Chapter 28.
We enter a white walled room and a large bed "this is not what I expected.” He closes the door and laughs "what did you expect? black room with black everything?” I look around and shrug "yeah actually.” He sits down on the bed and taps the space next to him. I sit down and take a deep breath "so?” I look at him and smile softly "I think we should speak about this.” He take a deep breath and nods "I know I am just not ready too.” I hold his hand smile "I know but It's either me or the wolf that dies.” His eyes go black and I feel his muscles tense "I won’t let that happen.” I rub his arm and smile "I know you won’t.” I pull his face towards me and smile before leaning in and kissing him. After a few seconds I feel his muscles relax and I smirk "that's better.” He shakes his head and laughs softly.
I lie back on the bed and he lies down next to me "your dad said it doesn't have to be right now and that they can catch and lock the black wolf away somewhere.” He rolls over and faces me "I know I heard.” I sit up and laugh "so you’re a werewolf huh?” He sits up and smirks "yeah.” I nod and sit on the bed with my legs crossed "so what can you do?” He laughs nervously and shrugs "a few things.” I take his hand smile "like when your eyes change colour?” He looks down and nods "you've noticed that huh?” I smile and nod "just a few times.” I look at him and smirk "I noticed it when you see Cody kiss me.” He looks at me and his eyes turn black "I just don't like him.” I smile and nod towards him "see.” He shakes his head and smiles "I’ve never been the jealous type but I’ve never been in this situation or felt this way.” He take a deep breath and shrugs "I’ve never knew someone too calm me down so quickly either.” I shake my head and laugh softly "what do you mean?” He sits back and take a deep breath "when I am angry it usually take a lot to calm me down.”
He looks towards the door and smirks "I remember when Cody tried to kiss you the first day of school Grayson tried to calm me down and even then I lashed out at Grayson and cut his hand.” I touch his hand smile "you jealous?” He raises his eyebrow and smiles "have I got anything too be jealous of?” I shake my head and kiss him "nope.” I stand up and look around his room "so what else can you do?” He looks towards the door and smile "I can hear stuff from afar.” I smile and sit down "really? can you hear your dad?” He nods and smiles "I can even hear your dad.” He closes his eyes and I look at him and smile "your dad is still on the phone and he’s talking about.” He opens his eyes and smiles "work.” I roll my eyes and smirk "usual.” Ethan stands up and holds his hands out "let’s go.”
I places my hands in his and he gently pulls me up and kisses me "oh isn't this cosy.” I look at the door and see Nicolas leaning against the door smirking "get out Nicolas.” Nicolas smirks at me and nods "fine this is boring anyway.” I look at the picture on the drawers by the door "why do you think you’re so angry compared too Grayson and Cameron?” I look at Ethan and she shrugs "I am not sure.” I walk towards the picture and pick the frame up "do you think it might be something to do with your mum passing?” He walks towards me and smiles "never thought about it.” He looks at the picture and I kiss his cheek "that's such a lovely necklace she has.” He looks at it and laughs softly "It's the dark wolf necklace.” I shake my head "the what?” He take the picture from me and sticks it back and take my hand "It's a necklace that will protect any werewolf from another werewolf even the black daemon one.” I shake my head and he opens the door "did a werewolf not kill your mum?” He looks at me and raises his eyebrow "that's what Cameron said anyway and I see a documentary about it in History.” He laughs softly and nods "the Harper Ferry's Mystical raid?” I nod and he smirks "can’t believe they still show that.”
He shrugs and take a deep breath "so what happened to your mum if she was wearing the necklace?” He shakes his head and take a deep breath "it was a replicate someone stole the necklace and replaced it with a fake and we don't know who or where the necklace is today.” I smirk and take a deep breath "I think I know.” He raises his eyebrow and I grab his hand run downstairs into the kitchen. I get my bag and go into it and smile "this one?” I pull out the necklace and Ethan's face lights up "how?” Ethan take the necklace and closes his hand into a fist and opens it up again and his fingernails turn into claws. He taps the necklace and it lights up “this is the real one.” He looks towards Edmund and laughs nervously "Dad, Misty has the real one.” Edmund walks over and smiles "the real what?” He spots the necklace and shakes his head "how did you? where did you find it?” I smile and shake my head “it was on my pillow one night I don’t know how it got there.” Ethan smiles and nods towards me “may I?” I look at Edmund who smiles and I nod “yeah.” I turn around and he sticks the necklace around my neck “It's beautiful.” I turn around and look at Edmund "are yous sure yous don’t mind me wearing it?” Ethan smile and shake his head “of course not it looks beautiful on you.” I look down towards it and hold it in my hand smile. I look at Ethan and my eyes go blurry "Misty?” I shake my head and fall into Ethan's arms "are you ok?” Ethan voice goes faint and I look at him and smile before passing out.
I open my eyes and look around too find myself on the ground in a barn covered in hay "what?” I look down and see I have an old Victorian dress on "where am I?” I stand up and look round but no one is around. Only horses “Ethan?” I head out the barn and see a busy street with old fashioned houses and shops “where am I?” I see a sign above the barn "Harper Ferry stables.” I run towards the nearest shop and open it and see I am in a vet. I look around and take a deep breath “hello madam.” A man who looks like Nicolas pops up from behind the counter and smiles "what can I do for you?” I look around and laugh “where am I?” The man looks at me and smiles "you’re in Harper Ferry my dear.” I look at the sign behind him and smile "Animal Hospital.” He nods and looks behind him "yeah It's my families business.” I hold my hand out and smile "Misty Lorenzo.” He walks towards me and smiles "Jaiden Denver.” I shake his hand smile “Denver?” He rolls his eyes and take a deep breath “I guess you have met my brother Nicolas.” I laugh and nod “no but I’ve heard he’s a real charmer.” He smiles and shrugs “yeah he’s something.” I look around the store and see a newspaper on the counter “what's the date?” He looks at the clock and smiles “It's 8th October.” I laugh nervously and look at the close "what year?” He raises his eyebrow and smirks "1865.”
I scoff and nod slowly “are you ok?” He grabs a chair and a bottle of water from the fridge "yeah.” I nod and drink the water “I’m fine.” He looks at the clock and smiles “I am due to close the shop in 5 minutes if you want to wait here and you come back with me? You look like you could use something to eat and my sister in law makes the best chicken and pea soup.” I smile and nod “that sounds perfect.” He walks towards the door and grabs keys and walks over towards me "shall we?” He offers me his arm "yeah.” I stand up and wrap my arm around his and walk towards the door "don't worry I will make sure Nicolas doesn't annoy you.” I shake my head and laugh nervously “Nicolas will be there?” He opens the door and closes it behind us locking it “yeah.” He nods down the street "this way.”
We walk down the street and after a few minutes I see the sign for Den Woods. "Our property is just at the end of this wooden path.” As we walk up the path I look around and smile "here we are.” I spot the house and smile at the house that looks the exact same as the present "me and my brothers build this place a few years back.” I look at him and smile "It's lovely.” I look back towards the house and see a young girl playing outside with twin boys “hey guys!” They spot us and run over “Uncle Jaiden.” They all hug him and he falls over “this is Misty.” They stands up and look at me "Misty this is my niece Cameron and my nephews Grayson and Ethan.” I smile at them and wave “Hello miss.” Ethan take my hand kisses it “pleasure to meet you.” Grayson rolls his eyes and tackles Ethan to the ground “don't be weird.” Cameron smiles and steps forward "hello It's nice to meet you.” I smile and nod "nice to meet you too.” She runs of with Grayson and Ethan and Jaiden smiles towards me "shall we?” I smile and nod "yeah.” He wraps his arm around mine and heads towards the house.
The front door is already open so we walk in and I look around and smirk at how little has changed "you want a tour?” I look at Jaiden and nod "yeah that would be lovely.” He smiles and walks towards the stairs "this way then marm.” He leads me upstairs and stops at the first floor and nods “welcome to the first floor. It's got 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.” we walk down and he nods towards the rooms on the left "we use these bedrooms as the kids rooms and the guest bedrooms.” I look at him and shrug “how old are your nephews and niece?” He shrugs and laughs softly “Cameron is 12 and the boys are 9” we continue walking down the hallway and I look at all the paintings and spot a painting of and Edmund and Alice and stop "wow.” He stops and looks at the painting "that’s my brother and sister in law.” I look at the painting closer and see the red wolf necklace around Alice's neck and feel my neck and feel the necklace around it. I take a deep breath in relief and he looks at me "what?” I shake my head and smile "she’s very beautiful.”
I hear footsteps approach us "thank you.” I turn around d and see Alice walking towards us wearing a beautiful long red dress. She looks at Jaiden and smirks “is this your guest tonight Jaiden?” Jaiden looks at me and smirks “yeah. This is Misty.” He looks at Alice and nods "this is my sister in law Alice.” She holds her out and I smile and it “pleasure to meet you.” I look at her neck and see the necklace and she smiles and touches it “I will see yous at dinner then.” Jaiden nods and she smiles and turns around walking downstairs. “You want to continue the tour?” I look around and smile nodding “yeah.” Jaiden walks back towards the stairs and I follow him up the stairs towards the second floor. The once iron door is now gone and the staircase lead into another hallway with few doors. I spot a painting of a baby and a young girl “who is that?” Jaiden looks at the painting and smiles “that’s Alice and her sister Sharon.” I look at Jaiden and smile “where is she now?” He shrugs before carrying carries on walking “I’m not sure. She lost contact with her when she was a baby and hasn’t heard from her since.” I shake my head and take a deep breath “that must be horrible for her.”
I walk down the hallway and catch up with Jaiden when he stops at the first door with a sign Museum outside “yous have your own museum?” He laughs and shakes his head “yeah but It's just a collection of our family herbicides and priceless stuff.” He opens the door and I look around and see the books and paintings from the library on the first floor. I walk in and spot the book that Edmund showed me the night I found out about the Red Shield and pick it up “that’s the book of our history and the truth about the daemons of the night.” I stick it down and laugh “daemons of the night?” He laughs softly and nods "I forgot you are not from around here.” He nods towards a painting on the wall of a black wolf and a man with blood dripping from his mouth "the daemons of the night are mystical creatures that.” He looks at me and smirks "apparently live in Harper Ferry.” I nod slowly and smirk "looks interesting.” He smiles and walks towards a glass case at the back of the room and nods "here.” I walk over and look in it “these are my favourite things in here.”
I shake my head and smile “arrows?” He nods and winks and turns back to the case and presses a button under the case “it’s the weapon of daemons.” The case splits in two and 5 iron arrows come up from under the case bottom. I spot an arrow with a red point and smile “whys that red?” He opens the case and grabs it “it’s a special arrow. It's an arrow that can kill a special kind of wolf called the black daemon if you stick a special kind of blood on it belonging to a supernatural person called the red shield.” I nearly choke and he laughs “you ok?” I laugh nervously and nod “yeah fine.” I walk towards the bookshelf at the side of the case and shrug "I just don’t believe in stuff like that.” He sticks the arrow back and presses the button under the case again making the iron arrows go under the case and the wooden arrows go back into place. "Not everyone does but It's nice to believe in something magical right?” I smile and nod “I guess.” He smiles and heads towards the door “come.” He stops and holds his arm out "I think dinner is ready.” 502Please respect copyright.PENANAb8scyUhxCx