Seriously. This site is not like others. We aren't just gonna sit back and watch other people be discouraged or beaten against in the comment sections until the whole situation maybe goes away. That's not how this community works. We will shut that shit down, and fast, because we've all worked hard on this platform to make it the best place we can, and we aren't going to let a few people who think they're funny ruin the whole thing.
You've got views that are against another writer's beliefs? Great. I'm sure you're not the only one with dissenting opinions on someone's thoughts. Your negative comments aren't needed though. Discuss it in a polite manner, without the insults, and I'll listen to you. In fact, I'm sure people would appreciate the discussion and debate much more than the assumptions and digs at their personal beliefs.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This place, environment and community-wise, is the absolutely top notch compared to other various sites I'm a participant of. And I for one am not going to stand idly by and watch as people think it's fun to harass and unhelpfully nit-pick at someone's writing in a way that is obviously meant to degrade or bring them down. And maybe that makes me the bad guy, or the person who cares way too much, but so be it.
This place is meant to be somewhere people can freely express their beliefs in a way that does not directly antagonize someone else's. You don't like what someone thinks? Cool. Don't. Read. It. There you go. Solution to all of your problems. There's absolutely no need to go through the rest of their stories and leave a nasty comment just because you feel like it. We all know what you're doing and it's more annoying than funny on anyone's part. Maybe you get a kick out of it, but the rest of us obviously don't.
So a note to those who think they can: your antics won't last long. They never do. A few insulting comments isn't going to bring this whole place down like you want it to. We're a bit more versed in how to deal with people like you than other places are. And I'm sure as hell positive that there are others who won't tolerate that sort of behavior here.
~~~A Fired-Up Author Who Is Tired Of These People~~~