No Plagiarism!6xKTpAKSQ23MjgBssXANposted on PENANA 初次看到《青花瓷》的翻譯和演唱時,委實有驚艷之感。8964 copyright protection511PENANAsLYNCQ7tVI 維尼
不過聽著聽著,總感覺意境美是美,韻味不太一樣。8964 copyright protection511PENANAWr6X9rBEl5 維尼
有時候,翻譯和演繹真在相去不遠。歌詞移除了「檀香」、「宣紙」、「漢隸」、「打撈月色」、「芭蕉夜雨」等中文文化專項,加入picture frames、fields of morning dew、greener world等等專屬英文的文化項目,與其說是翻譯,不如說藝人很成功地重新演繹成唯美西式情歌。8964 copyright protection511PENANAeoIJfXo20Z 維尼
「冉冉檀香透過窗心事我了然」VS "The fire in my heart burning white and true"?8964 copyright protection511PENANA5gwH0RGFuB 維尼
由始至終的「天青色等煙雨,而我在等你」 VS 由 "The sky is crying blue as I wait for you" 到 "The sky still dark as I make my way to you"?8964 copyright protection511PENANA61KRaPVYIw 維尼
相思等待與熱烈奔赴,實在是各有各的美。8964 copyright protection511PENANAzjp3vS9Dbi 維尼
歌名:青花瓷8964 copyright protection511PENANAznayNbFYJL 維尼
歌手:羅藝恆8964 copyright protection511PENANA55Y2WCBry1 維尼
作詞:羅藝恆8964 copyright protection511PENANAyjoUrF9HvJ 維尼
作曲:周杰倫8964 copyright protection511PENANAxrgFU8XtBb 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAWfjiMpYbYw
8964 copyright protection511PENANAOZPlZBF4S8 維尼
素胚勾勒出青花筆鋒濃轉淡8964 copyright protection511PENANAzQbgkLuDbF 維尼
Your touch like brush strokes you hold colour in my skin8964 copyright protection511PENANAToh6VNWdxv 維尼
瓶身描繪的牡丹一如你初妝8964 copyright protection511PENANAauLMuOxuRi 維尼
The deep blue and pearl white glow like porcelain8964 copyright protection511PENANAH5KAzcQyf2 維尼
冉冉檀香透過窗心事我了然8964 copyright protection511PENANAnTab7w9Qas 維尼
As I stare clear through the window that I'm locked within8964 copyright protection511PENANAZ3b9gZ43gk 維尼
宣紙上走筆至此擱一半8964 copyright protection511PENANAjGIcNh4E67 維尼
I count the seconds to see you again8964 copyright protection511PENANA7CZXOpSO4j 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAm8y4ptzjdf
8964 copyright protection511PENANAvklM5VAhSc 維尼
釉色渲染仕女圖韻味被私藏8964 copyright protection511PENANAUAyJqJLRzn 維尼
Possessions reach cannot hold beauty such as yours8964 copyright protection511PENANA725PHvUVDv 維尼
而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放8964 copyright protection511PENANAEXyYOzSyyf 維尼
Yet still its clouds shroud your light so your petals fall8964 copyright protection511PENANAjhNvtzRT3y 維尼
你的美一縷飄散8964 copyright protection511PENANA8PMQhdkMSM 維尼
Your flowers kiss I reminisce8964 copyright protection511PENANAbc5wvAsDjy 維尼
去到我去不了的地方8964 copyright protection511PENANAZ8CtyEu2pW 維尼
now I only see in picture frames8964 copyright protection511PENANAN9X5gDi2M4 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAlkCZuQcEfd
8964 copyright protection511PENANAPpWdSOpA99 維尼
天青色等煙雨,而我在等你8964 copyright protection511PENANAAujnCfMIv2 維尼
The sky is crying blue as I wait for you8964 copyright protection511PENANAQkdjkdXtJk 維尼
炊煙嫋嫋升起 隔江千萬里8964 copyright protection511PENANAFz19Zy6mXC 維尼
The fire in my heart burning white and true8964 copyright protection511PENANAqtzoCdi90B 維尼
在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸8964 copyright protection511PENANAiQjCXh6dmU 維尼
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides8964 copyright protection511PENANAc2kBYHAttm 維尼
就當我為遇見你伏筆8964 copyright protection511PENANAAWJh8khPkN 維尼
I see your shadow outlined through8964 copyright protection511PENANAMgLs1llcZm 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANADzE2JZdBF5
8964 copyright protection511PENANAnWQz7j3LQO 維尼
天青色等煙雨 而我在等你8964 copyright protection511PENANAdSElB5V3iF 維尼
The sky still dark as I make my way to you8964 copyright protection511PENANASjXm02CaLw 維尼
月色被打撈起 暈開了結局8964 copyright protection511PENANA1FGNqpYlcC 維尼
White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew8964 copyright protection511PENANAmP2zMNZvK5 維尼
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗8964 copyright protection511PENANATYjuBSjRMo 維尼
Our world is greener on the other side so free8964 copyright protection511PENANAqEJ6iheeNK 維尼
你眼帶笑意8964 copyright protection511PENANAep8p3l28EW 維尼
The time is calling8964 copyright protection511PENANAHMQuXo6Yru 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAWuJxbSrf3S
8964 copyright protection511PENANAVcbrnGJFvT 維尼
色白花青的錦鯉躍然於碗底8964 copyright protection511PENANAHgFJ7L5YXT 維尼
Perfection locked and untouched trapped behind this glaze8964 copyright protection511PENANAu8vEgWJel9 維尼
臨摹宋體落款時卻惦記着你8964 copyright protection511PENANAyNnwHnIeUg 維尼
The shining white holds its shape so elegantly8964 copyright protection511PENANAee42Rp3KVd 維尼
你隱藏在窯燒裏千年的秘密8964 copyright protection511PENANAjjpwIT8J4z 維尼
Beautiful blue hides entwined hold its secrets tight8964 copyright protection511PENANAfPGw55mdR8 維尼
極細膩猶如繡花針落地8964 copyright protection511PENANAct3EZPtDsS 維尼
All of its mysteries subdued beneath8964 copyright protection511PENANA574AzsveVx 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAL1jQQo30Sr
8964 copyright protection511PENANAY1X491tt3l 維尼
簾外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠8964 copyright protection511PENANAfSnCcYVVYk 維尼
These eyes have only one mind set upon us two8964 copyright protection511PENANAK8NpqSa16U 維尼
而我路過那江南小鎮惹了你8964 copyright protection511PENANAwSc4LSIHvn 維尼
My present past and the future reside in you8964 copyright protection511PENANAV6rh9YuFEP 維尼
在潑墨山水畫裏8964 copyright protection511PENANAGsEJs1wySv 維尼
Although the ink has come to fade8964 copyright protection511PENANAElYCgClqeZ 維尼
你從墨色深處被隱去8964 copyright protection511PENANAHOGs8oqgId 維尼
Its art and meaning still remain8964 copyright protection511PENANAnNCdNBMbib 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAbJI9OuZWyu
8964 copyright protection511PENANALkZvxhpmZt 維尼
天青色等煙雨,而我在等你8964 copyright protection511PENANAz9ZjanQWLs 維尼
The sky is crying blue as I wait for you8964 copyright protection511PENANABo59Ogt11R 維尼
炊煙嫋嫋升起 隔江千萬里8964 copyright protection511PENANAh9HWlWX7gK 維尼
The fire in my heart burning white and true8964 copyright protection511PENANAxZYMuQiNlm 維尼
在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸8964 copyright protection511PENANA0TKgEoR6pZ 維尼
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides8964 copyright protection511PENANAGpNzDnj2Vf 維尼
就當我為遇見你伏筆8964 copyright protection511PENANArUTJ7wxPAq 維尼
I see your shadow outlined through8964 copyright protection511PENANAuwp78x8qGH 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAjdeFBgwn52
8964 copyright protection511PENANAYJx5InpKgy 維尼
天青色等煙雨 而我在等你8964 copyright protection511PENANADzCqS7Ql3O 維尼
The sky still dark as I make my way to you8964 copyright protection511PENANAW5mxS4p4ZI 維尼
月色被打撈起 暈開了結局8964 copyright protection511PENANAXuaHXfA8Jk 維尼
White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew8964 copyright protection511PENANAgvkc7ZwuvD 維尼
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗8964 copyright protection511PENANAyL3lD3YkE6 維尼
Our world is greener on the other side so free8964 copyright protection511PENANAXIuoDIa8C7 維尼
你眼帶笑意8964 copyright protection511PENANAsVFY0xBGvQ 維尼
The time is calling8964 copyright protection511PENANATHL1e4ZQZC 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAOGCNu5u31g
8964 copyright protection511PENANA7wgT6H5yk0 維尼
天青色等煙雨,而我在等你8964 copyright protection511PENANAkrYEA4NzhC 維尼
The sky is crying blue as I wait for you8964 copyright protection511PENANAVepzkVUVAj 維尼
炊煙嫋嫋升起 隔江千萬里8964 copyright protection511PENANASPou8SZKtL 維尼
The fire in my heart burning white and true8964 copyright protection511PENANAKFiGZXZhyw 維尼
在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸8964 copyright protection511PENANAP3EbT1qgUO 維尼
A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides8964 copyright protection511PENANAs8dNjKmAha 維尼
就當我為遇見你伏筆8964 copyright protection511PENANAzTUFUaJS7d 維尼
I see your shadow outlined through8964 copyright protection511PENANATlKY2x4HUp 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAfzjnHMz4a8
8964 copyright protection511PENANAYZQGyhDrdb 維尼
天青色等煙雨 而我在等你8964 copyright protection511PENANAVml1fIgEOa 維尼
The sky still dark as I make my way to you8964 copyright protection511PENANAPD6MurSM8J 維尼
月色被打撈起 暈開了結局8964 copyright protection511PENANAi0I9MJJuty 維尼
White moon light guides our way fields of morning dew8964 copyright protection511PENANAByZytS0LK6 維尼
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗8964 copyright protection511PENANAlfn1jMOB3J 維尼
Our world is greener on the other side so free8964 copyright protection511PENANAez8dJphtoI 維尼
你眼帶笑意8964 copyright protection511PENANAsjl3dN6HZf 維尼
The time is calling8964 copyright protection511PENANAjuJvPDsQMX 維尼
515Please respect copyright.PENANAmhan9NO1hv
8964 copyright protection511PENANA62yAnLoJUa 維尼
你眼帶笑意8964 copyright protection511PENANAIU4MivuCfS 維尼
The time is calling8964 copyright protection511PENANA86omSzKqGc 維尼