Since when did the critical issues of a country's continuation become a boxing match, with the best candidate being the one who best verbally attacks their opponents to the verge of public image destruction? Since when has the debates and major topics become more of a reality tv show one decides to watch when we're bored? Do we not care what happens to the future of our nation?
I'm not familiar with customs of other countries, but I suppose it is the same no matter where you go. Candidates for our country's future hold less importance in upholding the promises they give than they do wooing the public with nice words and crushing their opponents. Could we stop belittling our own people? Have we ever thought that maybe verbally bashing each other isn't the most important aspect of a political campaign? Don't you think we need a leader with more capability than knocking off all the rest of the people scrambling for a vote?
I'd like to know what someone hopes to accomplish with immigration. I want to hear what they have to say on gun laws and defense funding. I want to know how they would fix the unemployment rate and lowering the inflation that has so ruined this country. I'd like to hear what they say about our foreign policy, since we're getting so close to another world war, or something similar. Could they just talk about education? Or the surmounting national debt?
But, low and behold, we have to bring up that Candidate number 1 is in no way, shape, or form fit to be president so, vote for me, candidate number 4! Oh, by the way, their policies are stupid. Mine are better. Watching the debates, regardless of which party you vote for, feels like a group of toddlers fighting over the possession of a toy truck, not getting it, and throwing a fit about it afterwards.
Speaking of parties...
The creation of parties is probably one of the worst mistakes this country could have made. Wasn't the entire purpose of the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, everything in its be united? To be a single, unified country? And the first thing we do: Divide the opinions of the people in half.
The idea of a political party divides us more than divisions of race, which have reached a breaking point because of the events unfolding in the past year or so. We side ourselves with a few values we believe in, rallying under a banner that sports opinions we may not fully agree with or understand. Wouldn't the more logical option be to abandon the idea of a party and simple rally around the issues instead of a solitary figurehead? Why are we fighting for the election of the person, when we should be electing a representative of the people, the nation?
Which brings me to another point. Have we forgotten that the President is elected by us, for us, the people, the citizens of the nation, to serve us. Yes, he is our leader, but he is becoming of us. Candidates, you're not campaigning to win a boxing match, collecting the bets at the end, you're leading a nation. There should be some weight of importance with that title and responsibility. You literally hold lives, economies, business, friendships with other countries, and our place in the world in your hands. Act like you know of the responsibility that entails, and start working according to that principle.
Whether you're a republican, a democrat, an independent, something outside or in-between, start taking responsibility to be an educated and informed citizen. You don't have to necessarily take an interest in the politics of it all, just please, I beg of you as an individual sharing our future, don't stand idly by and watch as our country unfolds. I'm honestly scared for what this nation will become, or if it will be at all. We don't know what's going to happen.
Our election process is not progress, it is not happiness, or peace. It's being used for the wrong reasons by the wrong people. We're living in a nightmare, and we don't even realize it.