“...Christian?” I said shocked.
“What? You’re not happy to see me?” he smirked.
“No!” I snapped.
“Awww why not Claire?”
“Why? You nearly got me killed”
“Yes I nearly did,” he said the word “nearly” louder.
“Why are you here?” I asked ignoring his last comment.
“Why? You ask? Well I came to save you”
“I didn’t need saving. Especially from you”
“Ha right. You were tied to a chair and right now you are resting on a tree as you can barely stand up” he smiled satisfied.
“I can stand up!”
“Go ahead then”
I slowly removed myself from the tree and tried not to wobble.
“See I told-” I moved to the side and fell straight on the floor.
“Told you so,” he said not bothering to help me get up. Once I did I lent beside the tree again when suddenly I heard more shouting. I shot a glance at Christian who didn’t seem to have a care in the world. I started to move holding on to trees as I passed by them until Christian stopped me.
“What are you doing?” he asked me.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m running away”
“Why? We are going to fight them”
“What? Are you insane? There are like ten of them” I said to him raising my voice as I carried on.
“Hey, vampire here. I’m pretty sure I can beat human-” he stopped and started to sniff.
“Shit you’re right we got to go”
“But I thought you said they are just hum-”
“No they are not come on” he grabbed me by the wrist and threw me over a shoulder before I could say a word.
“They’re not human?” I asked.
“No” he snapped.
“What are they?”
“A what?”
“Shut up I’ll explain later. We have to keep running”
I stayed silent and closed my eyes and let the cool breeze hit my face causing me to relax more and making me calm even though I was still in pain. But then I snapped my eyes open and realized something.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Somewhere safe,” he said concentrating on the light shimmering ahead of us.
“And that would be where now?”
“Stop asking questions and shut the hell up”
I huffed in response and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the pain in my sides. My head began to drop so I rested it on Christian’s back and closed my eyes and counted to ten in my head trying to distract myself from the pain. It didn’t help much but it was something. I soon fell asleep.
I woke up in a car with rushing pain everywhere in my body. I turned my head as much as I could to see Christian driving looking straight forward at a dark road.
“You’re up finally,” he said without looking at me.
“Huh?” I asked still a bit confused and in pain. I looked at him again and then everything fell into place and I started to remember everything.
“Oh my God Fayt” I started to cry my eyes out finally letting all the hurt and pain out.
“Fayt? Is he still in there?”
“No... he...” I cried out some more tears and couldn’t stop crying. He was gone and it was all my fault. If I didn’t get so much or done something to help him he would still be alive.
“Claire, where is he?” Christian asked so slowly.
“Why do you care?” I asked with tears in my eyes and then I started hiccupping.
“I don’t” he growled at me.
“Fine, if you don’t care why did you save me?”
“I didn’t save you. I need you”
I wiped the tears across my face and held back my tears and tried not to think about Fayt.
“What? For food?” I snapped getting angrier by the minute.
“Tempting but no. I need you for my brother. A trap”
“I won’t do it” I snapped again.
“I’m pretty sure that I can make you”
“No, you can’t” I grabbed hold of the door handle and opened it and glanced at Christian looking shocked and that is when I jumped out of a really fast car.