To say I was in a bad mood was an understatement, it took me a while to get home due to the fact I missed my bus. I didn’t think that my day could get any worse but boy was I wrong. Looking at the driveway I saw that my dad’s car was gone. This usually meant that he was not at home, and for this I was grateful. I made m way to the door while looking in my bag trying to find my house keys. Finally, of course, they were right at the bottom under all my books and other junk that was shoved back into my bag. Grabbing the door handle I began to slot the key in the keyhole, only to have the door swing open letting a warm breeze blow in my face. This was strange, walking slowly inside the house I made my way to the living room where I heard what sounded like my dad sobbing. There he was, curled up on the floor, eyes bloodshot with a large bottle of whisky in his hands. His eyes diverted to my direction, and his facial expression changed from sad, to what I could only describe as full of rage.
“Claire... you bitch you killed her you know that right?” he slurred out while struggling to get up on his feet.
“Yeah, I do dad. Where’s the car?” You may think that I would be shocked to see my dad like this, but this was not the case. Hard to say but this was one of his best days.
“The car?... Oh, it’s gone... it’s gone” Now standing on his feet he took one last big swing of his drink that was now empty.
“What do you mean gone?” I asked again worried about how I was meant to get around without it.
“I mean it’s GONE BITCH!” he started raising his arm, and he threw the empty bottle at me, before it could hit me I jumped out of the way to see it smash into a hundred little pieces onto the floor. Okay, maybe this was not one of his best days. This was most likely time to get out of his way, but before I knew it he was right in front of me. He grabbed onto my arm and started shaking me, shouting hurtful words, but it was nothing I have not heard from him before. I struggled to get out of his grip as it got tighter by the second.
“FILTHY LITTLE WHORE!” I flinched which only seemed to make him smile. He only smiled when he got a reaction. He looked at me his eyes were wide, there was sweat that dripped from his face, and veins that popped out of rage. With one last look at me, he threw me down on the floor and walked away leaving me there in my sorrow. If I told you that he was not like this two years ago would you believe me? I know I wouldn’t. People change in ways that you can no longer see the real person they are truly meant to be. Happy, carefree, understanding, loving, and most importantly a dad. The doorbell rang making me snap out of my thoughts, I stood up and brushed myself off making my way to the door and opening it only to see the last person I wanted to.
“What do you want?” I asked her as she stood there no longer superglued to her boyfriend. Helen.
“I’m sorry about your mom” she blurted out while flinching, probably thinking that wasn’t the best sentence to open with.
“Thanks but I don’t want your pity” I sighed while looking behind me making sure that my father was nowhere to be seen if he heard this conversation it would start him back up.
“Okay, I deserve that I just, she was nice and I am sorry. Forgive me? And I would like it if we can be friends again, I miss you a lot. We were close.” She looked at me with her puppy dog eyes. Would it be so bad if I forgive her? She did come and apologize, plus she was a good friend someone I could use at the moment.
No. We couldn’t be.
“I’m sorry I have to go and I do forgive you but we can’t be friends or anything, I’m sorry I can’t explain I wish I could but,”
“CLAIRE WHO IS IT?” My dad shouted again.
“Sorry” I slammed the door knowing that I had to before she found out anything. I turned around to see my dad looking right at me.
“So who was it?” he snapped.
“No one for you why would there be?” As soon as that came out I wanted to take it back. I ran up the stairs with my dad chasing after me. I slammed the door of my bedroom and locked it. Why!? How could I be so stupid?
“Claire!” He shouted while kicking and slamming at the door trying to get in. I headed for the window, it wasn’t that small and the number of times I have done it I knew I would land on the soft grass by climbing down the drain pipe. It was cold and dark and walking out at this time was not the best, but what was the difference it wasn’t any safer than I am at home if I can even call it that. I walked down the road regretting I never brought a coat as I shivered from the cold.
The usual store I went in when this happened came into my view I knew what I was going to do to come home without getting beat up by my dad it works every time.