Anime. Manga. Fanfiction. Cosplay. Otaku. Yaoi. Yuri. Genderswap. That's what we call them.
Weird. Freaky. Strange. Childish. Ridiculous. Creepy. Stupid. That's what they call it.
Can't we just love what we love without being ridiculed for it? I can't change what I love, I can't change what catches my interest, or what I pour my heart into doing. I can't change what you love and enjoy, so why should you try to change what I love? Don't you see this is what makes me happy? Can't you see I love being the way I am and love loving the things I cherish dearly?
Why is that so hard to understand?
Just because something seems strange to you doesn't mean you can throw it to the side and call it something negative. I don't stomp all over your passions because I don't have an interest in them. Sure, go ahead and love football, basketball, hockey, bird watching, knitting, whatever it is you love, because I respect you enough as a person not to crush your heart into a thousand pieces.
You'd think that respect would be mutual, but very often, much more often than I'd understand or appreciate, I hear a passing comment that anime is stupid, or that fanfiction isn't real writing. I already covered that topic in a previous post, so I won't go off about that. No, I'm much more infuriated with the face that just because one doesn't like something that a whole nation has decided to sensationalize, that I'm considered strange and weird because I don't seem to fit into the popular or unanimous category of life.
I'd like to be able to love what I love without ridicule, so please, just leave me be. Let me go back to writing my stories that I love with so much passion, and I'll leave you to watching football and basketball. Because I respect that you are different from me.
So why can't you respect that?