Chapter 20.
I sit back on my chair and look towards the screen and Cody yawns and I feel his arm wrapping around my shoulder “nice try.” I lean over and his arm falls “oh come on.” He take a deep breath and flings his head back "I’m trying my best here.” I shove him and shaking my head smiling “trying everything but getting it in your head that I have a boyfriend.” He crosses his arms and take a deep breath “fine I get it.” He smirks and leans back "It won’t stop me though.” I scoff and shake my head “do you like being rejected?” He smirks and shrugs his shoulders “I always get what I want baby.” I shake my head before turning towards the projector screen when I hear them walk about wolfs ‘Wolfsbane is the wolfs most common enemy and a single wolfsbane alone can make a wolf weak and a bunch of wolfsbane can kill a wolf unless the wolf eats enough meat and keeps it strength up. The wolf would need to eat at least 23 whole deer's too gain full strength after being around a bunch of wolfsbane.” I look at Cody and smirk “any idea where I can get Wolfsbane from around here?” Cody laughs “my dad’s friend Helena grows them why?” I shrug and look towards the TV "just curious.” He leans back and shrugs "she just stays in the back end of town so I can ask her to get you some if you like?” I raise my eyebrow and smile "really?” He nods and smirks "yeah.” He shrugs and leans forward "I mean you would need to come with me of course so she knows It's for you.” I roll my eyes and take a deep breath "fine.” The bell goes making the teacher jump and wake up “what?” He coughs and take a deep breath "that is all class.” He turns the lights on and sits back down on his chair "class dismissed.”
I stand up grabbing my bag and Cody smirks "so?” He shrugs and grabs his bag "when we going?” I spot Grayson looking over towards us with his eyes locked onto mine "Misty?” Cody touches my arm and I take a deep breath "huh?” He smirks and nods "so when we going to see Helena?” I shake my head and smile "who?” He raises his eyebrows and smirks "my dad’s’ friend who grows the wolfsbane?” I nod slowly “alright.” I walk towards the door and avoid Grayson's eye contact "whenever you want.” I stand outside the door and look back and see Cody nodding "tonight? after you go shopping with your grandma of course.” I smile and nod "that sounds good.” He nods down the hallway and smiles "let’s go.” He walks forward and take a deep breath "we have English.” I follow him down the hallway and down the stairs where Sydney is standing speaking too Hannah's "play it cool.” Cody looks at me and nods slowly winking "what?” He waves towards them and smiles "hello ladies.” He wraps his arms around them both and Sydney smirks "hello handsome.” She looks at me and nods "and where are yous going?” Cody nods towards English sign "Mr Baldwins class.” Sydney smirks towards Hannah's "that's Hannah's class.” She smirks towards me "you and her can go there while I speak too Cody.” I look at Hannah's and shrug "ok then.” Cody moves his arms away from Hannah's and Sydney and take a deep breath "see you soon.” I walk towards English and Hannah's follows "Misty?” I look back towards Cody and he smirks "keep me a seat free next to you.” He winks and I nod "sure.”
I walk towards English with Hannah's and she avoids eye contact with me until we get out of take a deep breath of Sydney and she looks at me and smiles "so?” She shrugs and laughs nervously "you and Cody?” I shake my head and laugh softly "I am not into Cody like that.” She raises her eyebrow and smirks "really?” I nod slowly and laugh "I have a boyfriend back in Hollywood.” She scoffs and shakes her head "wow.” I look at her and smirk "what?” She shakes her head and smiles "Sydney thinks something is going on with you and Cody.” I shake my head and smirk "no he’s just been showing me around.” I laugh softly and shrug "I think It's because my dad asked his dad more than anything.” we get too English and I open the door and spot Cody running towards us "that may be one reason but he’s defiantly into you.” She looks and me and smiles softly "the way he looks at you is the way he used to look at Syd.” She walks into the classroom and sits down at the front of the class as Cody approaches me. I shake my head and take a deep breath walking into the classroom and heading towards the back of the class "hey!” Cody taps my back and sits down at the chair next to mine "hello.” I sit down and smile "what was that about?” She rolls his eyes and take a deep breath "Sydney being Sydney and asking why we don't give things another try.” I shrug my shoulders and lean back "why don't you give things another go?” He leans back and smirks "not into her like that anymore.” I nod slowly and smile "I see.” He leans forward and smirks "what?” I shake my head and lean forward "nothing.” I shake my head and smirk looking towards the front of the class as the teacher walks in.
"Alright class I guess today is your lucky day.” He hands the front desks a sheet of paper "pass them back.” He walks back towards his desk and sits down look towards us "yous have a quiz.” I take a piece of paper from the boy in front and look at it "The Battle of Harper Ferry?” I look at Cody and smile "never heard of it.” He smiles and raises his arm "sir?” The teacher looks at him and take a deep breath "yes Cody.” He nods towards me "Misty has never heard of the battle of Harper ferry.” Mr Baldwin looks at me and smiles "oh yeah sorry Misty.” He looks at Cody and smirks "well Miss Lorenzo you can check out books from the library and do some research about it and you can do this test for homework and bring it back tomorrow.” Cody take a deep breath and leans back in a silk "good luck.” I smile and stand up "you too.” I walk towards the classroom door "Misty?” I look at Mr Baldwin and he holds out a piece of paper "the test and permission slip.” I smile and nod "right.” I walk towards him and take the paper "thanks.” I walk towards the door and close it behind me. I walk towards the stairs and spot Grayson at the bottom of them on the phone "she’s looking too get wolfsbane.” I lean over and shake my head "he better not be speaking about me.” He turns around and shakes his head "I am telling you that Misty knows something.”
He walks down the hallway and I quietly run down the stairs and see Grayson walk the same classroom he dragged Ethan into I shake my head and walk down the hallway towards the library. I walk into the library and spot the librarian behind the desk so I walk over towards her smiling "hey.” She looks up and looks like she’s seen a ghost “haa! Hii.” She stutters and I smile softly "where can I find the books about the Battle of Harper Ferry?” Still looking shocked and like she’s seen a ghost she stands up and walks towards a section with the sign history "of course.” She looks at me and smiles nervously "thank you.” She nods and quickly walks back behind her desk and sticks her head down reading into her book. I look at the books and pick up 3 of Harper Town history and walk towards the desk when a book falls onto the ground making me jump. I turn around and pick the book up "Henry brothers investigate.” I smile and walk towards the desk with the 4 books "can I check these out please.” The librarian looks up from her book and smiles "name please?” I hand her the books and smile "Misty Lorenzo.” She smiles and sits up straight "any relation to Alex Lorenzo?” I nod slowly and smile "yeah he’s my dad.” She blushes and looks back towards her computer "I see.” She scans the books and hands me them back "thank you Miss Lorenzo.” I stick the books in my bag and smile "please call me Misty.” She smiles before looking back into her book and I walk towards the door. I look down the hallway and see someone standing at the end of it wearing a black hoody with the hood up look at me “hey!” I look around and walk towards them but they walk away and run down the stairs so I chase after them into the cafeteria where he disappears "hello?” I hear a loud bang and it makes me jump and I turn around and see the janitor at the other end of the cafeteria picking up his brush "sorry dear did I scare you?” I shake my head "no I'm ok.” He smiles and grabs his brush "why are you out of class?” I hold up my permission slip and smile "doing research.” He nods and walks out the door and I take a deep breath "this will do.”
I sit down and place my bag on the table and grab a book from my bag and open it before going back into my bag "where’s my water?” I look around my bag and take a deep breath before grabbing my purse. I stand up and walk towards the vending machine and getting a bottle of water. I hear a bang and turn around and see my bag on the floor "hello?” I walk towards my bag and pick it up and spot the red wolf necklace at the top of my bag. I look around and take a deep breath "weird.” I stick the necklace at the bottom of my bag and sit down with my bottle of water and begin reading the book. After a few pages the bell rings making my jump "is class done already?” I stick the book in my bag and close it before standing up and walking towards Math’s class where Cody is standing outside waiting "there you are.” I smile and wave and he opens the class door and smiles "I went to the library after class too get you but didn't see you.” I smile and sit down "I was down the cafeteria reading the books I got from the library.” He sits down and nods "I can come by after if you want and help with the test?” I smirk and shake my head "no I think I will be fine but thanks.” He rolls his eyes and sits back "your loss."
The rest of the day flies in and before I know it I’m heading towards the back building for cheer practice. I hear a rumbling sound and look up to see the clouds turn grey and some rain starts too pour down so I run over and open the door and look around but no one is in the gym “hello?” I look around and take a deep breath "where is everyone?” I feel my phone vibrate so I pull it out from my pocket and see a text from my grandpa “good luck at your first cheer practice not that you need it. Let me know how it goes love Grandpa’ I smile and stick my phone back in my pocket and take a deep breath walking towards the chairs at the back of the gym and sit down. I hear a growl and look out the window and see a strike of thunder shoot through the sky "thank god I am inside.” As the rain continues I lean back on the bench and stick my head back but jump when I hear a loud bang at the door. I stand up and walk towards the door opening it but no one was there "hello?” I walk out and take a deep breath "Sydney?” I hear rustling coming from the trees by the gym building "hello?” I spot a figure in the woods moving forward and take a deep breath "am I early?" With my eyes locked on the figure it comes out the dark woods and I see the large black wolf walking towards me growling showing of its teeth. I panic and run back inside closing the door behind me and look around for somewhere I can hide. I spot a cupboard at the back of the gym and run towards it and try open the door but the top hatch is on. I reach up and pull the hatch down when I hear the gym door open and turn around and see the wolf walking in looking around and locking Its eyes on me. I get inside the cupboard and close the door behind me locking it and sticking a large basket of basketballs in front of the door.
I spot a window at the back of the cupboard so I run over towards it and climb on top of the bench but the door is locked "dammit.” I hit it a few times bit it doesn't open. I take a deep breath and shake my head and grab my phone from my pocket and ring my dad but it goes too voicemail so I quickly hang up and ring Cody who answers after the second ring "hello?” There’s a silence and I hear voices in the background "Cody? please don't tell me you pocket answered?” I take a deep breath and hang up after a few seconds and shake my head “think Misty think.” I look at my phone and see Ethan’s number under Cody's name and ring it but he doesn’t answer "dammit!” I hear the door bang and it makes me jump and drop my phone into the laundry basket of socks so I quickly go grab my phone and stick it in my pocket and look around for something "this will do.” I grab a hockey stick and hold it close to me ready to attack. I walk over towards the door and look through the keyhole of the door and realise the wolf wasn't out there I slowly open the cupboard door and pop my head out and realise the gym was empty so I get out slowly and walk towards the door but stop when my phone vibrates. I pull it out my pocked and see Ethan’s name come up and I hear a loud growl as I answer it and lock my eyes onto the door backing away "hello? Misty?” I shake my head and take a deep breath "Ethan?!” I spot the wolf appear at the door again so I turn around dropping my phone and run towards the cupboard closing it in the wolfs face and quickly locking it. I take a deep breath in relief and stick my back against the door and slide down it sitting down. I breath heavily and shake my head sticking it in-between my knees.
After a few minutes I hear a loud bang and lift my head up when I hear a tap on the window at the cupboard "Misty!” I stand up and run towards it and see Ethan standing outside "Ethan?!” I bang on the window and he runs over towards it "you need to get out of here.” I look back towards the door and shake my head "there’s a wolf in the gym.” He looks in the window and take a deep breath "get my dad.” He shakes his head and take a deep breath "he won’t get here in time.” Ethan runs around the side of the building and I shake my head "Ethan!” I get down and run towards the door and look through the keyhole and see Ethan running towards the door "Misty the wolf is gone.” I unlock the door and hug him "are you sure?” He hugs me and take a deep breath "I am positive.” I cough and stand up straight "you must have scared it.” Me smiles softly and nods firmly "you ok?” I nod slowly and take a deep breath "yeah I am fine it didn't get me.” He grabs my bag and take a deep breath "let’s get you home.” I smile and nod "ok.” He walks towards the exit and I follow closely behind him looking around as we walk out the door "my cars out front.” He shakes his head and smirks "I don't mind taking you home? I will get Grayson too take your car home.” I laugh softly and nod "if you don't mind.” He smirks and looks down towards the ground "don't be silly I just want to make sure your safe." We walk towards his motorbike and I spot Grayson standing by his "let me do the talking.” I smile and nod looking down.
When we reach the motorbikes Grayson looks at me and take a deep breath "what is SHE doing here?” Grayson looks at Ethan and rolls his eyes "thought we was going hunting?” He looks at me and smirks "another time.” Ethan looks at me and smiles "I am taking Misty home.” He grabs his helmet and hands me it "take her car home for her and I will explain later.” Ethan raises his eyebrows and Grayson take a deep breath "fine but I will need keys.” Ethan looks at me and I laugh "right.” I take my bag and grab my car keys and hand them too Grayson "don't crash please.” He smirks and shrugs "I will try.” He turns around and walks towards my car. I stick my helmet on and Ethan sits on the motorbike and taps the free space "jump on.” I take a deep breath and get on the motorbike and hold onto Ethan "ready?” I nod and lean my head behind his shoulders and he drives out the car park and down the road. 420Please respect copyright.PENANA53WrD5Xvo4