I ran most of the way to class and when I got there I opened the door with a big bang causing everyone to look right at me.
“Claire you are late by 15 minutes. Where have you been?”
I started to breathe heavily trying to catch my breath.
“The nurse Miss” I lied.
“Oh yes, I’m sorry I forgot. Have a seat next to Jason Claire”
I glanced up and made my way next to Jason. Once I sat down Jason whispered to me.
“No talking to erm Damon”
He gave me that look knowing that I was lying.
“God I wish people would stop saying that”
“Where were you? And plus when you said nurse she gave you a sympathetic look. If I said that she would shout at me and call me a liar”
“Maybe she likes me. Not everyone likes you, you know?”
He said loser in my ear and said “Everyone does Claire it’s true” this made me shiver at how close he was. I backed away from him and started on my work. I glanced up at the board to see what page we have to turn to in the book but when I looked down to turn my page it was already on the right page.
He gave me a crooked smile “You can repay me”
“For what? You turning a couple of pages? It’s not rocket science you know”
“Nope, not just for that. For me saving your sweet ass twice”
He looked at me and winked looking down at my body.
“Let me think... no”
“Your loss”
“Not really”
“Well it will be soon” he gave me his evil smile and turned around to face the board. Once I was about to start my work the bell rang making me swear under my breath.
“Okay class dismissed”
I got up and walked out of the class making my way to Biology when I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around to see David one of the jocks. I snatched my hand away from him and walked away but he caught the best of me and stepped in front of me backing me against the wall.
“So you’re the new girl?”
“Yeah, I am. Now get the hell off me”
“I’ve slept with every girl in this school and you’re the last one. So what do you say?”
“I say no. Now get the fuck off me jerk” he moved his hands to my waist causing me to flinch. I tried to knee him in the balls but he sidetracked it and pressed me harder against the wall so I couldn’t move.
He came closer to my mouth and I turned my head away but he turned it back to face him. Then suddenly he was on the floor out cold. I glanced up to see Jason pissed off. Once he calmed down he came to me and gave me a hug. What the hell?
“You okay?”
“I’m fine. what’s up?”
“I’ll kill him I swear” he let go of me and glanced at the floor where David was. He dragged him up and slammed him against the locker.
“Don’t you ever touch her again got it?”
He nodded his head so Jason let go of him and he ran away causing me to laugh at the look on his face like a scared little child. Jason seemed to still be angry. Never knew that he cared.
Jason turned around to face me and came closer.
“Guess you owe me again. Three times now I’ve saved you”
“Yeah I know thanks again”
“Yeah and I want to be repaid now” he came closer to me and then my neck causing me to stand still frozen. He laughed along my neck and grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school gates while leaving me confused.
“Get in”
I got in his car and we drove away from the school.
“Where are we going?”
“You will see soon”
I slouched down in my seat. It was a long ride he kept on asking me random questions like who I lived with, my favorite color, and when I said aqua blue he pulled a face of discuss causing him to stay silent for a while but then he asked me another question.
“Who is your best friend in the whole wide world?”
“My mom,” I said straight away.
“Huh why”
“For taking you away from her. I had to take you sorry” he said while facing straight ahead. It seemed that he really meant it and he has never said sorry before.
“She was taken a long time ago. She died two years ago”
He gave me a smile that seemed to say sorry at least he didn’t say sorry that annoys me.
“We are here” I glanced outside to see we were at a restaurant. I was about to turn around and give him my confused look but he wasn’t there. I heard a chuckle and turned around to see Jason standing there near the door of the car which was open. He held his hand out so I took it and he got me out of the car and put his arm around my waist and closed the car door. Once we got there we went up to the server.
“I would like to have a table please”
“I’m sorry sir but all the tables are reserved” I glanced around to see that there were loads of tables available. They were just picky because we were teenagers and the way we were dressed.
“Look again” Jason’s eyes changed into a black color.
“I’m sorry sir there is a table available. Follow me”
Jason smiled at me and we followed the server to a table. Once we were seated he gave us some menus and left.
“Huh” Jason glanced up from his menu.
“The way you got the table but just to say never use that on me”
He gave me his devil smile and replied with an okay.
“Promise me”
“Yes, I promise. God Claire, what guy do you take me for?” I raised my eyebrow and he quickly said “Don’t answer that”
I laughed and looked at the menu still laughing. Once I picked a meal, I put it down and Jason already called the waitress who seemed to be flirting with him right in front of me. How rude. It wasn’t like I was jealous. I wasn’t. It’s just, let’s say, I was his girlfriend. She would be flirting with him right in front of me. Bitch.
“Excuse me may I be served now? I’m kind of hungry”
She turned around unwillingly so I told her what I want and she walked off in a strop.
Jason raised an eyebrow “Jealous?”
“Yeah right you wish”
“Maybe I do”
It must have been fast service around her as soon as it got placed on the table I began to eat. I must have been starving and I didn’t even know it.
“Yeah” he laughed.
“You?” As soon as I said that I flinched and mumbled a sorry. He just laughed and brushed it off.
“So where were you? And don’t say talking to Damon because you weren’t”
“Is that one of your powers? Knowing when people lie?”
“No, you’re just an open book, and don’t change the subject Claire”
“Sorry well I was talking to Fayt”
“Claire tell me”
“I’m finished. Can we go?”
“Fine. Waitress bill please.”
She handed him the bill and a napkin with her number on it. I rolled my eyes and stood up and walked out of the door to the car while Jason followed me. As soon as we got to the car he got in and so did I. The way back home was pretty quiet. He kept on asking what Fayt and I talked about but I ignored him and stared out of the window.
We finally got home and as soon as we did I got out of the car really quickly and walked to the door. As soon as Jason and I walked in we got attacked.
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BOTH BEEN?” Helen stood there with her arms folded across her chest staring at the both of us with Blake, Shane, and Fayt.
“A date” Jason replied. I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS A DATE.
Helen seemed to be calming down but then turned to me “What’re the pills for Claire?” Shit, I gave Fayt a dirty look and glanced at Jason who seemed to be confused for the first time ever.
“Pills?” Jason said looking at Helen and then at me.
“Yeah, pills. She has one in her bag. Apparently for medicine but we don’t know what the medicine is for and she is going to tell us now”
“I have a cough” Jason looked at me and called me a liar. I really need to learn to be good at lying.
“Tell us, Claire,” Fayt said. He looked like he wanted to torture me to get the answer.
“Fine. I will” I stepped forward and then ran upstairs but Jason caught me slammed me against the door and everyone started to come around me.
“Now Claire we can stay here forever so tell us now or it will be a long day”
I took a deep breath and glanced at Fayt who seemed to look angry and Jason who did too.
“Fine just everyone calm down... I have pills to help me because I have a health problem”
“What health problem?”
“I have... erm well I have-”
“Spit it out, Claire”
“I have... CANCER OKAY? THERE I SAID IT. HAPPY?” Everyone became silent and looked at me shocked. I decided to break the ice.
“So... can I go to bed now? I’m tired”
Everyone looked straight at me in the eyes and started to shout at me.
“Well I didn’t think it would matter”
I glanced up at Jason who gave me a dirty look and walked off and so did everyone else. They were all leaving me on my own. Jason was the last one to leave. He gave me another glance before walking out.