I shouldn't be afraid to say what I truly think, right? This society doesn't seem to think so. In all honesty, this is something I've wanted to express for awhile, regardless if it brings me hate. This is who I am, and I can't change that.
Because of recent events in the news, mainly the Supreme Court ruling for gay marriage to become legal in all 50 states, I've done a lot of soul-searching and deep thinking.
I'd like to start off by saying that, yes, I am a Catholic, and therefore my religion may demean such things. I, however, have felt strained in my relationship with my religion and therefore have tried to find my own beliefs instead of having them forced upon me. I am not a devout Catholic as my mother is. It's been several months since I've even attended a mass.
Because I would prefer not to have things assumed about me, and because I don't want to be a liar, I will tell you the truth. I genuinely do not know how to feel about the LGBT community. In my personal experience, I have not interacted with any LGBT individuals. Because of my lack of knowledge, I feel I am not informed enough for me to make a certain decision of my personal beliefs on this subject yet.
At times, the thought has made me uncomfortable, mostly because I just don't know what to think. Thanks to the media, I've heard very negative things about the LGBT community which I'm not partial to believe. Media nowadays has become a sensationalized reality tv show, in my opinion...
Nonetheless, I've never had a bad experience with anyone who may wish to see themselves as non-heterosexual.
If it suits you, you could call me a bigot, a hypocrite, a heathen, a sexist, whatever pleases your fancy. Your opinions are your own. But please do consider that I want to make my own decision regarding this topic. I don't want to be forced to accept it because that's what society makes me decide. I don't want to be forced not to accept it because my religion and my parents say so, though they've never really discussed such issues aloud before.
I would like to decide what I think of the subject by myself, without making a rushed conclusion, because that is what would make me feel most comfortable.
I have no ill feelings towards anyone LGBT, I'm positive they are wonderful people. But please, don't spew hatred at me because I don't know how I feel. I'm slowly coming to terms with it myself.1241Please respect copyright.PENANAlRp8gcAqq2
Thank you.