the stars. I spot a pathway so I run towards it and run down the pathway and see a streetlight at the bottom of the path. I see a road so I look around "ah.” I shake my head and turn right and run down the road. I spot a car driving my way so I wave it down and it slows down and stops at the side of the road and rolls the window down as I approach it "Misty?” I get to the car and see Joe "Joe?” I shake my head before running down the road away from the car.
I look back after a few minutes and see a car light driving behind me slowly "go away Joe!” I hear a motorbike and look down the opposite direction and see a motorbike drive towards me and the car quickly drives of. The motorbike drives past and I look at the rider "Ethan?!” The rider looks at me and slows down as it turns around and stops beside me "Misty!” The rider take their helmet of and I see Grayson standing "we have been looking everywhere for you.” I hug him and take a deep breath. He wraps his arms around me "let’s get you home.” He hands me his helmet and I stick it on and get on the back of the motorbike "thank you.” Grayson smiles and nods "Ethan has had us all looking all night.” He starts the bike and shrugs "not that I wouldn't be anyway.” I hold onto him and lean my head on his shoulder "thanks Grayson.” He smirks and nods before driving down the road and into my driveway. 483Please respect copyright.PENANAwXcXAyb5Se