I woke up in a haze with my eyes all blurry. I glanced around my surroundings and noticed I was no longer on the floor in the forest actually I was moving my eyes were adjusted enough to see that I was being carried. I glanced up to see Blaze.
“Finally you’re awake thank God I’m not going to die”
“Huh? Wait what happened to the wolf?”
“Yeah he was brown and had light blue eyes and he jumped on top of me the one who made me fall and blank out”
“Oh no, Jason is going to kill me and Helen too for that matter. God trouble follows you everywhere”
I gave him a look of confusion but he seemed to be in deep thought so I slowly drifted off but he started to shake me.
“Hey don’t fall asleep you might have a concussion or something”
We made it to the house by now we were just stepping out of the forest. As we came in Jason was standing right near the door looking pretty angry at Blaze or me not so sure.
“Hey, we do more than that. Do you mind putting me down now?”
“Oh yeah sorry” he placed me down slowly and then started to straighten himself out. Once he did Jason began to talk.
“What the hell happened anyway? I saw a broken vase in the kitchen you both were gone and Ruby is passed out upstairs”
“Oh no she is just asleep” Blake replied
I giggled and Jason gave me a dirty look and pointed at me.
“We told you to stay in the house but no you don’t listen. What happened? Got lost?”
“Erm no I was jumped on by a well this might sound weird. Huh, what am I talking about? I’m in a house with vampires”
“Get to the point”
“If you ask nicely”
“Claire,” he said in a stern voice
“God pushy. Well as I was saying I was jumped on by this erm well... wolf”
I covered my ears like everyone else. He could have bowled the roof off with that voice. Everyone was looking at each other angrily and what was irritating me was how I didn’t know what the hell they were angry for.
“Erm, why are you all so angry? I’m okay you know. It was a nice wolf I think”
Suddenly I got slammed against the wall by Shane.
“What did it look like?”
I was too shocked to reply. I glanced at everyone to see if they were going to help but they all seemed to be waiting for me to reply.
“As soon as you get the hell out of me I’ll tell you”
He let go and mumbled a sorry loud enough for me to hear.
“Thank you, God, that hurt” I shook my pain off and glanced up to see five vampires staring at me.
Jason replied, “What did he look like?”
“Who?” Jason’s eyes turned a red color and that made me step back.
“God I was joking. He had erm brown fur erm beautiful blue eyes he was a normal size wolf”
“Is that it?” Jason asked.
“Sorry. I didn’t have time to put it on a scale and measure him”
He gave me a shut-up look. It has to be them. I swear I’ll kill them this is our territory”
I glanced around and everyone was still angry and it was making me angry not knowing what the hell is going on.
“GOD I don’t know why you are all so angry it’s just a wolf it can’t control where it goes and to me, it seemed nice”
Helen was the one who stepped and said something while everyone else was giving me weird looks.
“Claire erm it wasn’t just a wolf. It was a werewolf. You know witches are real too right?”
“I think I need to sit down”
“Erm claire you are sitting down” I glanced down and she was right. I was on the sofa and I don’t even remember it. I mean if someone just told you that werewolves and witches are real you would be screaming the same way that I want to.
“Huh, what?”
“You’ve been out of it for like 10 minutes now. Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Yeah I’m okay”
Then soon after I fainted.