Great just great they are mad at me for not telling them that I have cancer. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard. I have my reasons for not telling them. Stupid I tell you. I glanced around the room wondering what to do. I headed for the kitchen to get a drink. I really didn’t feel hungry. I grabbed a glass of orange juice and stared out the window and saw a glimpse of something in the trees. I looked again but couldn’t see anything. I knew I saw something. I put my glass down and walked out through the back door. I walked closer to the trees and there it was. Blue eyes staring right at me. It suddenly came out and it was the same wolf that jumped on me before. I went closer to the wolf and it stopped walking and put its head to the side. I was about to stroke it but then suddenly I got pulled back and landed on the floor. I looked up to see Jason growling at the wolf who was doing the same. It slowly backed off and ran into the trees. Jason stood there for a while until he turned around and believe me it wasn’t a pretty sight. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the house and he did this while not glancing at me once.
“Move it, Claire”
I started to move at his pace so I wouldn’t trip up and it did help. Once we were in the house he dragged me to the living room and threw me on the sofa and started to pace while he did that, everyone started to enter the room. Blake was the first one to talk.
“What’s up, Jason?”
Jason stared in his direction and stopped pacing.
“What’s the matter? Well Claire has Cancer and is going to die and she didn’t tell us and plus the wolf came back and Claire nearly got her head ripped off”
“WHAT? No, I didn’t. He was nice”
“Claire, werewolves are not nice. STUPID YOU ARE”
I decided not to reply. I didn’t want another argument, I was too tired. I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment.
“Jason calm down we all just need to talk about this” Helen said.
Jason seemed to be considering this. “Fine” he mumbled and sat down on another sofa far away from me. I guess he was still angry.
After Jason sat down, everyone else did too. Helen started to talk first.
“First we cannot have another war with the wolves you know what happened the last time so we can’t do anything abou-”
“Can’t do anything? They are on our territory and attacked Claire so what have you got to say about that?”
“Didn’t attack me” I mumbled quietly but he seemed to hear me.
“Well, we will give them a warning okay? And if that doesn’t work then we will do something okay?”
“Fine” Jason mumbled again.
“Right now Claire.” she turned to me and so did everyone else.
“Why didn’t you tell us? We could have helped”
“I don’t need your help. I’m fine. It doesn’t matter”
“IT DOESN’T-” Jason started to shout but Helen interrupted him.
“Jason shut it. Right Claire it does matter to us. Now we need to know what kind of cancer”
“I don’t want to talk about it okay? Now if you don’t mind. I’m tired” I stood up but then screamed because my sides were in agonizing pain. Which was one of the symptoms of the cancer. Everyone ran to me and crowded around me asking how I was and what was the matter. I couldn’t reply as I was in too much pain.
“Jason carry her upstairs”
Jason didn’t hesitate. He picked me up carefully and used his vampire speed to go upstairs. As soon as I know, I’m in bed with Jason hovering over me while the others were outside of the room. Jason looked at them and he gave them a nod which seemed to make them all go. They closed the door on their way out leaving me and Jason alone.
“Now since you are in pain and can’t hardly move, I want some answers Claire I deserve to know,” he said firmly.
“I know you do” I glanced at Jason who was now lying down next to me on my bed. I grabbed his hand and sighed.
“I’ll tell you all you want to know but don’t judge me because it’s my choice”
He turned to his side and moved my hair out of the way and looked right at me and said “Tell me everything”