我們那邊很忌諱哭啞巴墳,如果祭拜逝者的時候,全程不說話或不掉眼淚,就是對逝者最大的不敬,那樣祭拜之人的後人,就有可能出現啞巴等殘缺的 事情。
雖然這件事情只是先輩留下來的一個規矩,我從事多年陰陽行當,也從未發現有祭拜者上墳不說話,引起後人出現啞巴等殘缺的情況,但是規矩不能破,有些事情寧可信其 有不可信其無!
第一、燒紙的時候,如果紙錢冒黑煙出現燃燒不順暢,切勿用木棍或者鐵器進行翻動,要用紙錢或者用手翻動,一旦出現木棍或者鐵器翻動的話,所燒的紙錢就會 被孤魂野鬼搶走,不會進入逝者的口袋!
第三、去燒紙的來迴路上,遇到他人燒紙盡量繞開,不要踩到紙錢,有時候一個路口排滿了紙灰堆,想繞都繞不開,那隻好請你小心地穿插過去,有 時候還可能需要大跨步一下,過去之前你要先說一句,對不起,借過。
我就遇過不少祭拜逝者的後人,畫圈的時候將自己也畫在圈中,回去後,通常都會出現發燒感冒的情況,無論如何醫治都無法康復,最後還要去墳地 進行還願才能恢復。
燒紙錢是有時間限定的,清明節、週年剛逝世以及頭七等時刻才可以進行焚燒,那個時候,逝者才能上來拿錢,若是你心血來潮,想燒就燒,逝者收不到紙錢不 說,還會被孤魂野鬼搶走所有財富,一來二去,孤魂野鬼養成了習慣,以為你是在供奉它們的,逝者就要受委屈了。
還有一種說法就是,帶生冷食物上墳,逝者會不高興,因為咬不動~~我個人感覺,這個可能性不太大,因為我親眼見過厲鬼生吞活牛崽的畫面,那牙口 可不像咬不動生冷食物的樣子~~
第十二、這一條最為關鍵,堅決不能燒絕戶紙,拿來的紙錢不能燒完,要留下一些壓在墳頭之上,用土塊或者瓦片壓住,防止在祭拜者還未走出墳地 就被大風吹走!
我舉一個很恰當的例子,我們每一個人的祖先之中,在不同的朝代都是王侯將相的人物,再不濟也是久經沙場建功立業的功勳人物,如果祖先們在當時下葬的時候,嚴格 遵守所有的規矩,其後人都會風調雨順,很難出現舉步維艱養不活自己的狀況。
做完一切的工作後,我與父親以及扎紙店的老李,朝著家的方向趕去,路上,我還聽到一家四口在我耳邊說話,它們對我的手藝很滿意,感謝 了我一路,這讓我心裡美滋滋的。
我們前腳剛到家,後腳就有人敲門,來者是村裡的一位婆婆,她告訴我們,自己的孫子不知道是怎麼了,滴水不進,面黃肌瘦的,看了很多醫生,吃了不少的 藥物,都起不到任何作用,老人家都快要哭了。
看了一段時間後,三個字被我脫口而出,鬼養子很是邪乎,在那個年代裡的農村,是很常見的一種情況,後來經過時間的推移,被人們變成了“誇人”的 一種形式,鬼養子也就有了諧音,鬼樣子!
I specifically told the child's uncle that in the next three days, every time he worships the deceased, he must speak to the deceased and cry.
It is very taboo in our country to cry at the grave of a mute. If you worship the deceased without speaking or shedding tears during the whole process, it is the greatest disrespect to the deceased. In this way, the descendants of the deceased may be mute or other disabled people. matter.
Although this is just a rule left by our ancestors. I have been engaged in the yin and yang industry for many years, and I have never found a worshiper who went to the grave without speaking, causing muteness and other disabilities in future generations. However, the rule cannot be broken, and some things are better to be believed. Believe it or not!
After explaining everything, I asked the child's uncle to go home.
All that was left was to pay homage to the deceased and burn all the paper money, ingots, bank cards, maids, villas, luxury cars and other items that Lao Li brought to the deceased.
Burning paper money for the deceased is also very particular:
First, when burning paper, if the paper money emits black smoke and does not burn smoothly, do not use wooden sticks or iron tools to turn it. Use paper money or use your hands to turn it. Once wooden sticks or iron tools are turned, the burned paper money will Being snatched away by lonely ghosts will not enter the pocket of the deceased!
Second, you must burn it before noon. Paper money burned at noon or in the afternoon will not be received by the deceased.
Third, on the way back and forth to burn paper, if you encounter other people burning paper, try to avoid it and don't step on the paper money. Sometimes an intersection is filled with piles of paper ash and you can't get around it, so you have to carefully cross it. There may be times when you need to take a big step forward. Before you pass, you have to say, "I'm sorry, I borrowed it."
Fourth, before burning the paper, draw a circle on the ground where you want to burn it. Be careful not to circle yourself inside. Leave a gap in the southwest corner so that relatives below can come in and get money.
I have met many descendants who pay homage to the deceased. When they draw a circle, they draw themselves in the circle. After returning home, they usually have a fever and a cold. No matter how much treatment is given, they cannot recover. In the end, they have to go to the cemetery to perform the ritual. Only if you wish can you recover.
Fifth, when burning paper, you should have a serious expression and don’t laugh or joke around. Since you are here, you should be respectful.
There was a child in our village who burned paper for the deceased while listening to cross talk. He smiled playfully throughout the whole process. He had nightmares for more than half a month when he went back and almost scared himself to death!
Sixth, before burning paper for your loved ones, light two pieces and throw them outside the circle. Send money to the ghosts who have no relatives. Ask them to abide by the law and not to snatch the paper money from the deceased.
Seventh, when burning paper, you should mutter something. This has been explained above, so I won’t go into details. Please refer to the Mute Grave.
Eighth, you can’t just burn things on your own whim.
There is a time limit for burning paper money. It can only be burned during the Qingming Festival, the anniversary of death, and the first seven days of the year. At that time, the deceased can come up and get the money. If you have a whim, you can burn it if you want. The deceased will not receive the paper money. It is said that all the wealth will be robbed by the ghosts. Over time, the ghosts will develop the habit of thinking that you are worshiping them, and the deceased will be wronged.
Ninth, you must insist on watching the paper burn up before leaving. This can effectively prevent fires and prevent the wind from blowing the paper out and being picked up by other passing ghosts, making the deceased unhappy.
Tenth, you cannot bring raw or cold food. People who eat raw or cold food will suffer from diarrhea or contract diseases. Ghosts who eat raw and cold food may become evil ghosts. Once the ghosts feel the smell of blood, they will fall in love with the taste!
There is also a saying that if you bring raw and cold food to the grave, the deceased will be unhappy because it cannot bite~~ I personally feel that this possibility is not very high, because I have personally seen the scene of a vicious ghost devouring a live calf. It’s not like you can’t bite raw or cold food~~
Eleventh, dress more festively so that the deceased can know that you are living a happy life now and don't let the deceased worry about you.
Twelfth, this is the most critical point. You must not burn all the paper money. You must not burn all the paper money you brought. You must leave some on top of the grave, using clods or tiles to hold it down to prevent the worshipers from leaving the grave before they leave. Just be blown away by the strong wind!
Again, these are just the more common and easy-to-occur taboos. I will describe them for you. There are many other taboos. I can elaborate on them one by one if I have the opportunity in the future.
After we worshiped in strict accordance with the rules, we left the cemetery and breathed a sigh of relief. This Juezi Tomb really consumed Mr. Yin and Yang's energy. There should be no distractions throughout the process, and everything must be done in place.
It is not true at all that laymen are the masters of the art. Many laymen think that burial is just a matter of burying the person. In fact, it is not that simple.
Let me give you a very appropriate example. The ancestors of each of us were princes and generals in different dynasties. No matter how bad they were, they were meritorious figures who had made great achievements in the battlefield. If the ancestors were buried strictly at that time, If you abide by all the rules, everything will be smooth sailing for your future generations, and it will be difficult for you to find yourself struggling to make a living.
But in that war-torn era, it was difficult to bury according to the rules. Many bones were not buried in time and were thrown into mass graves or open spaces~~So~~
After finishing all the work, my father and I, as well as Lao Li from the paper shop, rushed towards home. On the way, I heard a family of four talking in my ears. They were very satisfied with my craftsmanship. Thank you. It took me all the way, which made me feel happy.
Although it is a bit difficult and tiring, this kind of situation where we can make money and be satisfied with everything will make us very satisfied.
As soon as we got home, there was a knock on the door. The person who came was a mother-in-law from the village. She told us that her grandson didn’t know what was wrong with him. He couldn’t drink water, was sallow and thin, had seen many doctors, and had eaten a lot of food. None of the medicines had any effect, and the old man was almost crying.
Seeing that my father was very tired, I took the initiative to stand up and followed my mother-in-law to her house.
The moment I saw the child, my body was shocked and I almost couldn't believe my eyes!
I met this kid last week. He was chubby then, but now he is skin and bones.
As expected, he was sallow and thin, his eye sockets were sunken, his eyes were dull, his lips were pale, and he was bald.
The mother-in-law weighed her grandson. A 13-year-old child was not as heavy as a piglet!
What was the reason that made a healthy and lively child look like this in a week?
"Ghost adopted son!"
After watching it for a while, three words came out of my mouth. The ghost adopted son was very evil. It was a very common situation in the rural areas of that era. Later, as time went by, people turned it into a "praising person". In one form, ghost adopted son also has a homophonic meaning, ghost-like!
"Look at that devilish look on your face!"
This "quintessence of China" must have been heard by many friends, and it may be a mantra of a certain friend. In fact, his appearance is related to supernatural events!