The leader had a pair of devilish eyebrows, thick and black, almost reaching the corners of his eyes. Such eyebrow shape often signifies a sinister disposition, with a penchant for deceit and theft, clearly not a virtuous character.
The person behind him wasn't any better, with unusually bright eyes resembling shrimp.
Individuals with such eye shape exude charm and elegance, but are prone to disasters in the year of fire, while everything goes smoothly in the year of water. Though they may enjoy wealth and prosperity in their later years, their lives are short. The rest of the group was no different; not a single one was trustworthy.
Though I discerned their true nature, I followed them out of the house in order to improve my family's impoverished life.
Their behavior was peculiar, as they remained silent throughout the journey, constantly smoking and keeping their heads down.
When I tried to engage them in conversation, they pretended not to hear me, with not a single one responding to my inquiries.
Later, when their cigarettes were finished, they took out the incense from their bags, lighting one for each person, and muttered some inexplicable words.
這時我才明白過來,這些人不是一般人,準確來說,應該算半個同行。 他們剛才所念叨的字我很清楚,那是道上的陰蒂,是一門說給死人聽的語言。
It was then that I realized these people were not ordinary individuals; more accurately, they could be considered fellow practitioners. I was familiar with the words they had just uttered; it was the language of the occult, meant for the ears of the deceased.
人活著的時候喜歡聽鬼話,死後也是如此,即使變成了鬼也改變不了這種習性。 我與父親不常用到陰蒂,因為我們所接觸的行當用不到這個東西。
People enjoy listening to ghost stories when alive, and the habit persists even after death. Even as spirits, they cannot change this inclination. My father and I seldom used such language because our profession didn't require it.
Only tomb raiders wandering among burial grounds frequently employ this language to persuade impure entities to stay away.
Considering their attire and behavior, I knew I had boarded the wrong ship. These seemingly harmless individuals were most likely tomb raiders.
They had smoked throughout the journey and now lit incense, all to appease certain impure entities.
The saying "One who eats from others' mouths has short arms" applies not only in the living world but also in the realm of the dead.
就這樣,我們走了將近一個小時的路程,我的腿已經開始不聽使喚了。 不是因為我矯情,而是因為在家裡待的時間太長缺乏運動的原因,一下子走了這麼遠的路,難免有些吃不消。
In this manner, we walked for nearly an hour, and my legs had already begun to protest. It wasn't due to my being fussy but rather the result of spending too much time inactive at home. Taking such a long walk all at once was a bit too much to handle.
幸好,他們停在一個洞口的位置,然後齊刷刷轉身朝我走來。 我知道該我出場了!
Fortunately, they stopped at the entrance of a cave, then turned to face me in unison. I knew it was my turn to take action!
走到洞口,我感受到一股從裡面湧出的強大邪氣,幸好我反應夠快,及時躲開了那邪氣的攻擊。 否則後果不堪設想!
Approaching the cave entrance, I felt a surge of ominous energy emanating from within. Thankfully, my reflexes were quick, and I managed to dodge the attack of the malevolent aura in time. Otherwise, the consequences would have been dire!
看著這幾個盜墓賊,我心生佩服。 他們不但找到了墓穴,還開挖了入口,看來是這一行的老手!
Observing these tomb raiders, I couldn't help but admire them. Not only had they found the tomb, but they had also prepared the entrance. It seemed they were seasoned veterans in this line of work!
"Young man, two of our brothers have perished inside. Can you help us see if there are any mysteries inside this cave?"
「既然已經有兩個弟兄死在裡面,我建議你們放棄吧。不要去招惹這些不干淨的東西。我把錢還給你們,我們都假裝什麼都沒發生過!我只想靠著一身的本事 謀取溫飽,只要拿人錢財替人消災就行,這種有損陰德且觸犯法律的事情我可沒有興趣做,果斷地拒絕了他們!
"Since two of your brothers have already died inside, I suggest you give up. Don't provoke these impure entities. I'll refund your money, and we can all pretend this never happened! I only seek to make a living by my skills. As long as I can help others alleviate their troubles, I'm content. I have no interest in engaging in activities that violate morality and the law," I decisively refused them!
然而,我的話不僅沒有阻止他們,反而激起了他們的興趣。 看來我們沒有找錯人。 這位年輕人立刻察覺到這洞裡有不乾淨的東西。 『哥們,讓小兄弟幫忙把我們的兩個弟兄救出來,然後把墓穴裡的寶物平分了,怎麼樣? ’
However, my words not only failed to deter them but instead piqued their interest. It seemed they hadn't picked the wrong person. The young man immediately discerned the presence of something impure inside the cave. "Brothers, let's ask for his help to rescue our comrades and divide the treasures inside the tomb among us. How about it?"
No wonder they were willing to pay me twenty thousand yuan to come along. They were convinced that there must be valuable treasures inside this tomb!
在財寶面前還一心救兄弟的人屬實不多。 我看這些盜墓賊很是仗義,便動了側隱之心。
There are few who prioritize saving their comrades over wealth. These tomb raiders, valuing camaraderie, touched my heart, prompting me to consider helping them.
『這話可是你說的,事成之後墓穴裡的寶物我們平分! 要是你們敢反悔,我可是有一萬種方法報復你們! ’
"You heard me right. Once we succeed, we'll split the treasures inside evenly. But if any of you dare to go back on your word, I have ten thousand ways to make you regret it!"
My words weren't meant to scare them; I indeed have that ability.
The tomb robbers all echoed the same assurance to me: whoever backs out will meet a bad end.
Later on, this indeed came true. These people met a gruesome end, but that's a story for another time; let's not dwell on it for now.
I glanced at the tunnel entrance, tossed a stone inside, then listened closely for any sound.
這就是陰陽行當裡面的投石間路。 不要看操作簡單,這裡面卻有不小的學問。
This is what's called the "throwing stones and listening" technique in the world of yin and yang. Don't be fooled by its simplicity; there's a lot of wisdom behind it.
石頭一路無遮蔽落入底部,代表一切順遂平安;沒有任何阻擋,可以放心大膽地往前走。若是石頭在下落的時候無法順利到達底部,再或者,石頭在下落的時候出現很詭異的聲響,那就表明,這個洞穴的主人不願意被外人打擾。 這時候就要識趣一點離開,否則必有禍事發生!
If the stone falls smoothly without any obstruction to the bottom, it means all is well and safe to proceed without worry. But if the stone fails to reach the bottom smoothly or if there are strange sounds during its fall, it indicates that the owner of the cave doesn't want to be disturbed. At that point, it's best to leave quietly; otherwise, trouble will surely follow.
The stone I threw landed smoothly at the bottom, indicating that the tomb was clean and free of any malevolent presence.
這一切都不太合理。 已經有兩個人死在坑道裡,顯示裡面的東西不想被外人打擾,但是這塊石頭卻很順利地落到了底部。 難道,是我技藝不精?
This doesn't make sense. Two people have already perished in the tunnel, indicating that whatever lurks inside doesn't want to be disturbed. Yet, the stone fell smoothly to the bottom. Could it be that my skills are lacking?
就在我讓大家放心下去的時候,盜洞裡飛出一塊石頭,正好砸到我的腦門上! 那種生疼的感覺我到現在依舊記憶猶新!
Just as I was reassuring everyone to proceed, a stone flew out of the tomb and hit me squarely on the forehead! The sharp pain from the impact still lingers vividly in my memory!
"Everyone, forgive my incompetence. Today, I can't help you anymore. If fate allows, we'll meet again in the future. Farewell!"
My father had always warned me that even if offered mountains of gold, I shouldn't be swayed if unexpected events occur during the "throwing stones and listening" technique.
Some money isn't worth earning, even if you have the means to earn it!
我堅持要離開此地,任憑這幫人把嘴皮子磨破了也沒有動搖分毫。 這些人見我去意已決,無奈地搖了搖頭,只好作罷。
I insisted on leaving the place, unmoved by their attempts to persuade me otherwise. Seeing my determination, they reluctantly shook their heads and gave up.
After leaving the tomb robbers, I walked home but encountered a very strange and eerie event!
It took me an hour and a half to get there, but on the way back, I walked for more than three hours, and I didn't even reach halfway!
I thought I was running into a dead end, about to unzip and relieve myself when a ghostly figure dressed in white floated in front of me.
這女鬼我很熟悉,就是常出現在我家裡的女鬼。 眾所周知,男女有別,人與鬼也是如此,就像我爸常說的-做人要有禮貌!
I was familiar with this female ghost; she was the one who often appeared in my house. As they say, there's a clear distinction between men and women, and the same goes for humans and ghosts. As my dad always says, "Be polite in all circumstances!"
I pulled up my pants and pretended like nothing had happened, continuing to walk forward, but I felt like my legs were filled with lead and couldn't move an inch!
壞了,中招了! 這女鬼平常在我家感覺很是柔弱,原來是個扮豬吃老虎的厲害角色,現在它開始對我下手了,這完全出乎我的意料! 終究還是太年輕~
Uh-oh, I've been hit! This ghost seemed weak when she was at my house, but now she's acting tough and coming after me. It's completely unexpected! I guess I'm still too young~
My legs began to move uncontrollably, following the ghost as she led me into a small forest I'd never seen before, which made me feel very uneasy.
放著好好的道路不走,為何非要鑽進樹林? 一生要強的我流下了不甘的淚水。 算了,儘管放馬過來,誰怕誰!
Why did we have to go into the woods when there was a perfectly good road? As someone who's always been strong, I couldn't help but shed tears of frustration. Oh well, bring it on! Who's afraid of whom?
If Xu Xian can't even let go of a white snake, why should I?
There's a saying that goes, "Long time no see is like seeing each other after a long separation."
遺憾的是,這女鬼自知配不上我,沒有對我進行奇奇怪怪的行為。 就這樣,我跟在它的身後,一路往西不斷地朝前方走去。
Unfortunately, this ghost knew she wasn't a match for me and didn't engage in any strange behavior towards me. So, I followed behind her, heading westward without any hesitation.
After passing through the woods, I saw a crystal-clear river. The ghost floated across effortlessly, completely disregarding my well-being. This really put me in a tough spot.
I stepped into the icy water and made my way to the other side. When I reached the center of the river, I almost drowned.
Luckily, I let out a few farts in succession, which gave me buoyancy, allowing me to float in the water and narrowly escaped death.
After reaching the shore, I looked back at the river, which had turned pitch black with dead fish floating on the surface. It was clear that some immoral jerk had poisoned the river.
That's despicable!
The ghost continued to lead me forward and eventually brought me to a rundown village. A group of "people" gathered around a stage, eagerly awaiting the start of a big show!