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从不騙鬼 Never lie to ghosts

May 19, 2024 85 10 Mins Read
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民間風水秘術 Folk Feng Shui Secrets
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Table of Contents
#0 Intro
#1 刑滿釋放 Released after serving sentence
#2 鬼看戲 Ghost watching a show
#3 兔敲鑼,象踩跷 Rabbit beats the gong, Elephant steps on stilts
#4 鋃鐺入獄 Dangdang goes to jail
#5 凶宅 Haunted house
#6 鎮物 town object
#7 迷魂符 charm
#8 夜伴吊死鬼 Night companion hanged ghost
#9 打陰樁 Driving negative piles
#10 真不是壞人 Not really a bad person
#11 父女團聚 Father and daughter reunited
#12 村醫 village doctor
#13 敲喪鐘,鬼壓身 Ring the bell and the ghost will come over you
#14 替天行道 Acting on Behalf of Heaven
#15 救你一命 Save your life
#16 陰人符 Yin man talisman
#17 但行好事莫問前程 Just do good things and don't worry about the future
#18 這話我愛聽 I like to hear this
#19 黑貓 black cat
#20 天師在上,接下我的膝蓋 Heavenly Master is above, take my knee
#21 下棺 Lower the coffin
#22 黑線縱橫,命不久矣 Black lines crisscross, life is coming to an end
#23 鬼尋親 Ghost looking for relatives
#24 沖我來 Come to me
#25 這傢伙沒救了 This guy is hopeless.
#26 淹死鬼 Drowned Ghost
#27 替代者 replacement
#28 你先撐一下 You hold it first
#29 向來仁義 Always benevolent and righteous
#30 加倍奉還 Double the return
#31 天大的人情 A huge favor
#32 夢魘 Nightmare
#33 入夢 Dreaming
#34 从不騙鬼 Never lie to ghosts
#35 犧牲品 Sacrifice
#36 屍煞 Corpse
#37 共同特點 Common features
#38 這孩子不是你的 This child is not yours
#39 青青草原 Green grassland
#40 Still responsible 還算有擔當
#41 窺天機 Peeping into the secrets
#42 木偶術 Puppetry
#43 孽緣 Bad Fate
#44 可憐之人必有可恨之處 There is always something hateful about a pitiful person.
#45 鬼喊屍 Ghost shouting corpse
#46 冥頑不靈 stubborn
#47 白髮人送黑髮人 The white-haired person sends the black-haired person
#48 沉棺 sinking coffin
#49 風水大忌 Feng Shui Taboos
#50 雙豐收 Double Harvest
#51 半死人 Half dead
#52 都是嘴欠惹的禍 It's all because of my bad mouth
#53 茅土 Thatched soil
#54 簂與 Gui yu
#55 絕子墳,牽魂鎖 Juezi's grave, the soul lock
#56 送葬禁忌 Funeral taboos
#57 鬼養子 Ghost adopted child
#58 駭人故事 scary story
#59 斷臂 Broken arm
#60 殺人犯的面相 The face of a murderer
#61 合力制服 Join forces to prevent
#62 家無男丁之風水密術 The secret of feng shui to prevent the birth of a male in the family
#63 不會孝順的面相 Unfilial appearance
#64 看臉算子女的命運 Predicting the fate of children by looking at their faces
#65 沖丁煞 Clash with Ding
#66 鬼嬰纏身 Ghost baby entangled
#67 單身命,窮鬼 Single life, poor ghost
#68 人沒死,身先衰 People are not dead, but their bodies are declining
#69 鬼拔皮,双人亡 Ghost peeled off the skin, two people died
#70 排糰屄,搬新家和爺爺相聚 Remove tuan bi, move to a new home and meet up with grandpa
#71 要走橋走道? 要上門還是下海?Walk on the bridge? Go to the door or go to the sea?
#72 入土为安,遇到貴人 laid to rest and meet noble people
#73 背後有鬼,住酒店的禁忌 There is a ghost behind , the taboos of staying in a hotel
#74 拔除厲鬼,祛除中邪 Remove evil spirits and get rid of evil spirits
#75 鬼上身 A person is possessed by evil spirits.
#76 萬物齊全,神奇的反轉 Everything comes together, a magical reversal
#77 平息怨氣,解開命運 Calm down resentment and unlock destiny
#78 讓靈魂回來,遷往新墳 Let the soul return and move to a new grave
#79 定陰宅,遇到奇案 Finding a grave and encountering magical things
#80 遇到別人全家死,迎接新的客人 Encountering someone's entire family die, Welcoming new guests
#81 被鬼跟,遇富豪 Being followed by a ghost, meeting a rich man
#82 失約,遇到鬼 No appointment, encounter a ghost
#83 投錯胎,去天堂 Wrong birth, go to heaven
#84 開天梯,迎接舊客 Open the ladder to welcome old customers
#85 面相不好,不能逆轉 Bad face, can't be reversed
#86 壞人的臉,不要理睬 Bad guy's face, Ignore
#87 自作孽,遇到狐狸精 It's own fault, met a vixen
#88 套路深,斷修為 The routine is deep, and the cultivation is broken
#89 杀死狐妖,洗清罪孽 Kill the fox demon and wash away sins
#90 本應活得久,但慘死 Should have lived longer, but died tragically
#91 辦公室的風水禁忌 Feng Shui Taboos for Offices
#92 遇到熟客 Meet a familiar customer
#93 克老公的臉,但有轉機 Hurting Husband's face, but there is a turning point
#94 人美心壞 Beautiful but evil
#95 人生的轉折點 Turning point in life
#96 穹薨 Qiong died
#97 栩栩如生 Lifelike
#98 乖孫別怕 Don't be afraid, my dear grandson
#99 原來是這樣 So that's how it is
#100 完美解決 Perfect solution
#101 靈異事件 Paranormal Events
#102 勾魂 Enchant (完結 END)
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