I absolutely loathe the above sentence. Loathe it.
Who gets to decide how old you have to be to enjoy something? So what if I still buy clothes from hot topic for my fandoms at 20 years old? Or that I collect bobble heads to bring to work? So what if I surround myself with 'toys' because they make me happy looking at them? It's not hurting anyone. You don't get to decide how I or anyone else lives their lives.
Years from now, I'll probably still dress up for halloween, buy candy from the store, watch anime and cartoons on weekends, dance around my house when no one is looking, buy the strange songs that are just a tad bit too catchy, buy the childish things that make me happy because they. Make. Me. Happy.
And if there is no one on earth who can agree or understand that about me, then perhaps it'd just be best to stay alone forever, and distance myself from the people who say that exact same sentence. Because I certainly understand myself, and I certainly don't need their approval.