Chapter 19.
Standing in Ethan’s kitchen shocked and confused Nicolas shakes his head and walks towards the fridge "he’s so dramatic.” I turn around as he opens a beer and shake my head "whatever.” I walk towards the kitchen door and he coughs "and where are you going?” I turn around and smile "home.” He runs after me and closes he front door "no.” I shake my head and push him aside "what do you mean no?” He stands in front of the door and smirks "he isn’t done.” I nod slowly and smirk "yes we are now move.” I try push him to the side but he doesn't budge "let me go!” I hear footsteps running upstairs and look up them and see Cameron "what's going on?” Nicolas doesn’t make eye contact with her and locks his eyes onto me "nothing.” He smirks at me and nods towards my wrist "don't you want to know what that means?” I take a deep breath and look down "I am ok Cameron.” I look up towards her and smile "you sure?” I nod and smile "yeah I will be ok.” She nods and sits down at the top of the stairs "okay well I will be here anyway.” Nicolas nods towards the kitchen "shall we?” I take a deep breath and turn around and walk back towards the kitchen and Nicolas follows behind me. I walk into the kitchen and sit down and Nicolas closes the door and sits down in front of me "so what is it then?” He hands me a beer and I shake my head "just tell me.” He shrugs and drinks the beer himself "have you ever heard of ‘The Red shield'?” I shake my head and raise my eyebrows "no.” He take a deep breath and flings hair head back "this is going to be harder than I thought.”
The kitchen door swings opens and Edmund walks in with his eyes locked onto Nicolas "Misty can you give us a minute?” I stand up and walk towards the door and see Ethan standing by the front door leaning against it looking down. I shake my head and walk towards him "you told your dad?” Still looking down he nods "yeah.” He take a deep breath and looks up "I had too.” I look towards the kitchen and see the door close "why?” Ethan holds my hand smiles "it was for your own good.” I pull my hands away and shake my head "he was going to tell me what this stupid scar meant.” Ethan holds my hand up and smiles "he had no right too.” I pull away and walk out the door but Ethan stops me "Misty wait!” I shake my head and keep walking "no.” He runs and stops in front of me "you need to listen to me.” I shake my head and laugh nervously "no you listen to me Ethan.” I walk towards my car and smirk "I will find out what this means one way or another.” I turn around and run out into the rain towards my car before driving off. I drive home and shake my head when I get into the driveway sticking my head on the steering wheel when I hear someone tapping on my car window "what?” I look up and see Nicolas standing holding something "what do you want?” I open the car door and get out closing the door behind me. He hands me a book and take a deep breath "here.” I take the book and look at it "what is this for?” He nods and walks towards the motorbike behind my car "it will give you all the answers you are looking for.” He sticks his helmet on and drives of down the road "what answers?” I shake my head and stick the book in my back before walking towards the front door opening and closing it behind me. "Grandma? Grandpa?” I walk into the kitchen and see Hulk sleeping "anybody?” Hulk wakes up shooting him head up and running towards me waging his tail "hey boy.” I stroke his head before running upstairs "dad?” I open my dad’s room door and take a deep breath "where is everyone?” I walk towards my bedroom and take my jacket of hanging it on the back of the door with my bag before grabbing my phone from my jacket pocket and walking towards my bed lying down.
I take a deep breath and sit up grabbing the book my grandpa gave me from my drawer and walk towards the door and grab the book Nicolas gave me "I knew it looked familiar.” I sit down with the two books and hold them next to each other "they are pretty much the same.” Hulk jumps up the bed and lies down at the bottom looking up at me. I turn the book my grandpa gave me over and place my finger at the top of the summary "The town of Harper Ferry is mysterious and contains a lot of dark secrets and hidden stories. Follow the Henry brothers as they try find out the secrets behind the town of Harper Ferry and get to the bottom of the myths of the mystical creatures that live in the woods and mountains.” I pick up the book Nicolas gave me and smile "Bloodsuckers of Harper Ferry.” I turn it around and take a deep breath "The continued book from 'The Howls of Harper Ferry' follows the Henry brothers continues search for the truth behind the towns dark secrets and too find out what blood suckers lay in the back woods of this town and how they have managed to walk within us for so long without being recognized as monsters.” I shake my head and take a deep breath "how did this help me?” I stick the books in my top drawer and lie on the bed closing my eyes. After a few seconds I open my eyes and sit up "oh what the hell.” I open the drawer and grab the book Nicolas gave me and sit up straight and begin reading it. Halfway through the book I hear the front door open and close and hear footsteps coming upstairs so I stick the book under my pillow and sit up "Misty?” My room door opens and my dad pops his head around the door "can you come downstairs please?” I nod and smile "yeah be right down.” He closes the door behind him and I grab the book and hold the page and stick it back in my drawer before walking towards the door and downstairs.
"Dad?!” I look around and see the kitchen door open "in here.” I walk towards the kitchen and see Edmund sitting at the table "hello dear.” He nods towards the table "please sit.” My dad nods and walks towards the door "I will leave yous too it.” He walks out the door closing it behind him. I look at Edmund and smile softly "what's happened?” Edmund take a deep breath "I was hoping you would tell me?” I sit up straight and shake my head "what do you mean?” He looks at my wrist and nods “may I?” I take a deep breath and nod and place my wrist in his hand as he examines it "what happened?” I shrug and smile "I don't know.” He looks at me and raises his eyebrow "it just appeared? you weren’t attacked or nothing?” I take a deep breath and laugh nervously "in a dream yeah.” He looks at me and take a deep breath "what kind of dream?” He let’s go of my wrist and grabs a notebook from his pocket "I was in the woods and a wolf tried to attack me but I woke up just in time.” He looks at me and smiles "what kind of wolf?” I shrug my shoulders and sit back "a black one.” He take a deep breath and shakes his head "like this?” He turns his notebook around and shows me a drawing of the black wolf I have been seeing the last few days "yeah.” I take a deep breath and shake my head "how did you know?” He closes the notebook and smiles softly but the kitchen door swings open before he can say anything "Out!" Zac walks in and shakes his head towards Edmund who gets up and looks at my dad "I am sorry. I tried to stop him.” Edmund looks at me and smiles "I am so sorry dear.” He looks at my dad and nods and walks out the kitchen and towards the front door. I stand up and shake my head "can someone tell me what is going on?” My dad sits down and sticks his head on his hand "why now.” I look at him and shake my head "why now what?" Zac places his hand on my shoulder and smiles softly "can you give us a minute dear?” I look at my dad and he nod "whatever I am going bed anyway.” I walk out the kitchen closing the door behind me.
I run upstairs and close my bedroom door behind me and sit down on my bed when I hear Hulk crying outside "sorry boy.” I get up and open the door letting him in. I sit on the bed and reach into my top drawer grabbing the book Nicolas gave me and start reading where I left of. After 20 mins I drift of and shake my head sitting up too try keep myself away but my eyes give in and I yawn "fine.” I stick the book in my drawer and stand up grabbing pjs before turning the light out and getting into bed closing my eyes before drifting off to sleep. I sleep right through the night and don't wake up till Hulk jumps on my and licks my face "morning boy.” I push him of and sit up checking my phone "dammit!” I quickly get out of bed and grab clothes and run into the bathroom too get changed. I run downstairs and into the kitchen "morning.” I grab a slice of toast from the table and eat it running out the door “what's the rush?” I grab my car keys and nod towards the clock “It's 8:30 I’m going to be late.” My grandma walks out the kitchen and smiles "we are going shopping after school if you fancy it?” I nod and smile opening the front door "that sounds perfect.” I eat a bit of my toast and wave "bye.” She waves and I close the door behind me and run towards my car getting into it before quickly driving off. I see Cody sitting at the stairs of school and stand up when he spots me "here we go.”
I park the car and he runs over opening the door "morning.” I laugh softly and get out the car “someone Is super happy this morning.” He nods and smirks "what's got you so pumped up?” He coughs and looks down smiling “I heard about what happened yesterday.” He nods towards the school and shrugs "the whole school is talking about it.” I raise my eyebrows and laugh nervously "talking about what?” He stops and raises his eyebrows "how you was nearly killed by an animal?” I take a deep breath and roll my eyes "really?” He smiles softly and nods "yeah.” He walks towards the school entrance and looks back "I am just glad you’re ok.” I smile and nod "thank you.”
I walk after him and spot two motorbike drive into the car park "it was actually the Denver brothers who came to my rescuer.” Cody looks at the motorbikes as they park "really?” He looks at me and raises his eyebrows "the Denver's?” I smile and look at them getting of their motorbikes "yeah they are nice boys after all.” I look at Cody and smirk "I owe them my life I guess.” He rolls his eyes and opens the entrance door "let’s get too class.” I walk in and smile "we have science first so you want to be my lab partner?” He smirks and nods "of course.” I smile and nod walking down the hallway “good.” Cody looks down towards the ground and take a deep breath "so what you doing after school?” I spot looking at us and smile "I have my first cheer practice.” He looks at Sydney and take a deep breath “oh yeah.” He looks at me and smiles "well what about after?” I smirk and shrug "not sure why?” He smiles and shrugs "you fancy grabbing a milkshake after?” I shake my head and smirk “I can’t.” He rolls his eyes and throws his head back “because you have a boyfriend? We can go as friends.” I laugh and shake my head “no I’m actually going shopping with my grandpa.” He nods “fine but rain check?” I nod slowly and smile "fine.” He shoves me before running up the stairs "good.” Cody's spots his friends at the top of the stairs and they call him over "I will be two minutes.” I smile and shake my head "I am going to walk too science but I will meet you there?” He raises his eyebrow and smiles "you sure?” I look at his friends and smirk "yeah I will set up our lap.” He nods and smiles "okay well I usually sit.” I laugh softly and nod "at the back.” He laughs nervously and runs his hand through his hair "yeah.” I nod towards his friends and smile "see you in a few.” He nods and runs over towards his friends and I walk down the hallway towards the science debarment. I walk down the hallway and spot Sydney and Hannah's smiling towards me. I walk past them and smile and Sydney waves at me "hey Misty where you going?” I nod down the hallway and smile “science.” Sydney smiles "there’s still.” She looks at her watch "oh there’s only 5 minutes till bell.” She nudges Hannah's and smiles "well we will see you later then enjoy science.” They walk past me and walk down the way I came from. I shake my head and walk towards science "oh Misty?” I turn around and Sydney smirks "practice is at the back building after school as the gym we usually practice at is being used to get things organised for the winter Grayson.” I smile and nod “okay thanks for the head up.”
I walk down the hallway and grab my schedule from my bag "science room 154” I look at the doors and walk down until I see 154 "here we are.” I stick my schedule back in my bag and open the door. The teacher isn't there yet and I look around and spot Grayson by the back of the class looking down into a notebook "hey.” He looks up and take a deep breath and looks back down too his notebook "ok then.” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath and head towards the back of the class beside the window and sit down. I stick my bag on the floor and see Cody walk in when I sit up straight again "hey!” I wave and he smiles and walks towards me "hey.” He sits down and looks around "this is where I usually sit as well.” I smile and nod "good.” The last bell rings and the rest of the class walks in with the teacher behind them closing the door behind him "morning class!” He sticks his briefcase on the desk and sits down "take your seats please and take out your textbooks and we will finish of what we were doing last Thursday.” Cody laughs softly and raises his hand “sir? Misty wasn’t here last week so she doesn’t know what we are doing.” He looks up and looks at me and smiles “oh yeah sorry.” He picks is up the piece of paper from his desk and smiles "this is Misty class.” He looks up and take a deep breath “but yous know that as Mr Sinclaire just said it. Well welcome too Science I’m Mr White.” He looks towards Cody and smirks “Mr Sinclaire can fill you in.” He looks down and take a deep breath "the rest of you turn to page 29 and read from where we left of.” He looks at the class and smirks "yous have 15 minutes and I will be quizzing yous.”
Everyone grabs their books and begin reading them and Mr White turns back to his computer and starts typing. “So?” I look at Cody and smile "what are yous studying?” He grabs his bag and opens it pulling out a book “nothing exciting.” He opens the book and turns too page 29 "we are studying animals right now.” He points towards a page and smirks "last week we watched a video about animals and the circle of life.” He looks at me and smirks "was very boring.” I look at the book cover and smile “Life of the dog? I’m sure I learned about this in my old school.” I give him the book back and smile "did you know that dogs are descended from wolfs and are great companions? and they curly up into a ball when they sleep too keep warm.” Cody looks at me and raises his eyebrow “and dogs paws smell of corn chips.” He laughs softly and looks back towards his book “really?” I nod and look at his book “fun fact right.” He looks at me and smiles before looking back towards his book “your pretty smart.” I laugh softly and shake my head “no I just listened in school.” I nod towards the teacher and smile “some of these things are actually interesting.” He shakes his head and looks back towards his book "well I will let you know when I finish.” I look at him and shake my head laughing softly. 440Please respect copyright.PENANAA6zyJpjm4P
I sit back on my chair and take a deep breath "guess I don't need to read this since I’ve already read it.” I look around the class and see Grayson reading his book but looks up when I look at him and rolls his eyes. I take a deep breath and look away as the teacher stands up and writes on the board ‘ok class.” The class look up and he smiles "animal facts’ he looks around and smirks "so who can tell me what you have learned.” He nods towards a boy in the front and smiles "Mark what did you learn?” The boy looks down at his book and take a deep breath “a baby goat is called a kid.” Mr White nods and smiles “correct.” He nods towards Cody and smirks "Cody what did you learn?” Cody winks at me and stands up “a dog curls up into a ball when they sleep too keep warm.” Mr white smiles and nods “very good.” He looks towards his book and raises his eyebrow "did you read ahead?” Cody laughs “as if sir.” He nods towards me and smirks "my science buddy is just really smart and knows this stuff already.” Mr White looks at me and nods slowly before turning around and walking towards the projector and turning it on. “Ok class look at the front and watch the documentary about ‘The Wild Dogs’ please.” He pulls the projector screen down and walks towards his laptop pressing a button before sitting down on his chair and turning the lights of.440Please respect copyright.PENANAPVr2gSKg7Y