There have been many arguments lately regarding whether holding a door open for a woman is sexist or not. For some reason, this is one of the great questions of our generation. And to be perfectly honest, I lose a little of my faith in humanity every time I hear someone agree with it.
Holding a door open for a woman, or for anyone for that matter, is in no way sexist. To its very core, it is stemmed from kindness. It is born from our want to help another human being. To argue that it is because we do not think a woman, or someone from any gender, cannot open a door themselves and so we must make up for that fact is utterly ridiculous.
I for one, being a woman, have never in my existence felt that someone held open a door for me because they felt I was inferior to them. Never, in my existence, have I felt like society was spiting me because of the simple act of holding open a door.
Such an action used to be considered courteous and polite. Men do it for women. Women do it for men. Are we, the female population, sexist for holding open a door for a man? No, because it is considered polite. But as soon as the genders switch places it becomes something evil.
Why can't our generation just take kindness as it is given? We tend to find a fault or an insult in every small thing someone else does to us, regardless of the intent or nature.
I almost wish I was born in the previous generation, because my own makes me ashamed.