As the title suggests, it's pretty late right now, but I decided I wanted to write something for my blog so here goes.
My god, I've had the worst case of writer's block during the past month. Thankfully I've been able to get some chapters out here and there, but not as many as I'd like. Ah, and I always feel like readers won't be interested in a story anymore if they have to wait too long. How long is too long? A week? A month? I've been afraid of that question for most of my writing career. When do you begin losing readers? And why? So many questions I wish I knew the answer to.
I don't think the writer's block has only hit me. Seems to me that a lot of writing websites tend to stagnate during this time of the year. I don't see a lot of updates on stories, and there aren't as many new ones popping up. And I've also noticed that people tend to interact less with others too. They don't comment as often, or talk quite as frequently. Anyone else notice it too?
I don't know what it's been...I'm afraid I'm losing touch with my readers, or maybe I'm drifting further away from my writing. When I first started, I couldn't wait to start working on another chapter, with as little as a single day going by between when I posted the last one and began working on the next.'s not uncommon for me to not touch a story for a week. I just...don't work on it. I've lost that motivation, the reason to do it. How does one get that back?
I'm not sure if this is a common fear or feeling of anyone else on this site, that you're afraid you're going to stop altogether. I don't want to stop, never! But I just feel like my own lack of energy and inspiration coupled together will slowly grind everything to a halt and one day I might just give up on everything I've done up to this point. All that hard work just...stopping. I can't even fathom it, nor can I imagine what I'd occupy my time with if I were to stop writing. What would I do with my life? *Sigh* All these existential crises so late it night. It's making me hungry.
How do you get through the writing blues, fellow authors?