The trials of many years in prison have given me insight into many things, and they've also caused me to lose weight.
I was released at nine thirty-five in the morning, which meant a fresh star
Wearing the same clothes I had on when I first came in, I felt out of place in the world.
出獄的前一天夜裡,獄友跟我說了許多話,他們很後悔自己所做的一切,如果再給他們一次重來的機會,他們一定還會這樣做。 這就是命。
The night before my release, my fellow inmates shared many regrets about their actions. They said if given another chance, they would still make the same choices. That's just fate.
Even these seemingly irredeemable inmates have a softer side; they asked not to see me again before their release, or they would break my arm.
In a place like that, whoever wants to come, let them come. I, for one, won't be back.
I looked up at the sky with my shaved head, breathing in the fresh air outside the prison walls. It felt incredibly refreshing.
The lazy sunrise was blinding, yet I loved the feeling.
我之所以會遭遇監獄之災,完全是命運的安排,就像我一開始所說的。 這就是命。 至於我的故事,要從一個僻靜的鄉村開始說起…
The reason I encountered the trials of prison is entirely due to the arrangements of fate, just as I initially mentioned. That's just fate. As for my story, it begins in a remote village...
在酷熱的夏日,樹上的知了不停地鳴叫,大地龜裂,莊稼顆粒無收。 我們一家人擠在破舊的泥屋裡,盯著一個底部破了的鐵鍋發呆。
On scorching summer days, cicadas chirped incessantly in the trees, the earth cracked, and crops failed. Our family huddled in a dilapidated mud house, staring at the bottomless iron pot, lost in thought.
為了養家糊口,父親一大早就去了隔壁村,為一個已故家庭處理事務。 直到深夜,他才拿著一張百元鈔回家,像個小孩般開心。
In order to support the family, my father went to the neighboring village early in the morning to handle affairs for a deceased family. It wasn't until late at night that he returned home, holding a hundred yuan bill in his hand, looking as happy as a child.
那個年代,一百塊可不是個小數目,足夠我們飽餐一段時間。 我家主要從事殯儀業務,各種離奇古怪的問題都能被父親輕鬆解決。 漸漸地,父親的名聲傳開,方圓百里的人都知道他是個很厲害的風水先生。 許多遇到棘手問題的人都會來求父親幫忙,每次都能有一筆可觀的收入。 因此,我們勉強糊口。
Back in those days, a hundred yuan was no small sum, enough for us to eat well for a while. My family mainly engaged in the funeral business, and all sorts of strange and mysterious problems could be easily resolved by my father. As word spread, people within a hundred-mile radius knew my father was a powerful Feng Shui master. Many people with difficult problems would come to seek my father's help, and each time, he would earn a considerable income. So, we managed to get by.
然而,最近的情況異常。 連續兩個月,沒有人來拜訪父親,讓我們的生活變得非常艱難。 似乎「屋漏偏逢連夜雨,船遲又遇打頭風」。
However, recently, it's been quite unusual. For two months in a row, no one has visited my father, making our lives very difficult. It seems like when it rains, it pours, and when it comes to hardships, they never come alone.
用了好多年的鐵鍋,就像中了邪一樣,不知道它怎麼想的。 好端端的,非要漏一個巴掌大的窟產出來,誰也不清楚,它這樣做對自己有什麼好處。
The iron pot that had been used for many years seemed to have gone awry, just like it was possessed. No one knew what it was thinking. Suddenly, it decided to develop a palm-sized hole, and no one understood what benefit it would bring to itself by doing so.
As a result, the utensil used for meals turned into nothing but a pile of scrap iron.
It was fortunate that Mrs. Wang from the neighboring village passed away at the right time, which gave my father the opportunity to earn money.
People may not fear those around them, but they must respect certain things; often, the unseen and intangible things are the most terrifying.
這是爺爺傳給父親的話,現在父親又傳給我了。 我又把這話傳給了獄友聽,最後被痛扁了好幾回。
These were words passed down from my grandfather to my father, and now my father has passed them on to me. I, in turn, shared this with my fellow inmates, only to be beaten severely several times.
In prison, fists speak louder than words; everything else is just talk.
From my ancestors to the present, my family possessed many valuable heirlooms. However, due to various reasons, our family fortunes declined during my father's generation, leaving me only with some heartfelt words.
To be honest, they are of little use.
我父親還常對我說:做人要他麼的懂禮貌! 這給我一種聽君一席話,如聽一席話的感覺。
My father often tells me: "As a person, you must understand manners!" This gives me the feeling of listening to a sage's words, as if listening to a sermon.
I've been following my father around since I was little, going from street to street to read fortunes and practice my skills.
When I turned 18, my father suddenly changed his attitude towards me and no longer allowed me to accompany him to "Panshan."
"Panshan" is actually a slang term, meaning to make a living.
Not only that, but my father also specifically instructed me that before I turned 20, I absolutely could not leave the house, otherwise he would break one of my legs!
Although I was unhappy about it, I chose to stay at home like a young lady, not stepping out of the door.
It was a mischievous age, yet I spent my days stuck at home, which was extremely painful.
Since I stayed home, I've often encountered various strange things.
For example, I frequently see a woman dressed in clothes similar to mine floating around the house, sticking out her tongue and smiling at me.
說實話,它笑得比哭還難看。 隔壁家王大娘家的狗都比它強出百倍。
To be honest, her smile is uglier than crying. Even the dog next door at Mrs. Wang's house is a hundred times better than her.
我知道我遇到不乾淨的東西了。 由於我從小生活的環境不同,對於這種事情已經見怪不怪了。
I know I've encountered something unclean. Due to my different upbringing, I'm used to these things.
It comes and goes as it pleases. Anyway, it doesn't interfere with my daily life.
The female ghost probably found it boring; she didn't stay in our house for long before moving to the battleground, appearing in the neighboring Wang Dama's home.
那天夜裡,我記得十分清楚。 躲在男廁偷吃雞腿的王大嬸發出了哭爹喊娘的慘叫聲,屁股都來不及擦,就從廁所裡竄了出來,隨後暈倒在地。
That night, I remember it vividly. Wang Dama, who was hiding in the men's restroom and sneaking chicken legs, let out a cry of distress, didn't even have time to wipe her bottom, and rushed out of the restroom, then fainted on the ground.
王大嬸的老公李叔聽到動靜後,從床底下爬了出來,讓床上的小翠偷偷溜走後,竄進了院子裡。 看到倒地不起的王大嬸,開心壞了
Upon hearing the commotion, Wang Dama's husband, Uncle Li, crawled out from under the bed, let Xiao Cui, who was on the bed, sneak away, and rushed into the yard. Seeing Wang Dama lying on the ground, he was overjoyed.
"Hey, can we have a feast now?"
秉著一日夫妻百日恩的理念,李叔還是選擇把胖媳婦兒背到了村裡的診所中,進行醫治。 那一天的李叔變成了蝦米的形狀,過了半個月腰都沒能直起來!
Adhering to the principle of "one day as husband and wife, a hundred days of grace," Uncle Li chose to carry his plump wife to the village clinic for treatment. That day, Uncle Li turned into a shrimp shape, and after half a month, he still couldn't straighten his back!
He enthusiastically advised the doctor not to exert too much pressure. If it didn't work, they could forgo the rescue. He would find a good feng shui burial site for Wang Dama.
The doctor, with a disdainful look, explicitly told Uncle Li that Wang Dama was only temporarily unconscious due to shock and would wake up soon without the need for a fuss.
這讓李叔很激動,得知不能吃席的他當場哭成了淚人。 看到李叔哭成這樣,從醫多年的大夫倍受感動,他從未見過如此恩愛的夫妻,免去了醫藥費用不說,還送給李叔了一盒藍色藥丸,並勸他 ,夫妻要講究和諧,才能永久地幸福下去。
This made Uncle Li very emotional. Upon learning that they couldn't feast, he burst into tears on the spot. Seeing Uncle Li cry like this, the doctor, who had been in medicine for many years, was deeply moved. He had never seen such an affectionate couple. He waived the medical expenses and even gave Uncle Li a box of blue pills, advising him that harmony between spouses is the key to eternal happiness.
往後的半個月裡,我可以明顯感覺到李叔有了很大的變化,他整日摀著自己的腰,一副很虛弱的樣子。 這可能就是愛情該有的樣子吧。
In the following half month, I could clearly sense a significant change in Uncle Li; he would constantly clutch his waist, appearing quite feeble. Perhaps, this is what love looks like.
那女鬼似乎找到了樂趣,整天折騰著這對夫婦。 今天出現在床上,明天出現在鍋裡,大後天又騎在他們的脖子上。 一開始這對夫婦是很抓狂的,但是一來二去後,他們也就漸漸習慣了,全然一副無所畏懼的模樣。
The female ghost seemed to find amusement in tormenting the couple. One day, she would appear on their bed, the next day in their cooking pot, and the day after that, she would ride on their necks. Initially, the couple was greatly distressed, but with time, they gradually became accustomed to it, displaying an air of fearlessness.
你以為這女鬼只是一個小插曲? 其實不然,它引起了很多一連串的事情發生,我的牢獄之災就和這女鬼有著乾絲萬縷的關聯!
But this female ghost was more than just a passing incident. She triggered a series of events that ultimately led to my incarceration.
有一天,父親出門盤山,接連出去了一個星期都沒有回來,家裡來了一群拜訪父親的人,見他不在家裡,都急壞了。 後來,有人出了個主意,說我從小跟著父親討過活,應該學到了不少的本事,所以決定讓我出山,為他們排憂解難! 家父有言在先,不到二十歲我絕對不能踏出家門半步,香則就會打斷我的一條腿。
One day, my father went out to seek livelihood in the mountains and didn't return for a week. A group of visitors arrived at our home looking for him, growing increasingly anxious when they discovered he wasn't there. Eventually, someone suggested that since I had learned various skills from my father while growing up, I should step in to help. However, my father had warned that I must not step out of the house before turning twenty, or else I would face dire consequences.
如果非要讓我違背父親的意願選擇出廣[的話,也不是不行~~得加錢! 這一群人很是奇怪,身上的穿著破爛不堪卻出毛很是闊,直接甩出來兩萬塊錢在我的面前! 還聲稱,事成之後會再給我兩萬尾款! 我當時愣在了原地,不是我沒出息,那個年代的萬元戶是很厲害的存在。
If they insisted on defying my father's wishes and taking me out, it wouldn't come cheap. This group of peculiar individuals, despite their shabby appearance, was unexpectedly affluent. They boldly placed twenty thousand dollars in front of me and promised an additional sum upon completion of the task. I was dumbfounded. It wasn't a matter of my lack of resolve; in those days, twenty thousand was a considerable sum for a teenager like me.
我一個18歲的孩子竟然有能力賺這麼多錢,很難不讓我心動。 現在這些人直接將兩萬塊錢擺在我的眼前,而且只需要我跟著他們出去一趟就行,這誘惑力實在是太大了! 一失足成乾古恨,這句話用在我的身上太合適不過了,這兩萬塊錢成為我人生一輩子的污點! 我很後悔沒有聽父親的話,但是天底下沒有後悔藥,種下什麼因就要得什麼果,這是鬥古不變的事實。
As an 18-year-old, the fact that I could earn so much money was incredibly enticing. Now, with these people placing twenty thousand dollars directly in front of me, and requiring only one trip with them, the temptation is simply too strong! "One misstep leads to a thousand regrets" – this phrase couldn't be more appropriate for me. These twenty thousand dollars have become a lifelong stain on my conscience! I deeply regret not listening to my father, but there's no remedy for regret. As the saying goes, "As you sow, so shall you reap." It's an unchanging truth of life.