Chapter 32.
I take the note and smile "you want me to read this for you?” He looks at the picture for a few seconds and shakes his head “sorry yes please.” I smile and touch his hand "ok.” I open the letter and smile. “Too my beloved children I think It's time I told yous the truth if yous don’t already know. Yous have another sibling called Caleb who is your half-brother. Five years before Cameron was born I fell pregnant but me and your father lost the baby when another wolf attacked the house and your dad took it hard and lost it and started too killing innocent people so I turned to your uncle Jaiden and one thing led to another and I got pregnant with his child. Me and Jaiden planned to keep it between us but your father found out when Jaiden got drunk one night and told him during an argument and your dad made me give the baby up when Caleb was 5 years old. Cameron you was 3 and the twins where only a couple of months old so yous won’t remember him. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you in person but after your dad found out we decided it was best for me too not say anything until yous where all old enough but unfortunately I knew I wouldn't be around for long. I love yous all and I hope one day yous will understand forgive me. Love mum.”
I sit next to Ethan and hug him “are you ok?” He take a deep breath and shrugs “I can’t believe my dad didn’t say anything.” He stands up and shakes his head "and what did she mean that she knew she would not be around for long?” I stand up and hold his hand "I am sure your dad had his reasons and I am not sure you should speak too your dad.” He shakes his head and walks towards the bedroom door and punches it "Ethan stop!” He looks at me with his black eyes and growls "I got to go!” He opens the door but I grab his arm and shake my head "Ethan don't go.” He pulls his arm away and growls "let me go.” He pushes me sending me across the room and hitting my head on the side of the bed. I shake my head and look back towards the door but Ethan had already gone "owww.”
I stand up but lose my balance and fall onto the bed "wow!” I take a deep breath and stand up again and run out the bedroom door and down the stairs. "Ethan!” I shake my head and rub it "oh.” I head into the kitchen and grab a glass of water from the sink and see Ethan outside the window punching a tree before turning into wolf form “dammit Ethan!” I stick the glass in the sink and grab his motorbike keys from the hook and run out front and get onto Ethan’s bike. I drive around too the back of the house and drive of into the direction Ethan ran off but after a few minutes rain starts pouring down heavily so I stop and check my phone but there’s no signal "dammit!” I look around and shake my head before driving back down the hill for a few minutes before realising I was lost. I stop and look around but nothing looks familiar so I get of my bike and try look for tyre tracks but the rain makes the mud wet and covers them so I get back onto the bike and ride down the woods until I find a path and follow it.
After a few minutes the path gets too wet and slippery and I lose control of the bike making me press the breaks hard and making me go flying over the handlebars and down a hill into bushes. The bike drives forwards the side of the pathway and goes over a log making the front wheel of the motorbike comes off. I shake my head and lie down "great.” I lie on the cold wet muddy grass for a few seconds before getting up and take a deep breathing “now what?” I grab my phone and see I have a bar of signal so ring Ethan and he answers after the first ring “Misty thank god you are ok. I am so sorry.” I take a deep breath and shake my head “hey Ethan.” I look at the bike and smile nervously "are you able to come get me? I took your bike but I crashed in the woods somewhere trying to follow you.” The line goes dead and I look at the phone and fling my head back “great!” I kick my foot against something in front of me and hurt it "owww!” I scream out with pain and send the birds around me flying from the trees and over me. I look down and see a large rock "ouch.” I hop over it and walk towards the large log and sit down.
I grab my phone and start too text Ethan "I am in woods somewhere.” I stick my phone down and after a few seconds I look at it again "hurt my foot and path is too wet too drive.” I stick my phone down again and after a few seconds I look at it again and see the messages have failed to send "arghhh!” I stand up and look around and walk down the path with my phone in the air "come on!” The rain gets heavier and after a few minutes down the path I give up and stick my phone back in my pocket and walk back towards where I was. When I get to the motorbike I hear a howl coming from up the pathway “Ethan?” I run towards the howl but stop when I hear a noise coming from the bushes beside me “Ethan?” I hear someone laugh "hello?” The laugh echoes through the woods and I look towards a tree when I hear a twig snap "hello again Misty.”
Mr Walter steps out from behind the tree and I shake my head "what do you want?” I look around hoping that the howl was Ethan but no one is around and the howl stops. "Too finish what we started.” He pulls out a pin from his pocket and I start too run down the pathway but he’s too fast and he runs over and grabs me “nice try.” He picks me up and carries me over his shoulder "let me go.” I kick and punch him "help!” He places his hand over my mouth and I bite it and he drops me and rubs his hand “you bitch.” He smirks and walks towards me and I spot a stick beside me so I grab it and hide it behind my back "and I thought I was meant to be the vampire.” He laughs softly and picks me back up and sticks my over his shoulder again so I stab the stick in the middle of his back and he drops me again and falls to the ground in pain.
I manage to catch myself from falling on my face and I quickly get up and run down the hill not looking back. I spot a streetlight at the bottom of the pathway so I run towards and spot a car parked. I look back and see Mr Walter running towards me before tackling me to the ground "get back here.” He picks me up and I spot Grayson and Hulk at the bottom of the pathway beside the car so I smile and scream the loudest I can "Grayson!” They both look towards my direction but Mr Walter runs of into the woods before they could get too us. The wind and speed that Mr Walter runs makes me go dizzy and sick "stop I am going too.” I be sick all over Mr Walters back and he shakes his head dropping me "ewww.” He take his jacket of and take a deep breath "you’re lucky we are here.” I shake my head and raise my eyebrows "what?” I turn around and see a large castle behind me “wow.” He rolls his eyes and pulls me up with the arm "yeah yeah yeah now let’s go.”
He walks towards the door and laughs “I hope you had a good look at your precious wolf boy because it will be the last time you see him.” He stops and smirks before opening the castle door and dragging me on. He closes the door behind him and I look around the large castle "where am I?” He drags me towards a door at the side of the stairs "Hall castle.” I shake my head and smile "Hall? as in.” I hear footsteps approach me and turn around and see Sydney walking down the stairs "well well well.” She walks towards us and smirks "what are you doing here?” Mr Walter let’s go of my arm and opens the door “my dad told me about you and what you were so you really think I would miss up the opportunity to be the one too hurt you?” The door opens and she smirks "let’s go.”
She drags me into the door and down some stairs too another locked iron door “where are you taking me?” She shakes her head and take a deep breath “stop talking.” She unlocks the other door and take it into a long hallway with a few jail cells. I look around as we pass old jail cells and see skeletons in them "are they real?” She looks at me and smirks "what do you think?” I shake my head and try pull my arm away “let me go!” She rolls her eyes and digs her nails into my arm piercing my skin before flinging me into a cell making me fall to the ground "ouch!” Mr Walter shakes his head "you’re not supposed to hurt her.” Sydney shrugs "sorry daddy I didn't realise my own strength.” She looks at me and smirks before closing and locking the cell door. I stand up and shake my head "Ethan will find me.” She laughs sarcastically and walks towards the cell bars "that stupid wolf doesn’t stand a chance now shut up and don’t try escape or I will kill you.” She take the key out the door and sticks it on a hook up on the wall and walks towards the door "you can’t just leave me here!” She opens the door and smirks looking back “watch me.” She closes the door behind her and I walk towards the cell door and shake it "you can’t just leave me here!" 447Please respect copyright.PENANAqJCCqy9XmW