We don't hear much from you guys. You're even scarcer than fangirls at times. Are you there? Can you hear me? Hello?
If you do happen to be a fanboy, why do you hide? Why do you not include yourself into the conversations? Are you shy? Don't be shy, us fangirls will accept you for whatever things you may wish to fan over.
I'd love to meet a few more fanboys. They have very interesting opinions but you very seldom get to talk to one. If you are one, come out into the open! You are important to the fandom communities! We value your presence! Speak and be heard, friend.
Fangirls, why don't we move over a little and let the fanboys share the spotlight? Our fan-community is filled with boys and girls and I would love to hear from all of them. :)
I personally would like a day dedicated to fans. National Fandom Day, or something like that. It would give us a day to shake off these social restrictions and be ourselves together. In fact, maybe it would be one step closer to being who we want to be every single day. Big dreams are accomplished in small steps, after all. :)