Well, I listen mostly to Soundtrack music, stuff without vocals and simple orchestral pieces. They make it easy to write to, as lyrics can be pretty distracting while trying to write out a story. Below are a few in particular that I find really useful as background noise. And they help calm me down when I'm feeling stressed. :)
This one is particularly useful to me while writing my zombie story, as it has that element of loneliness and desolation that I look for as background noise while writing for that story.
And, of course, practically any song by Two Steps From Hell for a battle sequence I may have in a story. Distinctive drum lines in any song makes it a great piece for battle and actions scenes, I've found. :)
Ok, I've got a strange love for any song Elton John makes. Tiny Dancer, Bennie and The Jets, Rocketman, they are all great! This is the sort of music I wish was still being made today. I wasn't even born at this point, but it still creates that tone of nostalgia, don't you think? Looking back at good ol' days...
In a similar way, artists like David Bowie, The Eagles, Billy Joel, etc. also fit into this category. Any song with that sort of feel is something I enjoy!
There are some songs that I can write anything to, and no matter the scenario or scene that I'm trying to focus on, it just works for background noise. This is one of those songs. In fact, anything from the DaVinci's Demon's soundtrack works for me! I was only able to get through the first season of the show, but in that time I fell in love with the music...At one point I think I listened to this particular song on repeat for over four days...
So, that's a little taste of the sort of things I listen to both to write and just when I'm kicking back at home and relaxing. Music is something very dear to me, and I've always been reluctant to let others know what sort of music I connect deeply with, but I was feeling a bit more confident today.
Which songs do you listen to when writing? Or, just when you are in the mood for music? Let me know!