Day One: Out of the way!
So, I may or may not have locked myself out of my dorm room twice in the first 48 hours, but let's just overlook that small detail for the time being...
I'm all moved into college, with my mini fridge and microwave, and my books and bags. Quite exciting, it was, though mostly nerve-wracking. I met my roommates who are very wonderful girls, let me tell you, but we have differing schedules and therefore don't see each other often.
I know where my classes are and everything, so success there. Professors are a lot better than I thought they would be and I'm excited to get into the swing of things!
Hopefully the end of the week will go as well as the beginning did!
In my spare time I was able to finish watching The Office (love it) and I'm working towards finishing the rest of Criminal Minds (currently on season 9. One more to go! Woo!)
The days seem to drag on, mostly because I have so much time to myself. I'll have to get used to that. I have the dorm basically to myself most of the day.
For veteran college students out there, how did your first year go? Was it fun and exciting or dull and boring? I'm curious.