It hurt as much as I thought it would. I have felt worse pain than this. The thing is I didn’t calculate when to jump out of the car. It was just a gut reaction. The tree branches didn’t help much as they brushed across my face probably leaving scars across my face and cutting through my jeans. I didn’t see the tree right in front of me as I rolled down the hill but as it came closer I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the pain to come. But it never did. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a pair of black shoes in front of me. My eyes began to move up and I raised my head. I sighed as I came across the face in front of me and breathed in a breath of relief. Even though we don’t get along as much. I cannot say I was not happy to see him as I really was.
“Claire?” he stuttered out as shock showed across his face. I tried to get up but I couldn’t. Pain rushed through me as I just moved my arm and even when I placed it back down it hurt more than it did before. I think he may have gotten over the shock right now as he kneeled beside me and began to pick me up.
I screamed out in pain as he did he let go quickly as I screamed more when he continued.
“Sorry Claire it may hurt but we need to go,” he said with an apologetic face.
“Okay,” I mumbled as it was all I could get out. I squeezed my eyes shut as he began to pick me up. The pain did not calm down as he began to use his vampire speed to hurry home. In his arms, it seemed to increase more than ever. I knew I was about to drift off as my eyes began to close by themselves without my permission. I tried to keep my eyes open but it was no use. They were going against my own will. I only just managed to get one word out before I drifted off into the darkness.
“Shane...” I whispered to him in a very calm voice.
I was dreaming and this time, not of my mother but Fayt. It kept playing in my mind. I left him there. I didn’t do anything to stop him from dying and I could of but I didn’t. It was someone I lost again. He left me and I let him. I suddenly woke up in shock as pain yet again rushed through me. I screamed and as I did, I started to shake. I thought I heard someone talk to me trying to calm me down but I must have been hallucinating. Why would Jessie try and calm me down? I kept on screaming as I did not want him to hurt me more than he already has. Then I heard the voices around me.
“What should we do?” someone whispered near my left ear.
“I don’t know” they whispered back.
“Shut up all of you! Claire, can you hear me?”
I began to open my eyes even though I was afraid of what would be in front of my eyes.
“... Jason” I mumbled as I began to see the shape of his face.
“Oh God Claire you’re alright,” someone else said and I turned my head to see Helen and Shane. Helen stepped closer to me. I flinched as she did.
“Claire?” I turned to my other side to see Jason with worried eyes.
“How-” I began to say something but it seemed I was still hurting. I tried again hoping not to fail.
“How did I-” I sighed as I felt more pain in my side.
“- Get here. Shane found you” Helen replied and finished what I was going to say.
I began to get confused as to how Shane found me. The last thing I remember was being tied up to a chair and then my mind goes blank. I tried to think of what happened after that when a strange pain rushed into my head. I ignored it and began to think more and then I remembered what happened.
“Christian...” I mumbled.
“Did he do this to you? I’m going to kill him. That son of a bitch!” Jason shouted. I shook my head in response.
“He saved me” I whispered while rubbing my forehead trying to make the pain go away.
“He save... what?” Jason said finding it hard to find his words.
“I was caught b-y vam-”
“Vampires?” I turned my head to see Shane was the one that asked all the way from the doorway.
I shook my head. “No vam-pire hun-ters” I stuttered out.
“Oh God,” Helen gasped out.
“But that means Fayt is trapped there. Where is this place, Claire?” Blake asked and Jason turned his head in his direction.
“Can’t you see that she is in pain? She doesn’t need you to be asking questions right now” he snapped at him.
“Jason he was-” Helen began to say.
“I don’t care. Get out!” he snapped at all of them.
“But-” Helen said.
“OUT!” Jason shouted louder making me flinch but soon enough everyone left me and Jason alone.
“Jason” I whispered his name and raised my hand to touch the side of his cheek but he held on to my wrist and stopped me.
“Do you know how worried I was Claire?” he began to shout at me.
I fumbled with what words to say “I didn’t-”
He sighed and picked up his head and faced me.
“Claire I’m sorry” he whispered.
“For what?” I croaked out.
“For leaving you with Fayt”
As soon as he mentioned his name I shot up from the bed not caring about the pain and began to break down and cry. Jason got up from his chair and sat down from behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned around in response and put my head on his chest and used his t-shirt to wipe my tears. We stayed silent for a while as I was still crying hard.
I nodded my head in response.
“Where’s Fayt?”
I stiffened in response. He didn’t know and that wasn’t the worse part. I had to tell him and the others. I didn’t want to. I couldn’t hurt them that much.
“I-” I started to tell him but I couldn’t and I began to ball my eyes out again.
“Claire it’s okay you don’t have to tell me. We will find him”
That made me turn my head away from him. He put his hand on my shoulder.
“You can’t find him” I mumbled trying to hold back the tears. He didn’t reply and as I turned to face him I saw the confusion on his face. I flinched as I saw his face. I looked down at my hands as I fiddled with them. Jason wrapped his arms around me tighter and lifted up my chin so I would face him.
“We will find him, Claire”
“He... we can’t-” I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I knew I had to get it over with.
“He is... gone” I whispered not sure if I used the right words.
“Gone?” Jason said even more confused.
“I can’t do this!” I shouted with tears in my eyes and began to get up but Jason grabbed me and pulled me back down.
“Claire” he warned me.
I took a breath tempted to just cry. I never wanted to hurt anyone but I always end up doing just that “he is... I can’t. He... well he turned into du-... he is dead and it’s all my fault” I mumbled and then the tears came out of me. Jason turned stiff as I told him and his breathing stopped.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t-” I curled my hands into fists and slammed them on the bed as pain rushed through me. Jason let go of me as soon as I stood up. I couldn’t turn around and face him plus my stomach was hurting. As soon as I stood up, I dropped to the floor. Jason jumped in response and helped me into the bed. I tried to make him stop placing me in bed but he was too strong and I didn’t want to hurt him more than I already did. As he put me on the bed he got on it as well and wrapped his arms around me like he was protecting me. He lifted his hand and wiped the tears that were running down my cheeks.
“I’m so so-” I began to say between sobs when Jason put his finger against my lips.
“Shhh it’s okay Claire” he mumbled the words as I came closer to him and shut my eyes. He stroked my hair and mumbled the word it’s ok over and over again making me fall asleep on his chest. Feeling safer than I’ve ever been.
“Jason?” I asked quietly.
“I’m sorry” I mumbled again.
“Claire it wasn’t your fault” he whispered and kissed the top of his forehead and as he did, I saw tears forming in his eyes and that hurt me more than ever. I soon fell asleep with Jason’s arm wrapped around me holding me as if he would never let me go. That night I cried myself to sleep but yet felt safer than I have ever felt before.