Once the door closed, I closed my eyes and sighed which didn’t seem to hurt as much as before. The pain in my side was slowly going away. I opened my eyes to see Fayt standing between the door frame.
“I’m sorry” he came closer and sat on the end of my bed.
“What for?” I asked.
“Telling them that you had pills in your bag and that’s why I’m not telling them about the other thing”
“The other thing?” I gave him a confused look.
“Claire the thing is, well, I wasn’t going to tell you this but if I don’t, I’m going to spill it out some other time so here it goes. I knew about the pills before I saw them fall out of your bag. I saw you and your dad arguing and also when he slapped you. I was wondering what the pills were so I used my powers to make someone push you so you would trip up and all of your stuff would fall out and I was the one that opened your bag when you were walking before you fell. I’m really sorry Claire and the thing about your dad. I think... I know how you feel-”
“I don’t care what you think”
“Huh. What?”
“I said I don’t care what you think. You have no idea how I feel about my dad or knowing how it feels or the fact that I have cancer. You had no right to tell anyone about my pills or mention my dad to me. I know what he did so just go”
“But Claire, I didn’t mean to-”
“I said get out”
He stood up and walked out and mumbled a sorry before going and shutting the door behind him. He had some nerve coming in here and telling me that. I know I’ll forgive him later but right now I’m pissed off and I just want to go to sleep. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to have a shower and get in my pajamas so I can go to bed. Once I did that, I made my way to my bed and switched off the light on the way. I placed my head on the pillow and hoped for a dreamless sleep and drifted off. I had no such luck and fell into my dream.
*I’m running as fast as I can. I’m gasping for air. The wind is blowing my hair out of proportion making it go in my face and causing me not to see. I look back to see how far back they are. I can’t see them, they have gone. I didn’t know why they were after me but I stop and the only thought is running but I stayed put looking back from where they were meant to be but there was nothing. So I turned back around and was about to run far away from them. Somewhere they weren’t likely to find me but as soon as I turned, there they were, standing perfectly in front of me. The problem was, I couldn’t see their faces as the bright light shone on them causing me to look away. One of them stepped forward but not close enough for me to see him clearly. Only his eyes seemed to be showing as well as his posture. It was the beautiful blue-eyed wolf. My heart skipped a beat every time it got closer to me. It was close enough to touch me now so I stepped back but then I got the wind taken out of me as I tripped and fell over. My head banged against something hard causing me to scream out loud. My vision began to blur and the last thing that I saw were five wolves crowding around me.*
I woke up screaming, my head spinning, and gasping for air. Something wasn’t right. I never have different dreams. It’s always the same one every night. I slowly got up but jumped out of my skin when everyone came in ready to attack. They glanced around the room and finally landed their eyes on me.
“What happened? Who died? Where’s the killer?” Blake asked and I gave him a weird look while standing up and stretching.
“I had a really weird and freaky dream”
Before replying, they all looked at each other and they all said at once, which freaked me out “Tell us”
“Well I was running from these wolves and I tripped and fell and when they started to surround me, I blanked out”
“Shit. I told you that they would do something like this. We have to take action”
Everyone glanced at Jason and didn’t reply. It looked like they weren’t going to.
“Right, that’s it. I need to know everything about the wolves because well. I live in this house and I don’t like getting confused about things” they all turned to face me.
“Okay, we will get changed and meet you downstairs. We’ll explain everything Claire” Blake replied and with that everyone walked out.