I was running again, fast and I fell over yet again. I turned around quickly to see Damon not as a wolf this time which was better because he didn’t look scary as if he was going to rip my head off my body. He started to come closer to me slowly.
I walked backward “Don’t come any closer” I stuttered out.
He laughed “ Claire I’m not going to hurt you”
“Huh, I wonder why I can’t trust you... oh yeah... you killed someone”
“Claire, do you actually believe that I would kill someone?”
“Yes,” I lied.
“You are lying Claire”
“I’m not. Now I want to wake up so get me out of this dream”
He came a bit closer then suddenly his hands were around my waist.
“Hey get off me. I don’t want to stay in here so get me out”
He chuckled at me “But if you were gone then I couldn’t do this”
Suddenly he grabbed me harder and pulled me toward him and he kissed me and without realizing it, I kissed him back. I was too shocked about what I was doing for a little bit and when I was to think straight again, I tried to stop it but he was too strong. All I could think about was that kissing him wasn’t as good as it was kissing Jason. Jason felt right and this felt so wrong. I broke it off and this time he let me but his arms were still around my waist. I was too dumbstruck to say anything. He came closer to me again.
“Come out and play Claire” he whispered in my ear which made me shiver all the way down my spine.
But I finally woke up but still shivering and more than anything confused and frustrated and more than frightened. I knew I would not be able to get back to sleep so I got out of bed but then suddenly dropped on the floor not knowing my stomach was still in pain. I grabbed onto my bed and pushed myself up. I lifted up my top to see a huge bruise forming on my stomach.
“That can’t be good” I mumbled.
“Darn right it can’t” I jumped at the sound of Jason’s voice. I turned my head slowly to see him standing there at the door.
I pushed my top back down and looked up to see Jason was right in front of me. I backed away but he grabbed my arm. The same one my dad hurt which made me wince. Jason saw my reaction and looked down at where he grabbed and saw the huge bruise.
“Who did this?” Jason asked angrier than ever before.
“No one, I fell” God why did I say that?
“If it’s that Damon guy, I swear that I will kill-”
I shivered when he mentioned his name “No, stop blaming him all the time”
“Her dad did it” we both turned around to see Fayt. I couldn’t believe he told him. I tried to give him a dirty look but he wouldn’t look at me. Chicken.
Jason turned to face me “Your dad”
I didn’t say anything but Fayt did.
“Her dad hits her”
“He hits her”
“Yes,” Fayt replied.
“Leave us will you Fayt?” Jason asked and he did.
Suddenly Jason pinned me down on the bed carefully trying not to hurt me.
“Claire I need to know everything. We... I care about you and right now I want to rip your dad’s head off and then knock some sense into you so tell me now Claire or we will be here forever”
I looked at him “You don’t deserve to know”
He looked hurt for a minute but then it faded.
“Claire we can talk about that another time and if you don’t tell me I will have to do something I really do not want to do”
I looked up in confusion “What’s that?”
He sighed “I can grab anything from your mind but that will hurt you a lot and Claire I don’t want to do that so please”
“You can go into my mind... fine” I gave up. I hardly do but he is stronger than me and I don’t want any more pain than I already had today.
“Now, does your dad hit you?” he asked.
“Yes” he seemed to be getting angrier but it seemed that he was trying to ignore that.
“I killed my own mother”
He looked up at me in shock “Claire” tears started to form in my eyes.
“Tell me, Claire, what happened?”
I sighed and began to tell him the story that has haunted my dreams for two long years.
“I tried to stop it but I couldn’t... I mean I didn’t. My mom and I were shopping at the mall and I needed a dress for the party my friend invited me to so my mom offered to help me so we went to the bank, you know, to get money but well, we didn’t make it to the bank. We were walking down this alley when this guy cornered us. It wasn’t just one guy, it was a lot of them. My mom told me to get behind her but I didn’t. I was trying to run and I didn’t, I was trying to run and I didn’t even help my mom. She looked at me and mouthed some words but I couldn’t see what words. I just kept on running and didn’t look back even when I heard her screams I didn’t look back. Not only didn’t I help her but I didn’t even try to.”
Jason looked at me and then he suddenly embraced me in a hug “Claire how old were you?”
“Fourteen, I was old enough to know what was happening and I didn’t stop it. I got to be a horrible person if I did that.”
“You sure that happened Claire?”
I nodded and then the tears came out and I rested my head on Jason’s chest while he comforted me.