Chapter 26.
He take a deep breath and steps back "your dad will be here any second so let’s get you out of here.” He walks towards the door but I stop when my wrist burns and feel my legs go "wow!” Ethan catches my and nods "you ok?” I hold my wrist and shake my head "I don't know I just feel dizzy.” He pulls my sleeve up and looks at my wrist "don't worry I know what to do.” He wraps my arm around him and carries me out the storage cupboard. He stops when we get out the storage and smiles "you ok?” I stand up and take a deep breath "yeah.” I shake my head and he hold onto my back "you sure?” I nod and rub my head "yeah I am fine now.” The entrance doors swing open and 4 police officers run in including Cody's dad "Misty?!” He runs towards me and shakes his head "are you ok?” I smile softly and take a deep breath "I am fine.” He looks towards Ethan and see's my hand in his "do you want me to call your dad?” I shake my head and take a deep breath "no honestly I am fine.” He looks at me and smiles "ok good.” He looks at the boys behind me and shake his head "so what happened?” I nod towards the storage cupboard and take a deep breath "some kind of animal tried to attack me.” The waitress walks forward and nods "it was a wolf!” Phil’s eyes light up and looks at her "are you sure?” She nods and walks towards us "ok well can you come down to the station and give a statement?” She nods and walks towards the kitchen. "You able to come down too? I can call your grandparents on the way if you like?” I look at Ethan and nod "ok but I don't need them. I want Ethan to come with me.” Ethan looks at me and smiles "you sure?” I nod and smile "yes.” Phil nods "ok well I will meet yous at the station.”
Phil walks away and Ethan looks at the boys behind me and nods "are those the boys who were bothering you?” I look behind me and nod "boy but yeah.” He walks forward and I shake my head and grab his arm "Ethan! there are police here.” His eyes go black and I hold his hand "let it go.” He looks at them for a few seconds before looking at me "fine.” He wraps his hand around mine and nods "let’s get this over with.” we walk towards the exit and towards the car park. I get my car keys from my pocket and Ethan shakes his head "have you been drinking?” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath "I’ve had one.” He holds his hand out and smiles "keys.” I roll my eyes and hand them the keys "fine.” I look around the car park and laugh nervously "how did you get here?” He walks towards the driver side and smirks "I ran.” I raise my eyebrows and get into the passenger side "you live about half an hour away?” He shrugs and smirks "I am a fast runner.” I shake my head and smile "still not fixed your bike then?” He starts the car and drives out the car park "not yet I’ve not really had time.” I smirk and hold his hand he smile at me and kisses it. He drives towards the police station and parks outside "ready?” He looks at it and smiles "I guess.” He take a deep breath and we get out and walk towards the police station.
As we wait for Phil for my statement we sit in the waiting room alone "what was you doing out yourself anyway?” I lean back and take a deep breath "my grandpa show me a camera with pictures of a weekend we had in his log cabin.” He raises his eyebrow and nods "and?” I smile and shake my head "the black wolf was in the pictures behind me.” I lean forward and shrug "wolfs are only meant to live for 8 years but the year was 2004.” He looks away and I laugh softly "it gets weirder.” He shoots his head towards me and smiles nervously "the wolf in the picture had a scar on It's right leg.” I smirk and lean back "and so did the one that just attacked me.” He take a deep breath and stands up shaking his head "Misty?” The door opens and Phil walks in "ready?” I look at Ethan and he nods "yeah.” I follow Phil out the door and Ethan follows behind me into an interview room. Phil sits down and opens a notebook "so tell me what happened.”
I start telling Phil about going to the bar alone and the man who came over towards me and I see Ethan getting annoyed at the side of my eye so I touch his hand from under the table and squeeze it and his hand relaxes. After I finish telling him he stands up and smile "thank you so much for coming in Misty.” I smile and stand up "of course.” He nods towards the door and smirks "that will be all.” I stand up and nod "thank you.” Ethan stands up and walks out the door and I follow him out the station and back towards my car. Ethan drives out the town but turn the wrong way "where are we going?” He looks at me and smirks "I told you I know what to do.” I smirk and shake my head "I am fine.” He laughs nervously and shakes his head "well I am still taking you too see my dad.” I shake my head and smirk "your dad has already seen it?” He nods and take a deep breath "I know but he needs to take a closer look.” I look at my wrist and take a deep breath "fine but I don't see what difference It's going to make.” He pulls into his driveway and I see Grayson outside by his bike "where’s he going?” He looks towards Grayson and shrugs "not sure.” Grayson gets on his bike and drives of as we park up in the driveway.
Ethan gets out the car and runs over too my side and opens the door "stop fussing I am ok.” He shakes his head and holds my hand "are you sure?” I smile and nod "yes I promise.” He take a deep breath and nods "fine but you tell you if you need anything ok?” I smile and nod "I will.” I walk towards the door pulling his hand with me "now come on.” He laughs softly and walks towards his front door with me. The front door opens as we approach it and Ethan's uncle Nicolas stands at the door smirking "hello again.” He looks at me and I roll my eyes "who are you again?” Ethan squeezes my hand walks in shoving past him and walks towards the kitchen where Edmund is sitting reading a book. "Dad?” He looks up and smiles "hello Misty dear.” I smile and wave "hey Edmund.” Nicolas walks in and scoffs "that's not the hello I got.” He walks towards the fridge and grabs a beer "anyway.” Ethan looks at Edmund and take a deep breath "can we talk?” Ethan looks at Nicolas and he shrugs "don't let me stop you.” Ethan looks at me and smiles "you going to be ok here for a few minutes?” I look at Nicolas and he winks "yeah I will be ok.” He smiles and kisses me "ok.” He looks at Edmund and nods towards the back garden "let’s go.” Ethan walks towards the back door and Edmund follows him closing the door behind them.
I sit down and Nicolas opens the fridge and grabs another beer and sits down across from me "here.” He hands me the beer and I smirk "I am ok thanks.” He rolls his eyes and opens it "don't waste it.” He sticks it in front of me and smirks "It's Edmund's.” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath "fine but only because It's Edmund's.” I take a sip and stick it down "so?” I look at Nicolas and he smirks looking me up and down "you and Ethan?” I raise my eyebrow and smirk "yeah what about me and Ethan?” He shrugs and smiles "is it serious?” He take a sip of his beer and smirks "I don't know.” I shake my head and take a sip "we just started.” I shrug and smirk "whatever this is.” He nods slowly and smirks "I see.” He take a long sip of the beer and smile when the back door opens and Ethan and Edmund walk in but my smile soon drops when I see them looking worried "what?” Edmund smiles softly and nods towards the door behind me "come with me dear.” He walks past me and walks out the door and I stand up and follow him out the door and up the stairs "come on.”
I look up the stairs and take a deep breath before walking up them and following him. He walks down the first floor and opens a door and smiles "in here.” I look behind me and take a deep breath "ok.” I walk into the room and Edmund turns the light on and I look around and see a library with a large metal door at the back of the room "over here.” I look at Edmund as he looks through a book shelve at the back of the room and pulls out a book "found it!” I raise my eyebrows and walk towards him "found what?” He sits down on the table in the middle of the room and opens the book "hang on.” He walks towards a painting of a half-moon on the wall and take it off the wall and opens a safe behind it and grabs a black box "bingo.” He walks over towards the table and sits down "please sit.”
I sit down across from him and he opens the book and flicks through the pages and stops on one titled 'Red Shield' I shake my head and take a deep breath "Nicolas said something about a red shield but didn't tell me what it was.” He turns the book around and points towards a picture of an arrow with a red point "we think you might be a red shield.” I raise my eyebrow and smirk "what?” I shake my head and laugh nervously "what does that mean?” He lifts the book up and starts reading it "A red shield has never been found but they are special as they can heal a vampire or werewolf bite and are also the only creatures that can kill a black daemon wolf.” I raise my eyebrows and shake my head "a what?” He shows me a picture and I take a deep breath "the wolf that's been hunting me?” He touches my wrist and pulls my sleeve up "It's been hunting you because you have the mark.”
I look at my wrist and shake my head "the mark?” He nods and shows me a picture of some ones leg with the same scar "every werewolf used to mark a human and make the hunt a game and make it fun but the laws all changed and werewolves are not allowed to kill humans anymore.” I shake my head and take a deep breath "but that black wolf has tried to kill me?” Edmund nods and take a deep breath "I know.” He shows me a bit in the book "The black daemon wolf can’t be killed unless the red shield kills it with a red tipped arrow or if the red shield offers her blood to a werewolf then that werewolf will grow venom teeth and therefore can kill the black daemon wolf.” He take a deep breath and shakes his head "what?” He closes the book and smiles softly "nothing.” I look at the book and grab it and open it "A werewolf who bonds with the red shield can also kill a black daemon wolf.” I look at Edmund and laugh nervously "bond? what does that mean?” He smiles softly and looks down "it means.” The door swings open and my grandpa walks in and take a deep breath "it means a werewolf would bite the person they bond with and that person will be locked in a room during transaction.” He walks in and sits down "in other words the person would become half werewolf.” He looks at Edmund and smirks "if they survive." 448Please respect copyright.PENANARy9YmvawjK