“Is she okay? What happened?” Helen said while Jason carried me to his car.
“I’m fine,” I said before Jason could say anything.
“She is not. She needs to go to the hospital”
HOSPITAL? “NO WAY” I started to fidget and try to get out of Jason’s arms but he was too strong.
“God Claire calm down,” he said while looking down at me.
“I will not calm down. There is no way in hell I’m going to the hospi-” I started to cough again. I covered my mouth and coughed more.
“Claire?” Helen said.
“I’m-” I coughed more. So Jason hurried to the car and placed me in while everyone else got in their own car. I started to moan in pain. Jason looked at me for a split second his eyes turned into a feeling of pity. Once we made our way to the hospital Jason got me out of his car and carried me to the hospital doors with everyone following him and I. I looked up at Jason while he was talking to the woman at the counter. I started to drift off. Jason noticed and started to shake me and telling me to stay awake but I drifted off into the darkness.
My eyes fluttered open slowly. A bright light shined into my eyes as they adjusted.
My eyes were wide open now. I was looking up at the light. It was too bright to look at so I turned to my left to see Fayt sitting near the window with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful and calm.
“Claire?” someone called my name again. I turned to my other side to see Jason sitting in a chair near my bed. He was looking right at me with his angry face on and yet again I had no idea why. I moaned in frustration. Everyone reacted as I was moaning in pain.
“I’m fine”
“I WISH YOU WOULD STOP SAYING THAT CLAIRE!” He screamed at me. I didn’t realize that Helen was in the room only when she was suddenly standing next to Jason to calm him down I think.
“Where am I?” everyone turned to look at me. I was glancing around and then I remembered I was in the hospital. I shot up and was about to jump out of bed but Jason knew what I was about to do and pinned me back down.
“What are you doing?”
“LET ME GO” I started to kick and scream and everyone was trying to calm me down even the doctors that came in. I didn’t hear what they were all talking about but it didn’t seem good. Next thing I know Jason was leaning over me and doctors were holding me down and sticking a needle in my arm causing me to drift off again.
I woke up in the dark not knowing my surroundings.
“Jason?” I called out but no one answered. I shivered as a cold breeze went down my back.
“Claire” someone whispered to me.
“Who’s there?” I didn’t know why I asked. I knew who it was. I was just hoping it wouldn’t happen again.
“Claire” she whispered again.
I closed my eyes and started to tell myself it was just my imagination so I tried to ignore it.
“Claire honey?” I couldn’t stand it anymore. I shot up and glanced around holding my covers tight against me. Suddenly a light shone through the window for a brief moment causing me to get a brief look at her.
And there she was... my mother... looking right at me...