Chapter 17.
We continue down the road and I see the town border sign ahead and raise my eyebrows "are we on the right path still?” Cameron smiles and nods "yeah keep driving down this road for about another mile.” I look at her and take a deep breath "mile?” I look at the border and raise my eyebrows "will that not make us be out of town?” She sits back and smirks "yip.” I nod slowly and smile "alright then." When we pass the border Cameron nods "not far now.” I sit up straight and take a deep breath "so can you tell me where we are going yet?” She looks and me and take a deep breath "just a little diner where I used to spend most my childhood.” She smiles at me and looks down "my mum used to work here and used to take me and my brothers too work with her every Saturday.” She coughs and nods "but then she passed and we stopped going for a while.” I raise my eyebrows and shake my head "I didn't even know your mum passed.” She smiles softly and shrugs "It's fine I mean why would you?” She rolls her eyes "the boys don't speak about it too us really never mind strangers.” I look at the road and smile nodding "yeah they do seem very private.” She smirks and nods "that's my brothers for you.” She nods towards my phone and coughs "Ethan seems a little fond of you though?” She raises her eyebrows and I smirk "really?” I shake my head and laugh nervously "yeah his face lights up when you enter the room.” I look at my phone as it lights up with a picture of me and Joe "we could be good friends.” She sits up and raises her eyebrow "friends?” I nod firmly and smile "yeah I got a boyfriend back home.” She sits back and nods slowly "really?” I smile and nod "yeah why does that surprise you?” She shakes her head and scoffs "nothing.”
I roll my eyes and look back to the road and drive down it "so?” I look at her and she smirks "what's your story?” I laugh softly and raise my eyebrows “what do you mean?” She crosses her legs too get comfortable and take a deep breath “you move too Harper Ferry from Hollywood because your mum is travelling around Europe for 8 months doing a new movie and your telling me you don’t have a story? What was it like growing up in Hollywood? How is your new life here in Harper Ferry? Come on I want to know everything.” I smile and nod my head “okay then.” I nod slowly and look out the window smiling "my mum wanted to be an actress we moved to Hollywood when I was 4 and my mum raised my there herself while my dad stayed behind and continued his police career which at the time seemed like the worse thing in the world for me seeing my parents live so far apart but I am proud of them and the careers they have so I guess it makes up for it. My dad being the sheriff and my mum being one of the best actresses in Hollywood makes it all worth it but I did miss my dad and grandparents a lot and they missed out in a lot of my life. Even my mum wasn’t around most of my teenage years and I usually took care of myself most of the time but she did give me the best life I could of asked for so it wasn't all bad and when she got offered the role and was offered the chance to travel around Europe for 8 months in a new movie I was super proud of her and I was excited to live with my dad for a few months and see my grandparents even though living here is different from Hollywood It's nice and everyone is so nice and friendly but there is a serious problem with the wolves.” She looks at me and raises her eyebrows “wolves? You have actually seen the wolves?” I look at her and nod my head “just the one.” I laugh nervously and look forward "I actually first saw it when I first got here and it made my grandpa crash on the way too town then again in the woods just after we crashed.” I look at her and smirk "then again today.” She looks at me and coughs "today?” I nod slowly and smirk "yeah I seen the same one today at school.” I look towards the front and smile blushing "I wasn't ill at school.” I shrug and laugh nervously "I left when I see the wolf and your brothers came to my rescue and that's why Ethan didn't want me to leave the house again.” She looks at me and laughs awkwardly “really? no wonder he wanted you to stay in.” She shakes her head and laughs nervously "god he is going to kill me.” I shake my head and smirk "don't worry.” I look at her and shrug "I won’t tell him you know if you don't.”
She shakes her head and scoffs "I wouldn't be surprised if he was out looking for us right now.” I raise my eyebrows and laugh nervously "really?” She nods slowly and shrugs "if he told you not too leave then then yeah he probably will be on a man hunt.” I snigger and shrug "we I can’t let something like a wolf stop me going out and living my life right?” Cameron nods her head slowly and shrugs "true.” She leans back and laughs nervously "just hope Ethan doesn't find us.” She shrugs and we laugh "what's he going to do? drag me home.” Cameron sits up and laughs nervously "yes.” I look at me and shake my head "he wouldn't. Would he?” She laughs and I take a deep breath "so?” I nod slowly and smirks "what's your story? What was it like for you growing up?” She looks at me and take a deep breath “it was.” She shrugs "adventurous I guess?” She sits back and crosses her legs again "I was 3 when my mum had Grayson and Ethan and was 12 when she passed away so the boys where only 9. She was killed by some sort of animal when she was working late one night and her car stopped working about 20 feet from the town border but the police found her body by our property with a massive bite mark on her left leg and they she died of internal bleeding. My dad went out of control and my uncle Nicholas had to move too town to help with the business and help with us when my dad went downhill I mean he’s fine now thank god but it was really bad for about 4 years.” I raise my eyebrows and nod "wow.” She looks at me and smirks "I know.” I shake my head and smile "tell me about your brothers.” I smile and shrug "I am a single child and don't have any cousins so I don't know what It's like to have a sibling.” She raises her eyebrows and nods "well my brothers where always such happy kids but after my mum passed away they shut themselves out of the world and became closed books which is why I was surprised when Grayson came home and told me that Ethan had been speaking about a girl all night then he said he was excited when he found out who you was and that you were going to the same school as him which isn't not usually like Ethan.” She looks at me and smirks "he’s usually a private and shy kind of person so everyone was surprised.” I can’t help but blush before looking away smiling “that's cute.” She laughs nervously and nods "so maybe one day you can be my sister in law.” I laugh softly and shake my head "Ethan is a nice boy but I have a boyfriend back in Hollywood so I think friends is all It's going to be.” She smiles and nods her head “I'm a strong believer for if It's meant to be it will be.” She leans forward and points to a path at the side of the road “turn in there.”
I look at it and shake my head “isn’t this a bar?” She laughs softly and shakes her head “there’s a diner at the side of the building don’t worry.” I spot the diner at the back of the car park and nod "there?” She nods and smiles "yeah just park down there.” I park by the diner and take a deep breath "this place best be good because I am starving.” we get out the car and I check my phone too see 13 missed calls and 9 text messages from Ethan “everything ok?” I laugh nervously and stick my phone back in my pocket “yeah everything is good.” we walk towards the diner and Cameron opens the door "after you.” I walk in and look around the small looking diner and see a few booths and a jukebox at the back of the diner next to the bathroom. A woman behind the counter jumps over it and walks towards us smiling "Cameron?” She hugs Cameron and laughs softly “hello dear.” She looks at her and take a deep breath "It's been too long sweetheart.” Cameron smiles and nods "I know sorry about that.” She smiles and rubs Cameron's arm "It's fine.” Cameron looks at me and smiles "this is my friend Misty.” She looks at me and smiles "Misty this is Annie.” The woman holds her hand out and smiles "nice to meet you.” I shake her hand smile "you too.” Cameron nods towards the back of the building "usual booth please Annie we came for some good food and a gossip.” She nods and walks towards the back of the building “right this way then.” She points towards a booth and places menus on the table “I will give you girls a few minutes.” She smiles and nods before walking away towards the back of the counter “I would have never even known this place was here.” Cameron smiles and looks around “yeah It's kind of of a Harper Ferry residents only so you wouldn’t know about it unless you stayed there or knew someone who stayed there.” I look at the menu and smile “let’s see what they do then.” I stick the menu down after a few seconds and smile "I know what I want.” Cameron looks up from her menu and smiles "really?” I nod and laugh nervously "yeah.” She nods slowly and laughs "good.” She sticks her menu down and smiles towards Annie and she walks over "ready already girls?” Cameron looks towards me and I nod "yeah.” Annie grabs her notepad and pen from her apron and smiles “what can I get you then girls?” Cameron smiles and nods sitting back into the seat “usual for me Annie.” She writes down on her notebook and smiles “one double cheeseburger with extra curly fries and a large chocolate shake?” Cameron nods and smiles before looking at me “oh right.”
I look at the menu and smile "and can I have the mega chicken burger with a drop of Garlic sauce and a large portion of fries instead of onions rings and a large chocolate shake.” She nods at me writing something and smiles "won’t be long girls.” She walks away and Cameron laughs softly “Damn girl.” She nods slowly "you can eat.” I look at her and shrug "I love a good burger.” She nods and shrugs "who doesn't?” She leans forward and smiles “so tell me more about Hollywood?” I look at her and shrug “It's big and It's very busy but It's nice and warm.” She looks at me and laughs “I meant your life in Hollywood. Your school. Friends. Boyfriend?” She shrugs and smiles "tell me everything.” I nod and smile "fine.” I sit up straight and smile "I went too one of the best schools in Hollywood called Westridge which was a good school but only the richest of the rich made their way in and that's why I don’t like talking about it because then everyone will see me as a spoiled rich kid if I do.” Cameron shakes her head and smiles “I don’t see you as that I’m just interested in your life in Hollywood.” She laughs nervously and looks down "believe it or not I don’t have a lot of friends so It's nice too just speak about stuff like this and get too know you.” I smile and nod “I like getting too know you too.” She nods "so go on.” I roll my eyes and laugh "I was brought up with privileges but that meant not seeing my mum as much as what I wanted too and not knowing if my friends where friends with me for being me or because I had money but I was the cheer caption in my school and my boyfriend Joe is the football caption so it was an easy life for me and I didn’t have it hard in school and everyone seemed too like me that I even got voted to become Student body President for the last 3 years .” She smirks and nods "tell me about Joe.” I blush and take a deep breath "Joe and I went to the same school but never actually spoke until his brother Kyle got into a fight and I helped stop his nose bleeding about 5 years ago and me and Joe became friends and have been ever since until we started dating a few months. Joe's dad is a bit shot celebrity lawyer so his dad has got pretty good money too and Joe even got his dad too buy the house next too us so we didn’t have to sneak out at night and we could just jump the fence.” I smile and look down "you miss him don't you?” I look up and take a deep breath "yeah.” She smiles and rubs my arm "why don't you get him to visit them?” I smirk and nod "I will ask him tonight.” Annie walks over with two chocolate milkshakes and places them in front of us "here you go girls.” She smiles and nods "food will be an extra 5 minutes.” She walks away and Cameron sips her milkshake "would love to meet him.” I laugh nervously and sip my milkshake "you will love him.”
I sit up straight and lean down "so tell me what it was like growing up for you? what made you open up your own store when your dad owns a vet?” She laughs softly and leans back "growing up was fun.” She shrugs "I never had a boyfriend or friends in general but I’ve always had my brothers so it wasn't too bad.” I smile and nod "well you have me now.” I take a sip of milkshake and she nods "yes I do.” Annie walks back over holding a tray of food and places them in front of us and smiles "here you are girls.” She nods and smiles "enjoy.” I look at the large burger in front of me and smile "thanks Annie.” She smiles and turns around walking towards the counter again as we dig into the delicious food "this is so good.” Cameron looks up and smiles “well the fun might just be about to end.” She looks towards the counter and I look over and see Annie on the phone looking towards us "why?” I look at Cameron and she shakes her head "Ethan.” I look at Annie and she walks over holding the phone smiling “Cameron It's Ethan.” Annie hands the phone too Cameron and I look away and smirk as Cameron take a deep breath and places the phone towards her ear “hey Ethan what's up?” She looks at the food for a few seconds then looks at me and laughs “yeah I’m with her still and yes we are safe so don’t worry.” She rolls her eyes and I can hear him talk on the other line but can’t make out what he’s saying. “Stop worrying Ethan jeez we are just having food and some girl time so stop worrying.” After a few seconds she rolls her eyes and laughs “yeah yeah yeah bye Ethan.”
She places the phone on the table and I hear him shouting down the other line “I will be there in 5 minutes don’t move.” She laughs nervously and hangs up "god.” I look at her and smile "is he coming here?” She rolls her eyes and laughs softly “yeah apparently.” She nods towards the door and smirks "so shall we go?” I nod slowly and stand up "good idea.” I walk towards the counter as Cameron grabs the phone and hand Annie my credit card "this one is on me.” Cameron shakes her head "fine but next one is on me ok?” I nod and smile "sounds good.” Annie hands me my card back and smiles "bye girls.” I walk towards the door and turn back and wave "bye nice meeting you.” She waves and smiles "you too.” I open the door and let Cameron out and she looks up to the grey sky "god I am so glad the rains stopped.” I look up and smile "for now.”
I grab my car keys from my pocket and walk towards my car opening it "how long do you think it will take for Ethan too get here?” Cameron opens the passenger door and smirks "few minutes maybe.” I quickly get in the car and stick the key in “we should get going then.” I do my belt up and drive of out the car park and towards town. A few minutes down the road I spot two motorbikes coming down and smile "is that them?” Cameron looks up and smirks "yeah.” She laughs nervously and rolls her window down and waves as they pass us on their motorbikes. I drive a little faster down the road and slow down when they are a bit behind us and look out the rear-view mirror and smile "we have lost them.” I look at Cameron as she shakes her head looking out the side mirror "they are way behind.” She looks at me and shrugs "you sure?” I look out the rear-view mirror and see them driving towards us super-fast "how?” Cameron sits back and take a deep breath "they love going fast my brothers.” I look at them again and smirk "then I guess I will need to go a little faster.” I press my foot on the gas and go faster "wow.” Cameron holds onto her belt and shakes her head "hold on.” I look back into the rear-view mirror and see them slowing down and smirk "suckers.” Cameron holds onto my arm and screams "Misty watch out!"459Please respect copyright.PENANAOL4pJ4WWR7