Damon walked out of the front door with the other wolves on his trail and slammed it shut. We all stayed silent until we were sure they were gone for good and not listening to us talk. Blake was the first one to talk.
"How could you agree with the dogs?" He snapped at Jason, and you could see the pure anger on his face.
"I had to. He is right. We don't know the forest that well," he snapped right back.
"We could have found it, and you know that we don't need their fucking help!" His voice rose louder, making me flinch.
"With their help, we can find them faster. I know what the mutts did, Blake. I was there, but have you seen what those fucking vampire hunters have done to Claire and to our friend Fayte? He is dead because of them!" Jason shouted at him and curled his hands into a fist.
"I know what they did, Jason, but don't you remember they killed Eve, my girlfriend?" Blake fired back and looked even more angry, which I didn't know was even possible, but apparently he can.
"And our best friend just died!" Jason's eyes began to turn black, making me more frustrated at how they can have an argument at a time like this.
"I said I know what they did-" Blake began, but I couldn't handle it anymore.
"SHUT THE HELL UP! FAYTE JUST DIED AND HERE YOU TWO ARE SNAPPING AT EACH OTHER. WHAT DO YOU THINK FAYTE WOULD SAY ABOUT HIS TWO BEST FRIENDS WANTING TO RIP EACH OTHER'S HEADS OFF!" I screamed, making everyone stare at me in pure shock at my outburst. Pain shot through my stomach, and I bent over and hissed in pain. Jason came rushing to my side.
Blake sighed, making me look up at him. "You're right, Claire. Fayte just died, and we should respect that. I need time to- yeah, whatever." Blake put a smile on his face to reassure us he was okay and walked out of the door.
"Claire, are you okay?" Jason asked.
"Aren't you getting sick of asking me that? Because frankly, I am," I snapped at him while slowly trying to get up. Jason tried to help me up, but I shrugged him off and stood up to see Helen still crying her eyes out, and she was ignoring Shane. I made my way up to her, grabbing hold of my stomach, and I threw my arms around her and embraced her into a nice, warm hug. After a couple of seconds, she hugged me back. I moved closer to her ear.
"He loved you so much, Helen. He would hate to see you cry. I know it's hard, but I think that's what he would have wanted," I whispered, even though they all could hear it. She let out a sob and then tried to make herself stop crying.
"Right, I'm going to let go of you now because hugs don't make you feel better. They make you want to cry your eyes out." I forced a smile on my face, and she did the same in response. I turned around to see Shane giving me a grateful look, and he walked away with Helen, leaving me and Jason alone. I turned my head in his direction, even though I didn't really want to.
"You're mad at me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't know- I mean, no- yes," I sighed in frustration.
"We need to talk," he said in a calm voice now.
"Yeah, we do, but now?" I asked. I was too tired to have a conversation with him.
"Yes now!" he said, grabbing hold of me, and suddenly we were in his room. He let go of me, making me stumble to the side. He caught me just in time, grabbed hold of my hand, and set me on his bed.
"So this is your room?" I asked, looking around just to see a normal teenage room.
"Yes. Why? Like it?" He asked with a sly smile on his face.
"No, I don't," I replied with a shrug. Suddenly, I was pinned to the bed, with Jason leaning over me with a crooked smile on his face.
"Like it now?" He came down and whispered into my ear, making me close my eyes and shiver.
"I- N-oo," I stuttered out with a smile trying to come on my face. He laughed and then pulled me back up with him, so we were sitting back on the bed and not laying on it.
"So..." I started to say and fiddled with my hands, not sure what to say.
"Did-" He sighed and then continued on, "Fayte, say anything before he die?" Jason sighed in frustration and looked down at his hands like I was doing.
"He told me that he loved m-" I began to say, but I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't cry.
"Sorry? He said that he loved you?" Jason looked like he was angry, and he started to curl his hands into a fist. I grabbed hold of his hand, and it seemed to calm him down.
"Sorry," I mumbled. Jason looked up at me in wonderment.
"What for?" He asked. I sighed in frustration that he didn't know.
"I- I shouldn't have gone down that stupid alley," I began to say when Jason grabbed my face.
"Don't ever think it's your fault he is dead, Claire!" He said frustrated with me.
"No Jason I shouldn't have gone down that alley that you were in," I mumbled. I looked up at Jason, who let go of my face.
"What?" He asked confusedly, which was strange for him.
"The alley where we met when I tried to stop you from biting that girl. If I had just let you be, you wouldn't have ended up in my mess. the whole mess of my cancer, which is worse than ever, my dad, who beats me, the werewolves, and now Fayte is dead, and how can I not blame myself, Jason? None of this would have happened to you, and the others wouldn't be involved in my mess." I said and sighed in frustration, and I felt angry and upset with myself, but some part of me was relieved that I let that all out.
"Claire!" Jason snapped at me, making me look at him, but his face made me wince and turn back to my hands that I was still fiddling with.
"Claire, look at me!" Jason said it furiously and grabbed the sides of my face to make me face him, but I avoided him with my eyes. Yet again, in a fast movement, I was pinned to the bed with Jason on top of me, and I had no choice but to look at him.
He sighed "I don't want you to blame yourself for any of that, Claire, and I mean it! You are the reason we might solve the problem with the werewolves. You are the reason that we can kill the vampire hunters, and you are the reason that I feel almost human. I have never met anyone so calm and brave the way you didn't tell the vampire hunters about us or the way you are fighting off that cancer and trying to grasp on the rest of the days you have left until I turn you, and I will with or without your say in it! I care about you too much, Claire, to lose you, and I just lost my friend, and I am not going to lose you." He said it with so much emotion that I didn't know what to say only in what to do.
I slowly inched forward towards his face, and he gently moved his hand down to my waist and lingered there. There was a hesitation, as if both of us were taking the time to memorise the feeling before we were one. Our lips finally met, and butterflies formed in my stomach. Jason slowly moved his hand to my face and brushed my hair away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let the kiss linger on my lips before we drew apart.
I sighed as we drew apart, and the butterflies in my stomach began to flutter away. I stared into Jason's dark blue eyes, and then, as I always do, I broke our moment with a thought rushing through my head, but it needed to be said.
"Fayte's funeral." I sighed and bit my lip down, wondering what he was going to say.
"Yeah, we need to do that." He sighed, got up from me, and then held his hand out to me. I grabbed it tightly as he lifted me up from his bed.